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Joined 12 months ago

My personal theory is that jar jar is not a sith but rather a domestic terrorist that is really good at making it look like an accident

The sprint is over but the race is not yet won. Tom Scott isn't gone. He is just doing basic self preservation

Even though they all are

Is spice spicy?

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Umm. I think you misspelled shitter

Hey, that's the fatboy slim music video right?

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Holy cow. I don't think I have ever seen an Elfen Lied meme. This is a rarity. Like finding a shiny or smthn.

Wtf (you can do this with auto hotkey)

Math blue English yellow Science green History brown

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Like the picture?

We paid 100$ for ours. Not worth it. Worst decision of your life. Now he jumps on the bench and steals our food

Its a lot of work to customise the store for every bit of hardware. The same way that the store suggests pc games if you browse on Mac. Remember, the store Is the same for everyone

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This is absolutely insane. I love it. Always been a fan of deus ex and I love the idea to get to experience it in VR. But most importantly I am impressed with the creator of this mod that clearly knows what he is doing. Every bit of VR interaction looks and feels polished which is more than I can say about some dedicated vr titles

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Remember kids. This is why you never use blueprints

Yeah it's one line of code to check the user agent but how many lines of code is it to customise each visit to the store front with only content as curated by the device the user is using. Even just user based curation is a lot of work and hard yet they do it because it draws sales. Why the hell would they spend all this work to not show you things. The steamdeck banner is probably considered as part of any promotion internally to the system so not showing it would require filtering every single promotion based on user agent and user logged in.

Trust me. It's never just "one line of code"

Rip mate. I think keeping it is funnier tho

Yesss let's bring back the tarnation memes. I loved those

High quality title

This. Please more upvotes on this comment. The fact that steam let's you sell steam keys on third part sites with no profit incentive is crazy to me. Honestly valve feels like the only good company around being blamed for all the shit they don't do

XKCD single-handedly saving an entire population

I share a first name with a pretty popular fictional character. I tend to enjoy the attention when people don't believe me or ask if it's like that one show/book. Fun stuff I gotta say. (thank fuck it's not a real person that could become racist/transphobic/worse)

This is exactly it. Fuck all of those news articles because they all try to make out steam as the bad guy. Steam is the best of guys based on the fact that it let's you sell steam keys, which let me remind you THEY MAKE NO PRFIT ON on other platforms and all they ask is that you don't sell them dirt cheap?

VALVE PAYS FOR THE BANDWIDTH THAT DOWNLOADING THE GAME USES. Honestly the fact that they are willing to absorb all the costs while making none of the profit is absolutely mind blowing.

Absolutely this. The 30% split is not only standard (xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo) but it has also hasn't changed in a VERY long time. Any and all increases in price of games are entirely independent of the cut. Also the cut offers competition (such as the absolutely horrendous epic store) who can offer a smaller split (which they do) to remain an attractive option for game publishers. But do they drop the price on epic??? NO. It's the game publishers greed not the store they publish on driving up prices. And blaming steam is not just looking a gift horse into the mouth but beating it with a baseball bat.

I am pretty sure that it's just man in hole. When I watched it I immediately felt that it was different and disliked it. It felt so unlike his usual content so when it turns out that it was plagiarised I instantly felt justified for hating it. I haven't heard anything else about him plagiarising and since he is how in the spotlight I suspect that it really only was that one video.

Stan the out of pocket warframe. My robot cleaning drone gives me all the dopamine I need

True true. I guess some people consider cinnamon spicy

I feel like there are argument for and against. I think people just gotta do it and see whether others pick it up

As if they were willing to give up that revenue stream in any case. It makes them too much money.

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Im massaging my gfs leg while reading this and had my day ruined. Great

I thought he was what all serial killers averaged out as

Because he supports trans rights???

Eh. You would think. But it could well have been about saving face more than actually wanting to do good. Think about how many people would have gone through the paperwork and trouble of getting their joycon repaired when buying a new pair is so much easier

I think your great grandfather made a deal for a stupid large amount of money, but instead of a snail it was an iceberg that would kill him

Drift has nothing to do with what people are doing. It occurs naturally from any dust or debris that makes it into the controller. Obviously the better care you take the less likely it is but it's not user error causing stick drift.