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Joined 1 years ago

Strongly recommend hay straws (like, made of "straw").

They're better than paper in that they don't sog up. They're inconsistent in size but that has never bothered me. A little flimsy, but I stir iced drinks with them all the time.

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If you're struggling to think of a use-case, consider the internet-based services that are commonplace now that weren't created until infrastructure advanced to the point they were possible, if not "obvious" in retrospect.

  • multimedia websites
  • real-time gaming
  • buffered audio -- and later video -- streaming
  • real-time video calling (now even wirelessly, like Star Trek!)
  • nearly every office worker suddenly working remotely at the same time

My personal hope is that abundant, bidirectional bandwidth and IPv6 adoption, along with cheap SBC appliances and free software like Nextcloud, will usher in an era where the average Joe can feel comfortable self-hosting their family's digital content, knowing they can access it from anywhere in the world and that it's safely backed up at each member's home server.

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Featureset-wise it falls somewhere between IRC and Discord.

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I'd love a browser-embedded LLM that had access to the DOM.

"Highlight all passages that talk about yadda yadda. Remove all other content. Convert the dates to the ISO standard. Put them on a number line chart, labeled by blah."

That'd be great UX.

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They have said they want to keep a fairly long-term performance target for game devs optimizing for the device. Consoles do the same thing. Another part of that is improving margins over time.

That's the Milwaukee DA. The story leads with Milwaukee but the Ohio pastor being cited was actually in Ohio, specifically Williams County. The DA there is, in fact, a Republican. Though not necessarily a "RepubliQan" as stated.

Katherine J. Zartman (R)

From your link:

Major version zero (0.y.z) is for initial development. Anything MAY change at any time. The public API SHOULD NOT be considered stable.

You've gotten some good answers already but I'd like to stress a point I haven't seen mentioned: It's easiest to make friends during downtime. By which I mean, time you spend with another person doing nothing in particular. Shared activities are not bad, but if they are too engaging (work, sport, even worship) there isn't time to get bored and find entertainment in conversation, wherein you can discover shared interests and build comeraderie.

You'll find a lot of Americans formed their closest friendships while in school (usually high school or college). I argue that's because there is a ton of downtime with your peers in those environments. Try to find similar environments where you are effectively "stuck" with a peer for an hour or more at a time. Hiking clubs are fantastic. Beginner art classes. Book clubs.

Beyond that, don't be discouraged. Some people will have a hard time getting over their own inhibitions about exposing themselves to new people. And many casual friends will fall by the wayside along the way. That is okay. The ones you keep will be worth it in the end.

Fortunately Gaben has only a minor interest in Volvo 😉.

But actually his son is involved in the games industry, and there's plenty of other like-minded people at Valve. Hopefully the (far) future of Valve is as bright as its present.

I've also wanted to do this for a while, but there were always a few too many barriers to actually spin up the project. Here's just a brain dump of things I've seen recently.

vGPUs continue to be behind a license. But there is now vgpu_unlock.

L1T just showed off PCIe "fabric" from Liqid that can switch physical devices between machines.

Turning VMs on and off isn't as slick as either of the above, but that is doable today. You'll just have to build all the switching automation yourself. That could just be a shell script running QEMU/libvirt commands, at a minimum.

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I'm also a UBI layperson, but this is my understanding:

Basic incomes don't need to match or exceed the cost of living to provide some of their purported benefits. One of those benefits is replacing difficult to administer welfare services (of which there are some discussions in this thread). In that way the $2700 per person per year can be more efficiently allocated (towards an ideal national gross prosperity) by the individual.

This might solve issues like the infamous "welfare cliff" that have arisen from difficulties in administration.

I do that too. There are plenty of subthreads going arguing straw-use is an accessibility issue, but in my case, I just want them for specific drinks -- mostly cocktails.

The head on a Ramos Gin Fizz practically requires a straw to enjoy. Especially as someone with a mustache.

There's some history there, if you didn't know. Jellyfin is a fork of Emby.

There are a lot of analogies but they all fail in some way. I think PBS Spacetime does the best in general, with good graphics to back up the words.

My layman's explanation is probably all stuff you've heard before. Massive objects "warp" spacetime and things that get stuck in those "wells" eventually fall to the bottom due to drag (from a variety of sources).

You've also probably seen the rubber sheet with a bowling ball in the middle used to represent that warping. To visualize that in 3D, I like to imagine a 3D grid of nodes and edges (like a jungle gym of joints and bars) where the whole thing is flexed inward towards a center point. More warped near the center, less warped further out. That kind of conveys the acceleration from gravity felt by things around that center mass.

YouTube is in an advantaged position relative to other sites because they directly serve the ads from the same servers that serve the content. That's why DNS blocking doesn't work.

It would take more effort than they currently put in but they could track each user-session closely enough to require that the ad stream complete before the content stream is served.

If that happens, I think the next step in ad blocking would be to accept the ad stream but hide it from the user. Let it play silently in the background if necessary.

That'd mean accepting the extra data transfer but still avoiding the psychic damage.

Mozilla stated that a while back.

How do I capitalize Firefox? How do I abbreviate it?

Only the first letter is capitalized (so it's Firefox, not FireFox.) The preferred abbreviation is "Fx" or "fx".

#8 in the FAQ

Not in the US.

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I have KISS Launcher installed based on a recommendation, though I haven't used it yet.

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Not the parent poster, but I am similarly concerned about tag spam. I find big tag blocks can ruin the reading experience on platforms that display them in-line with the body text.

Another comment suggested that tags be put in a field separate from the body of the post (and they shouldn't be parsed from the body, either). I think that's the best way to facilitate Lemmy clients to (optionally) hide big tag blocks.

I use OsmAnd on Android and it has a feature to overlay (or underlay) map tiles from multiple sources. I use the OSM tiles as my default and overlay Microsoft's satellite imagery over them, which I can turn on and off (or even adjust opacity with a slider).

Yeah, my S22 Ultra was carrier unlocked but the bootloader was not unlockable.

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I have wanted something like this but didn't realize it was possible. Thanks for the heads up.

Link for others.

I play Slay the Spire or Into the Breach on my phone on every flight I take. Both are light on the battery.

I'm similarly picky and have been unable to leave SwiftKey.

But good news, the beta version recently added image support to the clipboard.

You might consider a more elegant approach to accomplish your goals.

For example, I run Tailscale on all of my devices. They are accessible to each other (at all times) through the encrypted "Tailnet" while each has its own public internet provider (my home ISP, my cellular provider, my VPS host, etc).

They all route their DNS requests through my home server which is running Adguard (for DNS ad blocking on every device). If I wanted I could route all their traffic (not just DNS) through the home server, and I could have the home server's internet-facing interface connect through a commercial VPN to then hide all that egress traffic, across all my devices.

They're actually correct. The headline is just confusing.

The OP didn't mention Proxmox in their post. I've been speaking generally, not about any specific OS. For example, Nvidia's enterprise offerings include a license to use their "GRID" vGPU tech (and the enabled feature flag in the driver).

Look for SM-S908U1 specifically. There are a few threads (like this one), but I think most US XDA users were just implicitly aware of how Samsung operated in the US. This was my first device from them and I was caught unawares.

I'm back on Pixel now.

Airtags (and similar systems) use "Ultra Wideband" to do their thing, which requires different hardware.

There may be Bluetooth involved in some implementations but the star of the show, that facilitates the accuracy, is UWB.

Why? Product segmentation I suppose. Last I looked, the Virtio project's efforts were still work-in-progress. The Arch wiki article corroborates that today. Inconsistent behavior across brands and product lines.

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I'm not the best person to ask as I just chat on a few channels in a single server.

There definitely are software projects that run their real-time support through Matrix in the same way others do it through IRC or Discord.

At the same time most servers seem to have a General room (or similar) for off-topic chats.

Peruse the big list of public rooms here. That might give you a sense of it.

You're right, it doesn't. That does give me an idea though.

You could use overlayfs with an opaque upper directory to hide the files littering your $HOME and still access them by bind-mounting them into the appropriate xdg dirs.

Way more effort than it's worth, of course.

Thank you for calling this aspect out. I'm surprised so many people are overlooking it. I protest YouTube for the same reasons, but I've got one more to add.

When they merged Google Music into YouTube, the service became worse. I'd often have music streaming throughout the day over my speakers, but that broke after the merge.

Anytime I watched a video on my phone that had Content ID-recognized music in it (even in the background), they would cut the stream to my speakers because I am only allowed one stream with any music in it at all.

This isn't the behavior when you use the ad supported service. Only the paid.

Not to mention all the proper features of Google Music that didn't carry forward.

Custom bangs are private to the user. It's not dissimilar to saving a bookmark in your browser, except your bookmarks are hosted by someone else.

It doesn't have to be about legality either. Maybe you like a service that is being protested by DDG for whatever reason.

Thank you for calling that out. I'm well aware, but appreciate your cautioning.

I've seen hallucinations from LLMs at home and at work (where I've literally had them transcribe dates like this). They're still absolutely worth it for their ability to handle unstructured data and the speed of iteration you get -- whether they "understand" the task or not.

I know to check my (its) work when it matters, and I can add guard rails and selectively make parts of the process more robust later if need be.

But they don't allow bangs for sites that do illegal things like copyright infringement. Libgen was my example.

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Make an effort to use bangs and I bet you'll stay under the limit. Edit: bang searches don't count towards the limit

Knowing I wanted a result from a certain site but using the search engine to get there was a (bad) habit I brought over from Google.

!imdb barbie

!w mattel

There's even custom bangs, which is something DDG doesn't give you: !libgen some book

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