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Joined 12 months ago

designer of experiences, developer of apps, resident of nyc, citizen of earth


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Or how about, “quotes Hitler”?

it’s 2023, and… yeah… this story sounds like bad sci-fi, so it’s probably true. I’d read he article, but I’m afraid I’d see the word “unobtainum” and throw my phone across the room.

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18 years with Plex, and I have zero regrets. I always knew this age of streaming would sour sooner or later. I’ll admit, the good times lasted longer than I expected.

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does the Lebanese government think seeing all that pink (omg, so much pink in that movie) is going to make people gay? lmao

really, though, that movie was so pink, it cured my heartburn

they don’t give a shit about the people this will affect; they’re just abusing a wedge issue to win elections. it’s all about manipulation and power.

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is the Deep State™ in the room with you right now?

it’s totalitarianism vs freedom to have intelligent discourse

bigotry isn’t “intelligent discourse”, and calling out bigots for their bigotry isn’t “totalitarianism."

What Faustian bargain must one make to gain access to these wondrous pills, I wonder?

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he IS the circus.

the three (wedding) rings, the freak show (of a family), the hall of mirrors (of election fraud claims), the clown show (of supporters), the (legal) trapeze act, AND the elephant (in the room)!

why just 100Mbps? why not 250? that’s still pretty simple for them to do. also: net neutrality, dammit!

got stuck in a sand trap on the back nine

and who even wants this? a couple of friends have them, and it seems like nothing more than a weird novelty. in sci-fi, the phone unfolds to become a tablet, not folds in half to become… uselelss while potentially damaging the screen for no good reason.

this is a classic example of one of those technologies that you think would be cool, but once you have it, you’re like, “eh, never mind.” but Samsung went all sunk cost fallacy and doubled-down on it, losing billions. brilliant!

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why? is there any evidence of them having done that in the past?

A Siberian Gulag will do that

from what my friends have told me, that novelty wears off real quick, and is replaced with the concern it will break or wear out— which happens more frequently than manufacturers claim. if not the screen itself, then the hinges, which were a common problem with the old flip-phones, too, back in the day.

I mean, you like what you like. I’m just speaking from a practical standpoint in that any moving parts = a high manufacturing cost and higher rate of defect and breakage. the primary advantage of the “candy bar” form factor is that it reduces/eliminates moving parts and potential points of failure from the physical design.

I admit… I really do miss the idea, even the feel of flipping a phone shut. hell, I even miss slamming a phone down to end a call. angrily jamming my finger into a screen to end a call is REALLY unsatisfying, and often ends in my throwing my phone across the room, and I’ve thankfully developed the habit of throwing it at my couch to save on replacing expensive smartphones, lol. but, until tech evolves tot he point where we get phablets a la Westworld or Legion that can unfold into a super-slim tablet rather than fold down into a flip-phone from the past whose screen could actually just break at any moment because the tech was rushed…. yeah, I’m not interested.

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Original article from Fox News, of course.

damn, beat me to it

NFTS: you invest all of your data into it, and it grows and grows until it suddenly disappears as you discover it was a scam all along.

Is there really a difference between those two things?

how many kids ya got?

You can just set your phone to wipe after X wrong attempts and do that, ending the issue.

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from another comment:

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This is referred to as the Streisand Paradox, wherein one blames Barbra Streisand for something, thereby triggering the Streisand Effect. 

This is different, of course, than mentioning Streisand and Cloony together, which produces The Perfect Streistorm.

you can almost certainly just rent them for a short time.

at least it would be a cool story ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Tech companies have fought against gag orders many times before and been supported online for doing so.

do you have any sources/evidence that show twitter doing this?

lol, ya got me. I laughed.

You know Plex is trying to become a streaming platform, right?

no they’re not. they’ve had streaming options for many years. you can also just turn it off. it’s very easy.

also.. so what? they offer some streaming content alongside their media managements capabilities. people just like you have been crying foul over that for a solid decade, claiming that Something Bad™ would happen. Guess what? It hasn’t.

From someone who’s spent around 20 years with xbmc/Kodi. Even better, it’s free.

they’re free because they’re far inferior. they lack many features Plex has which my users and I use constantly. Same with Jellyfin… none of the alternatives can do all of what Plex does. not to mention that I strongly dislike the interfaces of the alternatives. they’re, at best, undercooked, unrefined. If they work for you, fine, but they don’t work for me.

Finally, Plex is also free. There is a premium tier that’s paid which includes a few premium features, but, as a Kodi/Emby user, it’s nothing you haven’t already been living without. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

yeah. they're called "ads"

A British MP, you say… oooo