Thanks Bill, what a guy.
Is there not some unconstitutionality in making the language of a bill so restricted that it's clearly aimed at a single person?
As someone who does know about this field, and absolute despise Musk, that's not quite true. SpaceX is very successful thanks to help from the US government, and despite the influence of Musk, but also because they are a team of very competent people who have actually innovated and pushed the boundaries of launch vehicles. To say they have nothing going for them and are being propped up by the government is not at all accurate, and they have been much more succesful than traditional government contractors.
I really hope this is gonna be a landslide election and it's possible for the Dems to take a page out of Waltz' book and pass a whole bunch of meaningful legislation, which will help carry on support for the Dems next election as well. But oh well, I might be too optimistic.
Tbf, the US tried the actor president twice, and they turned out to be the two worst presidents in modern US history, so it might not always be the best idea to elect the "outsider".
Because he's arguing in bad faith. He's removing blame from the ease of access to guns in a disingenuous, JAQing off way.
The only difference is the name of the emoji, the image itself is identical. There are also three Norwegian flag emojis for example, all identical.
Organise content in an intuitive and human way
Good meme overall but calling Twitter's layout intuitive is the most laughable I've ever heard. Would be better in the bottom left.
She's the person who managed to be so racist that MTG called her out publically for it, which is honestly quite impressive.
Website for pirating books. A godsend for me during university, where I saved 100s of dollars per semester, while getting the books in a digital format which I prefer.
It's not really an age limit when you'll never reach it, it's just gradual criminalization.
Just to be clear, Sweden harbored Jews during WWII and is the main reason why occupied Denmark had a much lower rate of killed than other occupied countries.
I don't really think that's true. I think you could offer him a large sum of money to do the right thing and he still wouldn't do it. It's not even like the bribes are that huge. John Oliver tried, and I know that it was too public of course, but I still think if some rich progressive person were to offer him 10 million dollars or something to not be a huge POS he still wouldn't take the offer cause he also just happens to be a huge POS. Like the bribes are nice, but he does also just personally want to make America a christofascist hellhole.
> Pretend to not be dumbass
> Gatekeeping liking YouTubers and pop singers.
People are allowed to have fun you know.
Yeah, I also don't like anime.
Also, they should stop deleting all mentionings of the Madison thing on the apology video as they doing are now, makes it all seem very disingenuous and fake.
Casual gaming implies the existence of formal gaming.
Not me, I'm sure that I just fell out of a coconut tree.
As a European progressive I obviously don't worship Biden, but I have really come to respect him and he has been nothing but a class act throughout his whole term. He is stepping down and handing over the reins, now is as good a time as ever to recognize him as a - quite surprisingly honestly - good president.
Yeah, companies starting an obesity epidemic by pumping us full of government subsidized corn syrup, only to solve that by getting us reliant on an exorbitantly expensive drug that you have to inject every day. How I love capitalism.
To be fair, he's also breaking Pennsylvanian lottery laws which he could be prosecuted for on a state level.
There was (is?) a subreddit called r/keming about bad kerning.
However, it is not required
The sex, not the consent, I hope.
I'll jump in with a classic Danish one:
Får får får? Nej, får får ikke får, får får lam.
Is it okay to bomb economic infrastructure of a sovereign nation because it doesn't treat its women with respect? Because that's a little ironic coming from an American.
Yes, that's why it needs to be a landslide, we need enough political power to actually enact change.
Ok correction, it's not legal, the president can just never be punished for it, as he is immune in order to act swiftly and boldly or whatever the fuck the SC came up with as an excuse to make America a Christo-Fascist state.
Because there are 9 justices, so there would be a new appointment every 2 years, giving every presidential term two appointments. So it will exactly avoid all that shit this way.
No she isn't? Macron is president until the next French presidential election in 2027.
Not that I'm advocating for it, but it's completely legal for Biden to order the assassination of Trump and Vance. So yeah, US democracy is dead.
I hope the American people will resist any draconian measures there are bound to be, whether with civil unrest or other forms of protest.
What's ligma?
Well yes, but actually no. Greenland is part of Denmark, which is in the EU, but Greenland is not in the EU.
I guess they can Saucon it, amiright?
Godspeed to him, what a legend.
It's also not odd, so that doesn't work. But to answer your question, it is a number yes.
Well most Muslims aren't terrorists, just like most white people aren't white nationalist terrorists. So maybe don't group all Muslims together with these people?
To explain it in American terms:
Pennsylvania has just voted in an election for US Congress on the federal level, and voted in the Republicans with huge gains. The Democratic Pennsylvania Governor then calls for an election for the state legislature of Pennsylvania (this can't be done in the US, but let's pretend it can) so that the people can elect a new state legislature that more closely aligns with their current position.
If no one buys beef, there would be no beef industry, they don't produce stuff for fun.
This decision really raises my opinion of Biden so much. God damn do I love that man, he is truly a great person who dedicated his life to serve his country, literally. He honestly had a great term given the circumstances, and the only thing he probably should have done differently is to not run for reelection to begin with. But he seemed to genuinely believe he could win and stave off Trump. Now that that seemed impossible, he makes a very courageous decision that a lot of people probably wouldn't have made and puts the country ahead of his ego. Lots of respect from me, and I hope this reinvigorates the democratic base and makes the future brighter for all of us.