
1 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I question those studies. It's way easier to get someone's attention in office than emailing them 3-4x. Additionally teamwork definitely increases when you work face to face at least sometimes.

Use i2p

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Hope they open source the tech or pirates get a hold of it.

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Not surprised. Like chromecast audio, chromecast couldn't really serve an adequate amount of ads. Basically it's only value was it forced you to use stock youtube app to stream preventing any adblocking, but if you cast your screen, then it can't stop adblocks, so it makes sense to discontinue this product. There's some open source projects out there that might be worth looking into, NymphCast is one I saw, uses a rasberry pi.

You mean make a copy of the car then.

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Stop agreeing to work for greedy corps and then getting upset when customers pay the advertised price

This is my recollection, when chrome first came out it seemed significantly faster than IE and Firefox at the time, and Google was much less evil big brother at the time.

I kind of disagree, I would completely understand if my parents said that. Maybe it's because the math is so clear to me.

Child labor laws are ruining this country! I started at the metal refinery when I was 9, and worked my way up to shift foreman by 12.

Strongest? You mean only

Green card is permanent residence, you're confusing it with H1B Visa

I remember an episode of figure it out on nickelodeon a long time ago that was exactly this.



You hit the issue, theyre confusing tea, a specific plant, with an infusion. Herbal tea is more correctly called an herbal infusion. Tea is a type of herbal infusion.

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The theater just projects pirated copies rather than DRM copies

Shut down their access to computer stores and the power companies while you're at it. Only fair. No piracy without computers or power.

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People just can't imagine this treatment ever happening to themselves.

I don't support piracy of Adobe, because you're still using their ecosystem and still supporting it by propagating its use. Just stop using their trash, seriously.

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Maybe to act as a chilling effect on future whistle blowers?

I heard a mix of boos, cheering, and random noise. So you could make a headline that says either and it would still be "technically" true. The best kind of truth.

People are mad to realize something they thought was spiritual and purely human can be reduced to a mathematical algorithm and be generated by machines.

Some claim they're mad that it's because the training looked at art without permission to develop the algorithm (which everyone knows all artist do, making those people look like complete hypocrites), but that just sped it up. It would have happened eventually anyway, because the fact is, art is not spiritual or uniquely human, it's patterns and shapes, which computers are great at.

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The marketplace of ideas is a flawed concept and always has been. Economists with years of specialized training and decades of experience can't agree on the best course of actions, how is it reasonable to expect Joe the plumber to make an informed choice by watching an hour long debate?

2 billion social security numbers? What's the population of the US?

360 deg is exactly the same as 0 deg. .

What does this mean for the average user?

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Well, and people are willing to roll the dice and accept work where tipping is an essential part of their income.

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Dude. Regulatory agencies are corrupt as heck. There's no incentive to be a good auditor and actually dig deep to find issues and lots of incentive to have no findings. They're all buddies with the management.

Right? This guy has never heard of passion

Yeah, you're bringing guns to an unmanned drone fight.

Can't use add-ons for iOS Firefox as far as I can find

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Shower thought: what if a large number of people made lots of posts and comments on reddit using only AI generated content?

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Why do you think there isn't more competition? I was wondering if it was too much red tape/legal risk to start up a business. Everyone is saying how greedy these companies are, so they must be charging way more than a fair price, which means an average Joe should be able to step in and provide the same stuff for a fair price.

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FYI, it's entirely justifiable

It's shouldn't be the role of government to regulate who you want to marry.

The logic in the flowchart appears to take in data and mainuplate it based on normalization and ratios to fill the day. So it outputs a report with time that doesn't precisely match the tracked data, but looks nicer for the boss.

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Businesses who want to make money need a way to make a product that can't be trivially reproduced on any basic computer. Or at least a way to distribute their product more conveniently. Everyone always pointed to how piracy declined when streaming was affordable. That was because it was more convenient to stream than make copies and host content yourself. Now that's reversing again.

Maybe it will be good if the only movies and music that are made are the ones from people with true inspiration. I wonder if Homer only wrote the Odyssey because he knew the state had strong copyright protections?

Good assessment, thanks

Anytime someone asks me if I'm ok after I get a small injury I'll say "Yet, thanks to my trusty safety sphere, I sublibed with only tribial brain dablage."

Thank God the government is here to protect us from dangerous people like this man. /s

I don't trust any proprietary software. I don't like putting a lot of work into something only to have the rug pulled out from under me by an arbitrary change from the dev. Open source means I can always keep using the software, even if it means I have to push code myself.