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Because they haven't been affected by Manifest v3 yet. As soon as they realise just what Manifest v3's all about...They'll give a fuck.

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Games don't always run perfectly under Windows on release either.

I specifically remember one of the CoD games running just long enough to use up all my vram, whereby it would promotly crash. Took about about two weeks to sort that one out.

My tinkering under Linux consists of downloading a game under Steam, ticking a compatibility checkbox, and playing the game. For other launchers, I simply open Bottles and install the launcher of my choosing. Been playing Diablo 4 under Battle.net just fine since launch.

It blows my mind just how bad file system performance is under Windows compared to Linux. I mean, you literally have to have an SSD in order for the OS to be responsive. Granted, most have SSD's these days, but performance on spinning rust shouldn't be that bad.

May I recommend KDE Neon. Canonical have ruined vanilla Ubuntu with their Snaps agenda.

Microsoft have Microsoft accounts, Canonical have Snaps...

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Hell, as a small business owner providing third party IT technical support/repair services, I'd simply like to be able to advertise my actual technical support services in any form whatsoever on Google's bullshit platform.

But for some vague and obscure reason, third party technical support and repair services are banned from advertising under Google Ads - Something that most definitely was not always the case.

At minimum they could provide a realistic and fair certification system for businesses that are obviously legitimate, assuming that providing 'the best experience for the consumer' really is Google's main focus - They seem to be able to provide such a system for questionable online dating services boardering on human trafficking not a problem in the world.

But the shameless unspoken reality is that Google are only interested in maximizing the marketing presence of their own certified partners for the service and repair of Google's own range of products, while burrying the little guy.

You can't even configure the word 'apple' as a keyword search term in your advertising - The customer can't see the keyword, it's just a search term - But you can't use the name of a piece of fruit in your advertising.

Fuck Google.

I've encountered issues swapping a Windows install between machines equipped with an Intel processor to one equipped with a current AMD processor.

In the meantime, my KDE Neon install has been swapped between four different PC's now without a single issue.

I got Death Stranding...

...It was free. The Epic client runs under Bottles in its own isolated sandbox, so it can't spy on me.

If it's free it's for me, if you have to pay no way.

Furthermore, I've personally dealt with a number of elderly people scammed out of their life savings because they unknowingly gave scammers full remote access to their phone - The phone that contains the banking app seniors barely understand, the same phone their SMS based MFA codes are sent to.

To add insult to injury, the banks are refusing to reimburse any funds lost as they state the client allowed an outsider to access their account and transfer all available funds.

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Furthermore, the price of YouTube Premium is increasing.

Gotta ensure the greedy corporation makes record profits quarter over quarter.


I've been running NVIDIA under Linux for about six years now, with no more issues than one would encounter running hardware/drivers from a number of manufacturers under a number of platforms.

In all honesty, I've encountered far more issues regarding HP printer drivers under Windows.

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GOG Galaxy runs perfectly on Linux via Lutris. I use it all the time.

Survey says...No.

The only games that don't work are essentially the ones using DRM/anticheat implementations that don't support multiple platforms. Meaning more like 75% of all Windows titles work under Linux just fine.

Benchmarks also highlight a number of titles actually performing better under Linux than native Windows, especially where Vulkan is concerned. My gaming performance under Linux is fantastic, the advancements in the last five years alone have been astounding.

The popularity of Windows is largely due to the fact it's pre installed on most PC's when you buy them, people literally think Windows 'is the computer'. Such popularity has little to do with Windows being a great OS. In many ways Windows is like McDonalds: It's not the best, it's not the worst, it just fills that hump in the bell curve.

Due to the fact Linux has no marketing department, it's unlikely this will ever change.

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Firefox + uBlock Origin + PiHole = I'm wondering what all the fuss is about. I haven't seen a single adblocker warning on YouTube yet.

Stop using browsers based on Chromium people, it's not that hard.

I didn't switch to anything, I simply never stopped using Firefox as there was no pressing need to do so.

I'd rather stick my head in the rotating blades of a combine harvester than deal with HP printer drivers...

I want one of these asthetically pleasing kernels. I feel robbed.

As someone that's been gaming under Linix since Steam was released for Linux, these days I'm more surprised when a game doesn't run under Linux

Considering data harvesting, they can either pay me for my private data, or I'll watch YouTube for free without ads.

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If I use an adblocker under FF they don't push ads either, while Google still make record profits quarter over quarter using my personal data.

If we use Spotify as an example of modern corporate culture, it's deemed acceptable that they effectively rob artists if rightful income using a pricing structure that equates to a couple of cents in the dollar for the artist - While Spotify themselves pocket a vast proportion of profits. But if I use an adblocker on the free version of Spotify, I'm going against their terms and conditions and robbing Spotify of 'rightful income'.

In certain countries, Spotify have actually pulled their service as a result of being told they have to overhaul their pricing structure to renumerate artists fairly if they want to provide their service in the country in question.

The hipocracy regarding modern corporate culture and service pricing is extreme. If such a perspective is good enough for the service provider, it's good enough for me.

Windows is definately not immune to sleep issues. I can state with absolute honesty that sleep under Windows never worked for me until the advent of Windows 10.

I can't remember the last time I had a sleep issue running Linux on any of my laptops, all with Intel iGPU's.

For about the fourth time in my lifetime, VR is floundering under all platforms and in it's death throws.

The first time I experienced VR was on Amiga hardware, back then is was praised as the next big thing...Needless to say, it wasn't.

4 ads in a 15-20 minute video is as degraded as things get, I'd rather stare at the wall for 5 mins.

Contrary to popular modern corporate culture, I'm not a commodity who's sole purpose is to provide continued growth quarter over quarter to appease shareholders. Meanwhile the price of YouTube premium has actually increased on top of increased cost of living expenses.

So fuck Google, they can actually pay me for my personal browsing information, or I'll continue to use adblockers. Hell, yt-dlp isn't out of the question at this point in time.

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CUDA works fine here, in all honesty it's never given me any problems. NVENC works fine, DLSS1, DLSS2, and DLSS3 all work fine, RTX runs at acceptable FPS compared to AMD under Linux - and NVIDIA Reflex is supported as of VKD3D-Proton 2.12 and DXVK-NVAPI 0.7.

On top of that, FSR is also fully supported - as is HDMI 2.1.

I only use Firefox, and hardware web rendering works fine. Hardware video acceleration isn't working yet, but running back to back tests at 1080p with hardware video decoding under VLC, the difference between hardware video decoding and CPU rendering is about 5% CPU usage on average running a desktop PC with adequate power supply/cooling capacity as opposed to a laptop with limited power supply/cooling capacity.

The only problem with Wayland under KDE 6 is the lack of any form of sync, but explicit sync has 'finally' been merged, and should be supported under the 555 branch of drivers. Once explicit sync is supported, I really have few Wayland issues left to complain about.

Overall, I really don't experience any showstopper issues that have me wanting for Windows in the slightest.

Insync takes care of that. I even use Insync on Windows PC's as it's better than native cloud syncing apps from the likes of Google and Microsoft.

I've had two Brother laser printers now, in both cases drivers were packaged as either .deb or .rpm.

I'm currently running a Brother HL-L2395DW mono multifunction laser printer under KDE Neon, and both the scanner and printer work perfectly over the network.

I run both the Epic Store as well as the EA App via Bottles, and I had both up and running in about ten minutes.

You can also install both launchers under Steam via Proton. The process is a little more involved, but far from difficult.

2042 always used EAC, and EA refused to enable EAC for Linux.

This was my experience precisely. These days, installing some .msi or .exe.from some obscure corner of the internet seems somewhat ass backwards.

I do pay. They use my private browsing data for free, in return I watch YouTube with no ads because I use an adblocker. I have nothing in place preventing Google from tracking my internet usage, they can even track where I travel - So they're free to use my data while I can watch YouTube for free without four ads in a 15 minute video.

As stated, I am not some commodity that exists solely as a means for large publically traded corporations bigger than most Governments to make a killing in relation to profits because of the modern mindset that growth must be sustained quarter over quarter in order to appease shareholders.

In Sept 2023 Alphabet turned a $76.69bn profit, up 11% from the same time last year. You see how that works, right. <--Notice no question mark, that's a statement.

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Edit: and it hasn't really been bad either. The shader compilation after every gfx driver update is a bit annoying. That's about it.

If it's shader compilation under Steam, turn it off in settings. With advancements in graphics drivers and Proton, it really isn't needed anymore.

I disabled it about 12 months ago and haven't noticed any difference in performance whatsoever.

NVIDIA user here, my experience is largely faultless and performance is great.

The DE used has little to do with it, Windows file system performance is simply terrible.

I don't use a game optimised version of arch, I also use NVIDIA hardware, and I have no problems. I run a single monitor and have no need for Wayland at this point in time. X11 just works.

However, I game on desktops. My laptop is for work and that runs an Intel iGPU. It also runs Linux, without problems.

In the last five years, I've run Linux across a vast range of differing hardware, and I've encountered no more issues regarding driver support than I have under Windows.

I simply attach the hardware, and it works. At most I installed NVIDIA drivers via my package manager, which was simple and painless; or I downloaded the drivers as .Deb's for my Brother printer and installed them quickly and easily using the supplied script.

I'm sure I'm not the only one with such experience.

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Xwayland makes use of legacy features of X. If we were to compleately drop all aspects of X tomorrow, the Linux desktop would essentially compleately break and become unusable.

The fact is, at this point in time after 10 years or more of development, Wayland is still very much in a state of perpetual beta. At this point in time, and for the foreseeable future, Wayland involves compromises that make it unsuitable for many users.

Hopefully things improve in time, the problem is development is progressing at snails pace.

Not in all cases. In a number of cases elderly people no longer hold licences and getting to and from the bank isn't terribly realistic.

100% agreed. Imagine all of your reserves gone at such a vulnerable age and no recourse whatsoever. I thought your money was meant to be safer in a bank.

I still game using Windows 2000 on a Pentium 3 Tualatin based system.

All my retro games run no problem, Tiberian Sun is the shite.

FF w/uBlock Origin and + PiHole = No YouTube disable adblocking pestering here also...