If you're struggling to think of a use-case, consider the internet-based services that are commonplace now that weren't created until infrastructure advanced to the point they were possible, if not "obvious" in retrospect.
- multimedia websites
- real-time gaming
- buffered audio -- and later video -- streaming
- real-time video calling (now even wirelessly, like Star Trek!)
- nearly every office worker suddenly working remotely at the same time
My personal hope is that abundant, bidirectional bandwidth and IPv6 adoption, along with cheap SBC appliances and free software like Nextcloud, will usher in an era where the average Joe can feel comfortable self-hosting their family's digital content, knowing they can access it from anywhere in the world and that it's safely backed up at each member's home server.
Strongly recommend hay straws (like, made of "straw").
They're better than paper in that they don't sog up. They're inconsistent in size but that has never bothered me. A little flimsy, but I stir iced drinks with them all the time.