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That is factually false information. There are solid arguments to be made against nuclear energy.

Even if you discard everything else, this section seems particularly relevant:

The long lead times for construction that invalidate nuclear power as a way of mitigating climate change was a point recognized in 2009 by the body whose mission is to promote the use of nuclear power, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). “Nuclear power is not a near-term solution to the challenge of climate change,” writes Sharon Squassoni in the IAEA bulletin. “The need to immediately and dramatically reduce carbon emissions calls for approaches that can be implemented more quickly than building nuclear reactors.”

Wealer from Berlin's Technical University, along with numerous other energy experts, sees takes a different view.

"The contribution of nuclear energy is viewed too optimistically," he said. "In reality, [power plant] construction times are too long and the costs too high to have a noticeable effect on climate change. It takes too long for nuclear energy to become available."

Mycle Schneider, author of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report, agrees.

"Nuclear power plants are about four times as expensive as wind or solar, and take five times as long to build," he said. "When you factor it all in, you're looking at 15-to-20 years of lead time for a new nuclear plant."

He pointed out that the world needed to get greenhouse gases under control within a decade. "And in the next 10 years, nuclear power won't be able to make a significant contribution," added Schneider.

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viral left-wing Twitter account

”cartoonishly liberal”

Friendly reminder that liberals are not leftists, because apparently it still needs to be said

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Bottom right is a fuckcars mod. Based kitty

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Those savages living in the modern recreation of the Warsaw Ghetto we created for them attacked us! It was completely UnPrOvOkEd!

I was going to post a comment saying how thankful I am we could leave the extreme and unabashed aporophobia over at Reddit but… uh, never mind.

Still pretty tame compared to the gems you'd find there I guess.

It's crazy to me how so many things follow the Pareto principle

It's a concerted effort by western media to delegitimize them through language. I've often heard “Houthi rebels” which makes the intention very clear. Ansar Allah is the proper name like you said, and not only were they the de facto government of Yemen before, but also the recent US/UK bombing campaign is making more and more Yemenis unite behind Ansar Allah.

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They operate on our collective belief that it will never happen.

If we want to change that we have to start with the thought that it can happen, I'm all for firing squad but if we have to settle at bleeding them dry to cover the very (very) costly climate catastrophe they have brought upon us, so be it.

Nothing good can come from a Vox government, fascists can eat shit and die

Nobody seems to have pointed out the obvious historical angle where China and Vietnam have been long-time enemies.

The issue goes back to the Cold War era and the Sino-Soviet split and it's kinda hard to synthesize in a few short paragraphs, you can read more on the wiki article about it, but these sections could be a good summary:

Vietnam was an ideological battleground during the 1960s Sino-Soviet split. After the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident, Chinese Premier Deng Xiaoping secretly promised the North Vietnamese 1 billion yuan in military and economic aid if they refused all Soviet aid.

During the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese and the Chinese had agreed to defer tackling their territorial issues until South Vietnam was defeated. Those issues included the lack of delineation of Vietnam's territorial waters in the Gulf of Tonkin and the question of sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.

And also:

In the wake of the Vietnam War, the Cambodian–Vietnamese War caused tensions with China, which had allied itself with Democratic Kampuchea. That and Vietnam's close ties to the Soviet Union made China consider Vietnam to be a threat to its regional sphere of influence. Tensions were heightened in the 1970s by the Vietnamese government's oppression of the Hoa minority (Vietnamese of Chinese ethnicity) and the invasion of Khmer Rouge-held Cambodia. At the same time, Vietnam expressed its disapproval with China strengthening ties with the United States since the Nixon-Mao Summit of 1972.

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I'm just so done with the topic. I don’t want to engage in lengthy internet debates that benefit no one and only serve to reinforce each person's initial stance. I have no interest either in debating against or in favor of tankies.

Although as far as my experience here on lemmy/kbin has been, the people who seem far more interested in making posts (not talking about this one) and constantly bring up the topic are anti-tankies. There seems to be a group of the community here that is fervently anti-tankie, and has to let everyone know at every chance how much they despise tankies and how evil tankies are and so on. These people are the most tiresome by far, at least in my experience, I have yet to come across any of the much dreaded tankie content. Maybe it's because for some of the people in this group the mere fact (I don't know how much of a fact is it and I honestly do not care) of the admins of being tankies is enough to trigger their outrage and anger.

I will say this, why are any of us placing so much focus (and for some, outrage) on some very niche groups of terminally online leftists, when there's been a very scary rise of fascism worldwide, especially in Europe and US, that is currently getting worse? I can guarantee you this new wave of fascism enjoys far more popular support than Marxist-Leninists have, or ever have in western countries. Seems like worrying over the mosquito that’s biting your arm while there's a polar bear mauling the other side of your body. (Before anyone tries the “but tankies support fascism” gotcha, you should know actual Marxist-Leninists outside of these terminally online spaces do not support the current Russian imperial oligarchy, maybe people should also get informed about the concept of critical support, which is still very debatable)

I wish we had keyword filters on Kbin so I could be done with any and all content regarding the word “tankie”

Edit: To the very nice people who felt the need, Reddit-style, of just downvoting me without even taking part in the conversation. This goes out to you all:

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I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Venture Capitalist Ride

Politicians and billionaires:

Literally advocating for XIX century-style Dickensian child labor.
Yeah Imma go with troll as well

there is a single post about lemmygrad

If you check the front page semi-regularly I'm sure you will have seen there's a constant influx, to put it lightly, of memes complaining nonstop about Lemmygrad, tankies, tankie ideology and so on. I'm far from a very active user and I've been able to notice.
Sure, there are news articles being posted about fascism, but an equal response? Don't be disingenuous. Where are all the memes about rising fascism? All the same outrage in the comments? The response is far from symmetrical.

were specifically talking about the marxists on these terminally online spaces that support the current russian imperial oligarchy.

Are we though? Cause most of the posts and comments seem to be addressing tankies as a whole. Not recognizing that these two are being used interchangeably to mean one and the same would be arguing in bad faith.

And implying Lemmygrad is an accurate representation of the current geopolitical positions of Marxist-Leninist communities in real life is laughable at best and a purposefully disingenuous strawman at worst.

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So all revolutionaries are either clueless or deceptive but all reformists are philanthropists who dedicate their entire lives to the improvement of society? Fucking please

How incredibly naive and cynical, both at the same time

It's a topic that's maybe a bit too dense and broad to reduce to a single short comment, but trying to simplify things a bit:

  • Leftism is quite a nebulous term, its boundaries are delimited differently depending on who you ask. IMO It could be characterized as opposition to the capitalist economic framework (stemming from the question “Can the system be reformed?”, only answers starting with a “No” would be considered leftist). One of the main indicators of something being leftism lies in its adherence to the marxist principle of the working class being the owner of the means of production (or more famously, “seizing the means of production”).
    This point in itself would mean democratic socialists (demsocs) are considered leftists but social democrats (socdems) are not. I'm sure lots of people will agree and a lot more won't about that boundary for “leftism”.

  • The conflation of terms like liberal, leftist, communist… into one and the same is a topic deserving of its own dissertation that can only be explained as the resulting image from the warped looking glass that is the current American political landscape, concept that is often illustrated by talking about the shift of the Overton Window. These things in turn can be explained as the lasting echoes of McCarthyism and its Red Scare tactics that had a profound effect on American political discourse.

  • Liberalism (another term so broad it would be impossible to fully explain in a few sentences) in its modern conception, and especially as “liberalism” is understood outside of the US, would mean an adherence to market economy ideology and the belief in private property. That would include all the range of positions from “The system is fine just as it is” to “The system is inherently fine it just needs some minor touch-ups” and all of them would find themselves opposed to leftism, which following the analogy would be the position saying “The system IS the problem”.

And it already looked lifeless back in 2006

Oh no! What will I do now without the prescient geopolitical insight of the Chattanooga Evening Telegraph?

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On top of what OP said, Comrade Sailor Moon was an ongoing meme on places like Tumblr and Reddit, so it's fair to assume lots of people have a headcanon of a Sailor Moon who is not only an ancom but also advocates for violence against nazis and transphobes

Well for one I'm grateful to read at least someone thought it was a reasonable opinion because I've seem to have gotten a personal record of people mad.

I thought we could be done with the Reddit-style attitude towards downvotes (especially with votes being public and all), I'm talking about people who are not even in the conversation and just happen to be lurking and downvote because they don't like your comment or whatever. Such a lame thing to do.

If you disagree with someone over the content of their comment you can reply with your thoughts. Save the downvotes for trolls, bad faith actors, people spewing hate speech (especially fascist rhetoric) and people who are aggressively argumentative to the point of being disrespectful. We can keep it civil if we exclude the usual suspects of hate and trolling.

And why is he trusted? I sure as fuck don't trust him

Nope. Popper's Paradox of Tolerance.

You'll have to excuse the lack of elaboration but I'm kinda done of repeating myself when it comes to this topic.

You should ditch all qualms about losing the moral high ground over nazis. They don't give a fuck, and neither should you.

Come on, don't make me tap the sign post the Sartre quote, you know, the one that goes:

Never believe that anti‐ Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti‐Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. It is not that they are afraid of being convinced. They fear only to appear ridiculous or to prejudice by their embarrassment their hope of winning over some third person to their side.

City builder with no combat is right up my alley, so I thought Against the Storm was absolutely brilliant. A much needed fresh take on the genre.

I'm also looking forward to Steamworld Build. I've loved the Anno series since I was a child and I love most of the games in the Steamworld series, so this combination is shaping up to make for an amazing game. I tried the demo a little bit and it looked so well designed and polished.

Welp, that's certainly an opinion

What's the contemporary meaning of “tankie” other than an empty buzzword that works as the modern replacement for “commie”?

I'm not a fan nor a hater of The Deprogram, I have yet to listen to them to form an opinion. I just hate the amount of “tankie talking” that has seeped even into leftist spaces, effectively c

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the irony in this post

It's like rain on your wedding day

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I also can't wrap my head around “not liking” GDPR

As a relevant example, seems like only citizens covered by GDPR will be able to request Reddit to remove all of their data from Reddit's servers since comment deleting tools and scripts are being bypassed, with loads of comments and even entire profiles getting restored by Reddit admins

I'm asking you, now directly, to stop quoting me in every single comment. Jeez dude.

That's why Israel is getting 38 billion dollars (!) in a ten year period from the US, everyone knows you need an absurd amount of military equipment to reach a consensual two state solution.

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Ty, edited it

Literally the deranged plot that got Mr Burns shot in the Simpsons

America sowing Zionism: Yes…Ha Ha Ha…Yes!

America reaping Neonazism: This fucking sucks…

Slinky ratties

Bombing cities full of civilians, with lots of architectural landmarks and little to no military value, to own the Nazis.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for not holding back against Nazis. I'm always saying that we're due for Barbara Pit pt. 2, but this one seems like a cut off your nose to spite your face situation. We all lost when Dresden was almost leveled to the ground, not just Germany.

Is marijuanaenthusiasts a thing in the fediverse?

Surely you understand the meaning of consensual.

I don't see how the military hegemony you openly spouse could lead to any sort of consensual agreement. Hegemony, by definition, is directly opposed to consensus.

Next thing you'll tell me the settler colonialism and de facto apartheid state Israel is directly enabling are absolutely necessary, for geopolitical reasons obviously.

Besides all that, if the point you're trying to make is that Israel needs the military spending to maintain its territorial integrity, I seriously question they would need 38bn USD in foreign aid just for that.
And that would be ignoring the fact Israel has been increasingly extending its territorial integrity over palestinian land for the duration of the conflict, and will continue to do so. Not a lot of “two-state solution” in that.

Flash cola y flash verde >>>

Jabba the Floppa