
1 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Dont let anybody convince you the protest is not working, otherwise they wouldn't be doing all of this in response.
I left reddit and don't intent to come back, but for those protesting, I wish you all the luck

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Remember all those posts that sometimes will come up in r/relationship advice or subs like that portraying really vulnerable people that are really down on their luck ("Im a single mom/dad and have to do horrible things so that my children can eat" "Im an abused teen and can't escape my home" "Im trying to escape a borderline cult" etc etc)?

Now, Im sure at least some of those were fake to begin with (I don't have anything against those subs or those stories, but you can't guarantee every single one of them is true). Now imagine if they could put a little edit in the end "thank you all, you are so kind, I managed to sign up into reddit's content program, so if you want to help make sure to upvote and leave some gold, it means so much".

In those subs, people were already helping out how they could (I would often see people offering to send food or stuff to OPs home, things like that)... so that's not gonna backfire at all if its implemented.

Honestly, If I were the mods Id nuke the whole subreddit: delete anything of importance, especially any important asset you made for that community (say, FAQs, resources, links, banners, logos, etc.) or better than delete it, edit it out with information as to where you are migrating, leave the shit behind. When you are done leave the sub closed till they take it away from you, and best of luck to anyone that has to rebuild again from nothing.

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I mean, if all you are posting is John Oliver, it achieves three goals:
1- Puts the spotlight on the protest, which many users probably didn't know much about or didn't understand (cause they were out of the loop and just found reddit blacked out all of a sudden).
2- People eventually will get tired of John Oliver and/ or the same images will start getting reposted over and over again, which makes the sub uninteresting and users less likely to lurk or engage.
3-New users of the platform will come into reddit and see it filled with a bunch of crap instead of thought out content.

Since reddit is not playing fair there is no easy answer on what's the best way to protest. If they remain closed and they just put new mods in charge that will keep the sub running bussiness as usual, making the sub as unatractive as posible sounds like a better option.
I personally jumped ship and came to kbin, but I don't run a subreddit.

Oh yeah, Back on reddit I never checked the notifications on my comments. I liked giving the advice but got terrible anxiety when someone answered because I knew there was a fifty-fifty chance of someone flying off the handle. Making it even harder, english ain't my native language and from time to time if Im tired I mess up.

In here people have been so nice, even as Im learning and messing up how to work this platform.

Probably she wanted to stall the process as much as posible so that they could bill the service some more before cancelling.
That or they have a script to make the service as hard to cancel as posible and she was just parroting that, without really paying attention to what OP was saying.

I spent so much time there on reddit spreading knowledge of the things I had experience with and was passionate about (mostly piercing care, plant care, and science related stuff, which Ill admit is a pretty random combination of things).
For now, I can't bring myself to delete it.
But I do look forward to spreading the things I learned to a brand new audience, so Im keeping my head high even if Im sad its come to this

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Yeah, about that... I have a secret to confess.
Im not actually a 2D dog

Paul Ekman had this "theory of basic emotions" that were supposedly universal for humans and had their set of "innate" gestures for each one.
For his original works, he travelled to some secluded communities and registered that the expressions for "happiness / fear / anger / disgust / sadness / surprise" were supposedly shared among human kind.
Why do I say supposedly? Because a lot of Ekman's theory was disproved (for example, he claimed each emotion had an area of the brain dedicated to it, or at least some unique structure, which fMRI studies are not finding to be true, even if there is a lot we still don't know on human emotion). There's also claims that he contamined his data when he went to these secluded communities, and influenced (probably unknowingly) his results to make everyone's expressions match the ones he expected for each emotion.

So... are there universal expresions of emotion? Not an easy answer. The physical responses more linked to survival probably are (say fight/ flight in response to fear, startle in response to surprise). The more social ones? don't know, some may be heavily influenced by culture. You would have to make a study on very young, blind babies from different cultures or something of the sort which would not be easy. Also there's the thing that babies cannot tell you what emotion they are experimenting, even if you can asume some (loud noise and baby is crying probably equals fear, BUT the baby can't confirm it, which is a methodological problem for some Scientists).

If this interests you, Ledoux has some great approachable work on the "survival circuits" of the brain that explain emotion in a way comparable to animals and linked to their evolutional value.

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I just grabbed my most upvoted comments and "put them behind the paywall".
Of course there is no paywall, but you just get to read the first few words that were there and then I edited in a message saying:

This used to be a full comment, you can find more resources in the link bellow since I have moved to kbin and reddit doesn't deserve my content! Bye reddit, you won't be missed!
For more [subject] advice, find me on https://kbin.social/m/[subject]

Bonus points if I could cut the comment out at the exact time it was about to become useful "Whats actually going on here is that..."

I did that for fresh comments going back to 4 months and most upvoted comments going back until I reached the ones with 20 upvotes. It was manual, I was waiting for something to process in my work computer.

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Don't really need or want my data during my time in reddit, but it was an easy form to fill, and I spent years making it (although not as many as some of those 10+ year-old accounts), and if it is a pain in the butt for them to send then screw it, its mine and I want it.

Didn't even know what a 3rd party app was until the protests (never used reddit on my phone to limit the amount of time spent there, and was never very tech savvy).
Left because of other reasons, like a couple mods of communities I love packing up and leaving and the sheer principle of it all.

Im halfway tempted to start claiming demodded subs and filling them up with instructions on how to move to their kbin/lemmy alternatives.
If they kick me out and ban me I won't find out cause I don't go into reddit no more.

Edit: of course they would never give the subreddits to me, but I find the idea really funny

Imagine if the songs The KKK Took My Baby Away and Fire of Unknown Origin (took my baby away) are talking about one really unfortunate baby that keeps on being taken away by random stuff.

Yeah, I gave advice on some smaller / niche, topics. I didn't delete the whole thing, only my most upvoted and/or most recent comments (I went all the way to december 2022, and every comment with more than 20 upvotes). Replaced it all with a link to my kbin.

It was kind of sad reading all the replies that were like "we should put this comment in the FAQ / this is the best comment / this covers everything". I was very throughout and loved speading what I learned, and it pains me a little the few times I lurked in those communities since moving to kbin and see lots of unanswered pleads for advice or straight up terrible advice being given...

Im not a mod, but on a smaller scale on my own profile, I grabbed all my most upvoted comments (started from the really upvoted ones until I reached 20 upvotes or so) and edited them out to only leave the first few phrases or words. Then inserted a message that read:

"This used to be a full comment, you can find more resources in the link bellow since I have moved to kbin and reddit doesn't deserve my content! Bye reddit, you won't be missed!
For more [subject] advice, find me on https://kbin.social/m/[subject]"

Bonus points if I could cut the comment out at the exact time it was about to become useful "Whats actually going on here is that..."

Did that sorting by most upvoted and also my fresh, since it wass manual I only managed to do so much, But I liked the approach better than just deleting it all or editing with "fuckspez" so that they could get back and revert it.

Don't think it as boycoting these companies, cause that wouldn't work.
But all it takes is one look at the news (on a very sad example, how target removed pride merch from their stores) to see it only takes a few loud voices complaining for some companies to shit themselves and adress the complaints. Right now, many of them are advertising in a protest / NSFW filled landscape... they may not take a liking to that.

This reminds me, there is a plant that actually looks like bunnies. Ill chose to believe this picture is their origin story

You can replace reddit.com with reddit.adminforge.de, so say instead of reddit.com/r/ModCoord --> go to reddit.adminforge.de/r/ModCoord

You can scroll your little heart away without giving reddit any traffic

They are probably not gonna get backpay, but what this could achieve is to force reddit's hand in legally recognizing mod's work from that point on and giving the mods more standing than they have now.
At the very worst, it sends a message and helps to continue bringing to light reddit's shitty practices.

Anyone working on reddit might benefit from contacting some of the people that used to work on twitter, just so that they are prepared for what's to come y´know.
I mean spez already said he admires Elon Musk's directive of twitter, it doesn't take much to know that its going to turn into a very shitty place to work for if it hasn't reached that point yet.

Hope Im doing this right (reddit refugee, hello everybody). Best of luck with your healing!
Titanium took a while to arrive where I live so I got to see all of the friends that thought they couldn't get piercings suddenly being able to rock new piercings. Wish you all the best!

Don't know, but so far it seems like most marketing algorythms don't know what on earth to do with me, cause I really be here on internet doing very specific things that don't necesarilly relate.
They throw in the most random stuff, sometimes its things from countries Im not from, other times they think Im male, others that Im female.
On a very funny instance I got a youtube add (won't elaborate on why addblock wasn't on) recruiting me to join the sugar daddy / sugar baby business(?????? (still don't know if they wanted me to be the sugar daddy or the sugar baby, cause sure as hell I aint got the money and I aint got the goods).

Some people fake it with children to fake appeareances (they may not care about the child, but they do care about the opinion of the parents or anyone watching), I find it way more telling when looking how they treat animals and pets, since those are often percieved as "inferior beings" and its harder to fake it.

I personally trust my dog's opinion on people upon meeting them.

Currently on the last stages of healing my daith piercing (if anyone is stuggling with that one, I have some advice I learned the hard way haha).
Rocking the pink bangs I gave myself during quarantine and couldn't get myself to let go of.
Excited for future piercing and tattoo projects

I dont get it either, Ive been browsing different instances(? and when I find some community I like I search it up in kbin (which Im trying to make my main account I guess) by copying that little bit that comes up that says "copy and paste in your node's search bar", If I cant join from kbin I make a new account and join from there.
Its whatever, Ill figure it out eventually.

I was waiting for a process to run in my work computer, and I didn't comment all that much (I gave advice on very specific subjects).
May not be the solution for everyone, but if you made and posted some important self-made content on reddit (say a guide of some sort, a compendium of usefull resources, etc), editing it out like that could work to keep it gone and redirect trafic to the fediverse.

Nice, dude! Cool design

I do see the gif!
They are adorable little demons

Nice username tho.
Saludos desde algún lugar de LATM.

Pretty much like this:

But in all seriousness, we would probably ask them what they think about reddit's working environment and a few questions like that, and then everybody would move along

If you are at desktop, the comment box is at the bottom of the page

Reading the edits, I just think OP is poop-shy and its either scared/ grossed out to poop on a camping trip, or has to use one of them "hole in the floor" toilets. At the end of the day, If OPs life is not on the line (which it doesn't sound as), its better to endure the poop than to endure whatever digestive torture they are about to inflict on themselves, but thats my opinion.

If it were something demanding like expedition to the everest they probably would have someone professional preparing them nad telling them what to and what not to eat.

I wasn't subbed before on reddit, subbing now on kbin cause honestly guys, kudos on you for going out with a fight

I moved all useful resources and information to kbin, which Im organizing neatly in a one person one suscriber magazine. Then edited all my comments to that community to lead there.
If anyone comes looking for the info, they can find it.

That said, I just edited everything from this year and every single comment I made with 20 upvotes or more. My posts I hid from my profile, and either deleted, edited, marked NSFW or a combination of those options, the rest I left there cause I don't like deleting everythin willy nilly.

Yep, I have experience with volunteer work (not on reddit, in an actual organization with good intended objectives).
The organization is great, we are ALL volunteers, from the directives to the everyday volunteers. ALL money made goes back into making the project reach wider, don't want to give many details but money goes into giving out free or very accesible education and health-related services to those in need. We have access to the numbers, its all transparent.

The coworkers are nice, its a very niche area of work and we all know one another (so you also make connections with some important people in the field). Some of us have long lasting friendships. The directives of the organization are a mix of founders and the longer lasting volunteers that want to take on those roles. All positions are decided by vote of the community, anyone from the community can apply to any role and pitch in their ideas to make it better. We do that every six months.
It opens many many doors for you, can't begin to count the amount of stuff I learned, the amount of opportunities that stemed from that (internships, jobs, grants... etc) and volunteers get to use all services the organization provides for free (so I got free education, very discounted health-related services for my family, etc.)

All this to say this is a nice place with a nice working environment (all things reddit is not), that actually gives voice and opportunities to everyone involved.
All that, and we still can't make most of our volunteers stay longer than a few months, because when any other compromise comes up, volunteer work is the first thing to go (which is logical, that's life). So good luck to reddit, getting anyone to stay without the proper tools and right in the middle of the IPO dumpster fire

Thank dude, means a lot. Here's to hoping everything works out

Only came back to reddit to edit my profile stating where Ive switched to (kbin in my case).
Left one comment on a post asking for advice telling them an answer was posted on the subs's kbin equivallent.
Other than that, I don't plan to log back in, and if I need to search something I do it adding https://reddit.adminforge.de/