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Joined 6 months ago

I mean who is surprised at this point?

Just couple days back my friend was asking if there are any good new Warhammer 40k games. I'll see what he will have to say about this one lol.

So this is why it wasn't working. People were doing it wrong. You supposed to piss on the jelly.

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That's a requirement for becoming a religious extremist.

And it's still 40 years away to becoming a reliable power source since they started experimenting with it in the 1950s.

Joking aside I don't think I'll be able to see a working fusion power plant in my life time.

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Can someone please summarize what's the results of the meeting?

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I loved his work. RIP.

Victim blaming is an ageless tradition in the middle eastern cultures. Doesn't matter if it's a Muslim woman, Christian woman or Jewish woman... All the Abrahamic religions consider women as a faulty part of the humanity and in corporation with the devil. So I'm not surprised. I'm also not surprised that so called Christians circle jerking each other while they don't know what their bible says about women. Ignorance is bliss as they say. Because you won't be talking shit if you know what the fuck is really up with so called religion.

Whoever it's in the video sounds like a poor AI voice over.

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Here it comes at last. Britain's policy about letting Islamic extremist leaders get educated, followers brainwashed and fester in their lands coming to bite the hand that feeds it. Good luck.

For anyone asking why I'm saying this if you bother to check about the Islamic extremist movements (who are supporting ISIS, Islamic Brotherhood and the type) and their leadership you'll find at least one who comes from England or English universities who studied Islam there. Other than the Egyptian cesspool of Al-Azhar University, Britain is the biggest provider of Islamic extremist leaders.

I'm not even Garman or a real Rammstein fan but whenever I hear Du Hast my mind goes into Rammstein mode like Pavlov's dogs.

I'm 50 and I don't follow any news. I have limited time left can't be bothered to spend it away worrying or feeling sorry about unfortunate events.

They were fun. Used to play with friends over dial-up modem connection.

WTF indeed...

I would've appreciated that you explained why but I see that many people act like reddit snowflakes because it's so hard to face the reality.

Nationalism is not a religion but an excuse for people to fuck around commit atrocious acts because someone didn't talk like they liked. I wonder why it's so?

This deserving of a serious WTF!!!

I look after two of these adorable birs when I was a teenager. They are usually alright. I don't remember anything bad about them or high maintenance care. You just need to be careful about handling them and their environment not to stress them to much. Only bad thing is their bite. They can rip your fingers off if you make them angry. I remember mines were breaking up the cage's metal bars just because they were bored. Other than that they are very clever and fun pets to have.

Muslim Brotherhood all the way... Because they are brainwashing people to spread their bullshit labeled as religion. Anyone who is dealing in religion is far worse than any kind of dictator because the dictator will die in the end but religious bullshit will continue to poison the minds of millions.

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I hate snaps and flatpacks equally. They really cause more problems than they solve for new users.

I'm glad you liked it. Enjoy.

Thanks for sharing.

As long as they don't have the option to make the offenders walk the plank no self respecting airline CEO would allow there to be a brig.

I'm a gamer and I love it. Without it I wouldn't be able to play my favorite such as Open Transport Tycoon or OpenRA. We need more to make old games better.

I'm a Freelancer fan as well. I was looking for a game like that since then. And now it seems there is kind of a successor to the Freelancer. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1111930/Underspace/

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Tripping game of the year award goes to...

Have you ever played Magic the Gathering Arena? Because they use the same algorithm I swear on everything I hold dear and valuable to me.

Good bot.

This will give you a basic understanding. Sorry for the YouTube link. It's from the channel called Explaining Computers.


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Glad you like it. Enjoy.

As you can see they are giving opening greetings for this session.

I can't say I'm surprised. After all that backstabbing, office drama and failure to deliver anything that looked like it has been on development in the last 3 years before the early access and failing to deliver the road map properly that dev team deserves to be fired. I'm just hoping that they will take over the development and won't abandon the project.

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I despise how inhumane your comment is!!! The money they're talking about is for war not for joke you have in your flawed mind. Yet here you're acting like a person who doesn't have any decency or respect for all the people dying in this conflict! I really can't understand how someone can be so disconnected about real life to make such comments...

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