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Joined 11 months ago

Hot Fuzz. One of the best movies of all time.

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COINTELPRO. Since I learned about that the whole Ehrlichmann story about criminalizing drugs to oppress black communities and possibly even CIA involvement in the opoid and crack epidemics seem pretty plausible to me.

Might be overkill (or underkill), but Tiny Core Linux is the most lightweight I know. While having an up to date kernel (6.1.2) and glibc (2.3.6).

What are the minimum requirements? An absolute minimum of RAM is 46mb. TC won't boot with anything less, no matter how many terabytes of swap you have. Microcore runs with 28mb of ram. The minimum cpu is i486DX (486 with a math processor). A recommended configuration: Pentium 2 or better, 128mb of ram + some swap

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Music production. You start with pirated FL Studio and sone freeware plugins and the next thing you know is you're planing your hone studio with room treatment, expensive monitors, an expensive interface, aonther evrn more expensive interface, that one vintage compressor you absolutely need, a tape machine, and then you want I synthesizer, just a small, versaitle one, and next thing you know is you're buying the second euro rack for your mod synth because there wasn't enough space in the first one, because you need that one filter, and since you got lots of free slots now, why not buy some more fx. Fx can't hurt, right? And maybe one oscillator, you always wanted a fifth one...

You can install gamescope on any distro, Arch has it in its repos, plus the git version and the plus version in the aur!

Also Adam's Apples (Adams æbler) and if you like that also The Green Butchers.

Fuck off with your ads

Ardour. Great digital audio workstation. It's on par with the proprietary options, would choose it any day over Cubase or Reaper. Listen to some music I made in it!


I'm in a irc channel with a bunch of internet friends. I like how ancient it is, it reminds me of the old internet. The limitations are severe however and I would never suggest to anyone to use IRC as a text chat server. Without these people and the nostalgia I would go for matrix I think.

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It's the onion, right? Right? Please say it's the onion!

There seems to be a rather widespread misconception of the term "free speech". Free speech does not mean that you are allowed to say everything.

Say you work for a government or a company and you know something that is classified. Are you allowed to say that because "free speech"? No, of course not.

Say there is a group of people who wants to kill a person, but they don't know where to find that person. But you know and you tell them. Are you allowed to do that because "free speech"? No, of course not.

Say you're a doctor and you know something about the condition of one of your patients. Are you allowed to post about their illness on social media? No, of course not.

Free Speech is no magic super-right that stands above all other rights. Free speech has to be limited in favor of other rights of other persons, and it is everywhere. There are difference in how much is tolerated, in the US it is pretty much, in Germany holocaust denial is a criminal offense for example.

And that is another reason why you can't have unmoderated social media. Some things are simply not allowed, for better.

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Holy shit, i did this! In 2020 i think! I posted them on reddit. Let me search the photos!

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There are meta search engines that will show you results from google without associati g you in any way with said search, searxng for example

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I have large hands.

I'm following this one since 2020 and it is really going places. Latest weekly I played was very playable and fun! Great work!

It is called community.

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It is important to drink enough. If your nose is swollen and shut, xylometazoline does handle that. Paracetamol (1000 mg for adults) or Ibuprofene (400 mg for adults) will help against pain and fever.

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And how do you know that number? Let alone the numbers of other distributions?

Additionally, is a self hosted server only accessible inside my home? What about accessing the services outside, like Bitwarden or Nextcloud apps that require syncing and availability of data wherever I am? If it is useless outside, there would be no point for me personally to self host in the first place since I am perfectly fine with using cloud services for now and the convenience that comes with it. Plus, no one else in my family cares about self hosting and I don't wish to spend the effort to convince them to in vain, so setting up a server for convenience of everyone at home is also out of the question.

It is only accessible from your local network (if it is there in the first place, you can always selfhost on rented virtual private server), until you make it accessible. There a different ways to achieve that:

  • Wireguard tunnel
  • cloudflare tunnel
  • (reverse) ssh tunnel
  • dynDNS
  • opening ports on your router

Which is the way for you depends on the circumstances, how your ISP connects you to the internet mainly

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TimeLimit or OpenTimeLimit

what about the minecraft rcon console? Or op'ing yourself and issuing /stop from ingame?

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I host my own tunnels on a vps, and i indeed use one tunnel for every app. There are only 3, so no big deal, but I wanted to make sure to expose only what I want to be exposed, as I have some more services running in my local network only.

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Oh well, there are different implementations of IRC, and some limit you more than others. Flood protection is a pita if you want to share long text, since max message length is not that much. Netsplits are still a thing and your nick can't be longer than 15 chars. Text formatting works on most servers, but that's no guarantee. The length of a channel topic is also limited. You interact with the server only through the same messages you send to your chats. You need some kind of bouncer to still follow a chat if offline.

Wwll, I get 14 monthly payments a year, so two times a year the double amount, plus a yearly bonus, plus a fixed one time payment, so monthly would simply not represent how much i get yearly.

Check out DJ Ugly Katz!

Disclaimer: That's one of my own projects...


Nazi episode?

You're right, I updated my comment.I tend to take 600 mg when I have severe pain, but I'm 203cm/110kg.

Your little "for better" will almost certainly morph into including things you don't like given time.

So nothing, huh? Who is constructing a straw man here?

It is really simple. You can't use your rights to violate the rights of other people. That is not your right. There is plenty of room left for discussing all kind of stuff, no matter how controverse or delicate it is. But otherwise some actions performed under "free speech" could even hinder people to use their own right of free speech.

Create a dir in a place you like

mkdir (If it is in a dir where you have no write access, you need to sudo or doas)

Unmount the automounted /dev/sda1

umount /dev/sda1

Then mount sda1 to the newly created dir

mount /dev/sda1

Then you can use genfstab to create a fstab entry. (You maybe need to sudo pacman -S arch-install-scripts)

genfstab /

This will write a fstab file to stdout (the terminal). Look for the line with , copy it and sudo open the /etc/fstab file with your prefered editor. Add the line at tge bottom and add the flags rw,user,noauto to the entry.

This way you have to manually mount sda1 every time you boot with mount /dev/sda1

You can add that to your .bashrc or equivalent. (If you don't plan to remove the disk, you can skip the noauto and the drive will be loaded automatically, but if it is unplugged your system won't boot normally). Maybe there is a better way, but this way works for me good enough.

Which distro? What does lsblk in the terminal say?

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Because it's what I personally used, liked or used to like. I the logos are pretty I guess.

I use reverse ssh tunnels, technically running on my home server. For each service i want to expose on the internet, i have a systemd-unit which handles a said reverse tunnel to the vps. Basically, the port running the service locally gets tunneled to a port on the vps, that happens via ssh, so reasonably secure (login as root disabled, login with password disabled, with a special user with little to no rights running the systemd service locally and remotely to log in via ssh). On the remote vps, there is a reverse proxy running, nginx, which works like the service would be running on the remote vps, really. There are some services actually running there, a mail server for example. The config files aren't really different, everything nginx handles gets passed to a localhost port. A nginx instance is also running on the local home server to serve all the local services and the global ones locally, and the dns on my main router resolves the adresses of the global services to the local ones. SSL-Certificates are acquired by the remote vps and copied to the local home server, so that the end users don't have any difference in their ux regardless if they are in the local network or somewhere outside.

Edit: I mostly use this approach because my ISP uses dualStack lite and I could not access anything local from outside with any other technique. But I like it, it is really basic.

Hey there, Disco Elysium would be nice :^)

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Aeg vx7, with bags, very good performance, reasonably loud, long cable. Bought in 2018 and still very good.