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Joined 7 months ago


People should stop using .tar.gz or .zip

They both are not horribly bad, but .tar.zst is just the best option we have, as zstandard is pareto optimal


I use arch btw


GrapheneOS is the best android custom ROM by far. It is more secure, it gets updated very often and security patches land on my phone faster than I hear about them. It is way more performant than the default ROM that ships with Pixel Phones, my battery lasts for days if I don't use the phone.

At first I was very sceptical, as I want to be sure I can rely on my phone. But it is super stable, way better than the Samsung ROM I had before.

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25000 lines added 💀

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Can anyone explain the funny for me?

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Mhm yes that's what I understood, but I didn't understans whats funny about this? What does "I'm your father" mean if the movie is jaws?

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No because some pages might break

Wither was added in 2012 🤓

I just pay the qobuz subscription and use this inofficial script which can download the high res flac files from qobuz. (You can also buy music on qobuz and you get the flac file without drm or so as a download, compared to other services which don't give you the file itself)

And then I use jellyfin to host my music library. Jellyfin has many music player apps which you can use.

But most of the time I'm just streaming through qobuz directly.


At least it is royality free compared to HDMI which has a large annual fee + per unit fee for manufacturers

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Best (for me) is ArchLinux, it's never in the way and has the best wiki at, which is also a great resource for other distros.

Worst are probably Ubuntu and derivatives.


Also supports automatic updates in the background

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The only problem with self-hosting is that big coorps like google or microsoft will put you on their spam list, so your e-mails will land in the spam folder when you send emails to gmail or outlook addresses. Other than that it's not a huge hassle as stuff like or mailu or mail-in-a-box exist.

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Definitely lost in translation. They are a French company. And if I set the interface to french, it says "Zero DRM".

But they have so many blog articles where you can feel that it was written in French but machine translated.

Lmao I tried if DALLE could come up with such a cable, but it just generated some random shit

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Some relevant links to get you started:


also very helpful tool is

And a little tutorial I've found to get you started with the android emulator:

Note, that you can only get root on the images that don't include google play store.

It's really not that hard, after you've done it once. The first time will include some head scratching and learning about some android gotchas. But after that it will be easy.

Don't know how techy you are, but I've had some luck with using pandas for stuff like this, though I don't know how good it works on wikipedia.

You can either do the filtering directly on the resulting pandas datframes or export it to whatever format you like including excel or csv

Lmao I asked chatgpt what some common falsely flagged words are and it literally used Scunthorpe as an example:

Certainly, here are some examples to illustrate how non-offensive words might be falsely flagged as slurs, highlighting the importance of context and nuanced understanding in slur detection systems:

  1. Ethnic Names/Terms:

    • "Niger" (the name of a country) might be flagged due to its similarity to a racial slur.
    • "Shiite" (a sect of Islam) could be mistaken for a derogatory term due to phonetic similarity.
  2. Geographical Locations:

    • "Essex" (a county in England) might be flagged due to its ending, which could be misinterpreted as a sexist term.
    • "Scunthorpe" (a town in England) contains a substring that is a common vulgar term, leading to potential misflagging.
  3. Historical Terms:

    • "Spartan" (relating to Sparta in ancient Greece) could be misinterpreted if the system is not aware of historical contexts.
    • "Crusader" (referring to participants in the Crusades) might be flagged due to its aggressive historical connotations, despite being a legitimate term in many contexts.
  4. Animal Names:

    • "Tit" (a type of bird) might be flagged due to its double meaning, one of which is vulgar.
    • "Cock" (a male chicken) could be flagged for similar reasons.
  5. Technical Terms:

    • "Homo" (as in Homo sapiens, the scientific name for humans) could be flagged due to its use as a derogatory term for homosexual individuals.
    • "Uranus" (the seventh planet from the Sun) might be flagged due to its phonetic similarity to an anatomical term.

These examples underscore the complexity of language and the need for sophisticated, context-aware algorithms in slur detection systems to minimize false positives.

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196 is a square number, the square of 14. As the square of a Catalan number, it counts the number of walks of length 8 in the positive quadrant of the integer grid that start and end at the origin, moving diagonally at each step. It is part of a sequence of square numbers beginning 0, 1, 4, 25, 196, ... in which each number is the smallest square that differs from the previous number by a triangular number.

This seems to be the original source: Note that this is sorted by market share and not by the payout.

Fav berries in no particular order are raspberries, blackberries, cranberries and blueberries

Oh no the Uhuber

Imagine waiting in a drive through.

(I'm an Europoor)

Probably because they sell you the FLAC files directly, too. But you are right, it's a high payout, that can't be really sustainable.


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No when I patch youtube, it wants me to download this 2 year old gmscore build:

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Even happened in the comments here


I like mine unhinged

Ah stimmt, aber ist das irgendwie der C Weg, seine dependencies in nen thirdparty ordner zu packen?? Lauter so 6000 uns 4000 zeilen dateien 💀

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Same I just went with Tridactyl without a particular reason. Though their native messaging part, where you can execute stuff like your editor with a keybinding is a nice addon that others don't have.

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