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Joined 12 months ago

Bots are bad again, to the point that you can't even votekick them


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Bikes can be hard to see, it's possible the car driver didn't register what was happening till it was too late

IIRC they developed the game on an older game engine that's no longer supported

Now if they make filming or speaking illegal, I'm screaming to the heavens

What do you think this law's mostly going to be used for? It's not gonna be enforced when they're 'dealing with idiots', it's gonna be enforced when they don't want to be filmed doing bad shit.

This comment reeks of average intelligence

Go to any major post on reddit, especially crusty old reposts, and the thread will be filled with one sentence replies. Stuff that's so generic it makes you fall asleep reading it, or just cringe from the fake enthusiasm. Sometimes there's really good comments, but its because it was scraped from the comment section of the last time the image or meme was reposted. Sometimes, the comment will have nothing to do with anything at all because the bot had bad data. It's kinda wild how awful some of the comment sections have gotten lately on there.

My personal theory on why bots are rampant now is a twofer. One reason being people leaving the platform, because of reddit api bs, or because of subs shutting down to protest, etc. And the other reason is that some folks are trying to get back at reddit by spamming bots, increasing how many there are.

That's cool and all, but celebrities aren't the ones setting prices on drugs

Could just be that they're still transitioning between the two companies and don't wanna say anything that could cause legal issues, idk

I'm just sharing my opinion lol

jen jineapple japple jen

Bad bot

Got any news articles about capitol police shooting people's dogs, planting fake drugs, or arresting people for no reason?

Bout the only thing that's happened at the capitol building recently was jan. 6. Don't mix them up with the usual shitstain police you see in the news everyday.

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They made Crucible which got some hype, but it flopped hard. For a game that was in development for 6 years, it didnt feel like they playtested it at all.

Here's hoping they don't do a huge shop overhaul, add a bunch of pay 2 win items, and kill off most of the playerbase

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People jump off high locations to avoid drowning...

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Reading the article, yeah it's basically a "hey, buy 65$ worth of our virtual money and we'll throw in this horse armor!" bundle.

There isn't a way to get it ingame though. I think the only way to actaully earn platinum is if you buy and complete the battlepasses.

TSA will do anything to justify their existence. Finding anything related to weapons is like pornography to them.

To put it in other words, people are usually looking for an easy way out when they commit suicide, like jumping off a bridge. Or using a gun. Very few suicides with drowning, cause it's a horrible way to go.

It's dystopian as hell, but taking away the easy ways to kill oneself does help prevent suicides.

Now that the fallout show was a success, they'll probably just put starfield on the backburner and wait till the heat dies down, then make a tv show about it. I'm willing to bet money on this.

Honestly good question. My guess would be mobile game money, and based on their wiki entries mentioning nfts and blockchain, probably something with AI in the works

https://youtu.be/irW6MH3YWqE?si=cY4KM3Jr7Wo_FYZ_ more of cucumber guy, def a weird dude who's bored

I'm just being pessimistic, hirez really didn't handle ascend well at all. Definitely hyped for new tribes content and seeing what'll come out of this one.

Same. I used to use evernote a ton, but then they just kept removing and removing features. I swapped to google keep too about a couple years ago, right around when they added a limit of 2 devices using evernote.

The dumbest take

You're probably fine for a while. My bet is that obsidian's really happy with all the free advertising evernote's been giving it

Gearbox has already worked on risk of rain, they were probably the best choice to hand it over to.

I mean how else do they get the dragon shape. Not gonna find any humans walking around with dragon dicks

The typical 20-something was also grinding long hours, either at work or at school, or just mental illness. Some of them partied, some of them had rich parents, whatever. Don't downplay your own life because of other people man

Been playing Grounded with a buddy, highly recommend

I'm struggling to find any news about them shooting people on drugs.

The car shooting, are you talking about Miriam Carey, 2013?

Feature bloat. Adding lots of stuff that most people arent really asking for, tanking the performance of the app.

I can't imagine why someone downvoted this, unless one of the devs is here on lemmy, lmao

Still sold a bajillion copies though.

I think all they've really learned is that they can push out whatever game they want, well-made or not, and it'll sell.

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Since the game's selling at $20, one would hope they only put cosmetics in the shop

I don't think Embracer had any say on drg's game development. If they did, well they were obviously more focused on buying too many game companies to care much about development.

I bought d4 on sale and I've gotten 110 hours out of it. Idk why I should be upset about some optional cosmetics that I'm never gonna buy.

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Honestly, good, let him kill tiktok. Bring back Vine while we're at it.

It's still a deadly virus, just not as contagious as it first was

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