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"This guys name keeps showing up all over this case file" "Thats because he's the victim!"

This has always been a fascist psyop

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Local Jew in Detroit here. Woll was my friends' cousin. Another friend was in elementary school with her at Hillel.

People are shook up and scared. People aren't sure if this is the crest of a wave of antisemitic violence, or something more senseless.

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honestly? I hope he dies in the next few months. It would save us all a lot of heart ache. Natural causes. We dont need hm becoming a martyr.

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I picked up my friends switch used for 200 buckaroos. I got really into DS emulation and I went really hard on pokemon especially. I was looking forward to BDSP.

The new pokemon games were really anemic. I got some fun out of Mario Galaxy. But it just sits there now. I miss the first party piracy experience. I think also if i had had the ability to easily bring my old school mons (which i still have saved on my pc).

I primarily use Discord as a one stop shop to play and run dnd campaigns. I first hopped on it around 2017, and its was way better than any other group chat app. Around the pandemic all my groups started playing on it and it became relatively seamless. I joined exactly one streamers discord but that is totally it. In general I wouldn't expect it to be a good archive, or forum, nor do I expect it to be secure. I use armchord on PC. I started using it before it was enshittified. For what it does, it does it pretty well.

For the record, I have used matrix and Signal. I think both have the issue that a critical mass of my friends don't use them. I liked Signal a lot when it had SMS support. I used it as a my primary SMS app, and some of my friends had signal as well, so that was cool. now its more like a specialized messenger app, and I fucking hate having yet another one of those on my phone. Matrix encryption keys are giant stumbling blocks to my friends who do give a fuck. I play ttrpgs with some people who could not give a fuck. I would have to set up the server, set up the account, and then I would have have to do the encryption key for them. And like people say, Matrix logs you out every little while. You can turn notifications off and totally forget about it. For my non techy friends, this is literally a bridge too far.

I literally have two friends who think Matrix is cool. No one else even has an account, much less a server. And the support to meet people who have this app is very limited. Cool, but I think it will always be a niche.

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Once I worked a double with a coworker I had a small crush on. Towards the end of the shift, my sister called me. She was staying in a rural area on the other side of the state. She had started to drive home, and something had popped her tire. She had no spare, and no where was open... and she had an international flight in the morning. I told her, yup yup, I'll go get her.

As soon as I got off my call, my co worker insisted that she go with me. "You're going to need a co pilot." After some back and forth, somehow we ended up taking her car even. That was at 8pm. It was really nice at first. I learned a lot about her. She told me about her fiance, and her upbringing in the south. We got to our destination at midnight, and both of us were bushed. We asked my sister if she could take the wheel for the way home. We both fell asleep.

My sister hit a deer at around 2am. We were still about 90 min from my car. Who do you call at 2am to drive that far to turn around and drive all the way back? I started making calls. We were dropped off at this truck stop; I am trying to be strong for these ladies; one of whom just had her car totaled and one of whom is my literal baby sister. One of my friends made the drive; and Ive got stories about her (which also might just be movie esqe). In any case, I took my co worker home, and then handed my keys to my sister gingerly, because she had some stuff to do at her house before my dad took her to the air port. She made her flight with 20 minutes to spare, at 830 am. My car was the first one she left in working order that night.

I spent the next month helping my coworker get around while my sister was abroad. Didn't get the girl, but that's the story of my life. This had stakes, and acts, and a second act turn!

Its okay to play DnD and Magic. But its not okay to give WotC money. Remember when they sent literal Pinkertons after a guy. Or when they tried to end the OGL. That was all last year.

Theft is moral. Paying corporation for the privilege of being stolen from is not.

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I went to my banking account page, where I can make transfers and look at my money. My ad blocker had blocked a GIANT ad in the center of the screen.

.... like from the Davinci code?

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I know the feeling. I went to middle school with Hillel Wayne

Youtube doesn't pay attention to what ads get approved, or where they get served. Ive heard stories of people getting served two hours full amateur movies as ads, Ive heard of people getting soft core porn served as an ad, to actual scams and crypto pitches. It's like Facebooks new AI enabled algorithm. There is actual danger, considering children and the elderly get sucked in to youtubes black hole?

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I dream of a world where we are free to create art without having dance for Capital

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I think of them when I dream about them facing a firing squad.

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ConservativesofTikTok hehe.

Okay first thing: there is no mainstream left in US politics. AOC and Bernie taper off at a hair left of center. I don't even dislike them. And normally that would be fine, but the right does include flamboyant, very loud fascists. So the right has no counter weight, and what there is are Centrist Libs, who long for days of "reaching across the isle", and "order," and "civility" While people talk about Fascists projecting, the Libs are too; they think everyone approaches politics in good faith. They don't realize the fascist uses their invitation to get in, and civility as a mask to play the game. The fascist uses any means they can to gain power, and then disposes of the libs when they don't need them anymore. The libs are left, like Eddard Stark holding a piece of paper, with their dicks in the breeze.

This last piece of this is that there is an aspect of the left that matches what you say, the so called "dirt bag left," streamers like Vaush and Hassan Abi, and Chapo Trap House. They are in fact quite controversy prone, and I don't think they are good people, but I think they do match the general vibe of your statement.

I stuck with Babish through his expensive weird era because I still felt like I was learning something about cooking, even if i couldnt make his three day Troy pizza casserole or whatever. I still felt like I was becoming a better cook. Recently he switched up his editing style to less voice over, hands only content and more click baity listacles, and more videos where hes messing around in the kitchen. I liked watching the hands only stuff because I could see what he doing, and there wasnt any emphasis on his face, so there less emphasis on his personality, and therefore I felt a little less intimidated as far as trying it myself. The voice overs were also really concise. The end result was also really light weight, and felt like a recipe that didn't have all the SEO "my grandma taught me how to make this cake before she died" garbage.

Alvin is still making videos in the classic "Babish" style on the Babish channel, and I still watch the vids Andrew puts out in that style, but if i can see his face, I wont even click on the video.

This is such a weird take. There is 20 years of content on youtube and not just like, unboxing videos or AI generated kid stuff or whatever. Theres family recordings and DIY vids for literally everything, to college courses from like, Yale and Harvard, to vocational videos I use for my job. All of the videos that radicalized me into an Ancom on are youtube. Every song ever recorded, including rare songs like second hand accounts of slave field hymns. Old, obscure movies, especially where the copyright holder doesnt give a fuck, are available for free. Small indie projects, like small groups producing shorts, and small bands making their own music, are on youtube. And yes, millions of hours of people playing video games, or sports high lights, or wrestling high lights, or video essays or whatever, are all on youtube.

The world is the way it is. Do I wish the web was more diversified? I do. Do I wish Alphabet didnt have us over a barrel like this? Of course. But youtube is almost a utility at this point; its like saying dont use the roads bro, eventually they will listen to us and put in light rail tracks. I would love for that to happen but you gotta get to work in the mean time.

The incessant grooming of our children will never stop until we lock up every single pastor and shutter every church in this country.

it took ten years for avatar to get one

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Vote, and then prepare for direct action

The Rock, starring Sean Connery and Nicholas Cage

this is the title of my next light novel

2024 is going to be an inflection point. Either Trump wins... or he loses.

Dark Knight. Heath Ledger's Career defining performance can't save this tortuously paced, boring, dreary, washed out slog of a war on terror metaphor. I hate Christopher Nolan, all of his movies are like this.

The star wars prequels get a lot of hate, but honestly, all of the cracks were beginning to show in Return of the Jedi. 4 and 5 are indisputably good movies, and part of the cinematic canon. Jedi has a lot of small things wrong with it... and also Leah is Luke's sister randomly. This is a Lucasism, and as the people who were capable of standing up to Lucas fell away, and were replaced by people who grew up in star wars. Everything that makes the OT good is present in the prequels, and everything that makes the Prequels... contentious is present in Jedi. For the record, I like the prequels but I think they are flawed in really interesting ways.

Jedi is even in quality with all the prequels and sequels that came after, but has a better rep than it deserves because it stands next to the first (best) two.

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Maybe its just me, but I see moon a lot. They post sovereign citizen stuff, which is what i see regularly, but they are also a pretty good poet.

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I'm a case manager for a local org that supports people with intellectual disability. I like my job, I set my own hours, and even if there was no profit motive it would still need to be done. My only complaint is where I brush up against the capitalistic intersection, so the county is our funder and they really pinch every penny compared to, say the sheriffs' office.

I think its the larger double standard; men are sex monsters. A woman and a man can't be friends. A child with a man is in danger.

This is connected to; Intimacy is feminine. Men can only be vulnerable or gentle with their partners or families, if then. Its not universal, obviously, but the callous lover and the distant father are not so uncommon so as to be unrecognizable. Intimacy between men is also considered feminine, unless in the military or team sports.

It's a world we created as well. Every double standard listed in this thread is a double standard. But it is also something cultivated by the Patriarchy.

  1. I had a lot of growing to do before then, but at that point I felt like I had become a person I wanted to be. I actually had got back to school, so I was around a community of learners, and I felt like I was still on top of my job. I feel like I mulliganed my early 30s to the pandemic.

I recommend piracy

maybe get a D&D game going

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who argued X men was never woke?

In general, they have different things they perceive and admire about the two. Please know, I'll be using some of their words. In Hamas, they see people battling "Degeneracy" and "Jewish Influence." There is an admiration for Israel, as an theocratic apartheid ethnostate. Seriously, at protests, Ive seen them carry Israeli flags before. Mostly, though its a party. "The subhumans" are fighting, one will be destroyed and one will look bad in the eyes of the international community.

I guess it depends. My relationships never lasted terribly long, but I was kind of a slut in my 20s. I deleted all my socials during the pandemic. So in the spirit of the question, 5 years. At first I needed some time alone, but then it just kind of happened. I'm open to the idea, but loneliness is preferable to the casino that dating apps became. I'm in my 30s, single friends of friends are thin on the ground. I don't even know where 30 year olds meet each other. I wish the library was open late. I do enjoy the single life. I sleep in every morning. I spend my money how I wish. But people don't realize how touch starved you get. No sex won't kill you, but no intimacy might. Its why dudes can't distinguish between friendly and sexual contact; they get none of it, especially after their mom dies. I don't know. A girlfriend would be nice.

Oh boy Jill. I was crushed to learn about her transphobia. And also her cringe book.

When concentration camps are on the ballot, be prepared to do a little more than vote.

Invidious is an old standby

Sometimes I wish Hollywood still made lower budget movies, because this felt like it needed a lesser production value. Jason Momoa knew what kind of movie it was.

And he rawdogged covid full force.

But he is an old important white guy

I dont know. Smith was a grifter like you said, and blew up his own cult just so he could fuck as many teenage girls as he wanted. He essentially institutionalized child abuse by church elders such that the US army had to be called in, and there are still groups of cultists who still do this. Smith was essentially above the law, and was preparing to marshal an army to resist the US government for the right to fuck every child

Shadowrun also has the halloweeners