2 Post – 104 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Blood rain, giblets, and warm bullet casings
Mild, sharp, and sharper cheese tastings
Metal dudes shredding their taut guitar strings
These are a few of my favorite things


It’s a mystical feeling to be uncertain whether or not Kirk’s face has been shrunken with photoshop.

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Without the loaded malice of some of these comments, sincerely, I forgot beehaw existed. It looked like the place to go during the migration and was constantly getting good word of mouth on all the Reddit move channels. Then the barrier to entry went up with the essay application, which was 100% fine as a decision, but obviously made it a hassle for the masses trying to find a home. Couple that with no open community creation, leaving no landing spot for niche communities and I went elsewhere.

But even after taking a shotgun approach and making accounts on multiple instances when stability and federation was still struggling, beehaw started defederating from everything. Again, 100% your decision. But the reasons were often blatantly showing that beehaw was not willing to engage in the learning process of this new interface with the rest of us.

So, again no malice, I literally forgot beehaw existed till seeing this post. So if your admins and users think you can achieve whatever elsewhere, I don’t see why you shouldn’t.

Shut up baby, I know it.

Goes over a lot better after showing the wife the episode

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Jury nullification is better. “Yeah, they did it, but we don’t see it as a crime”

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Timely. A petty occurrence happens to have just taken place on the Discord server for Helldivers 2.

The game has been struggling with player capacity in the face of unexpected popularity, leading to many server issues and player inability to play the game. Due to modern shitty info siloing, Discord is the place to be for the best updates, so players flock there for news.

On Tuesday, Steam had server issues that affected things just like the normal games issues, so players poured in to the server to see what was up. When people realized it was steam and not the game, a handful (let’s say 100 to be overly generous) users started spamming F in the chat for Steam servers.

The Streisand incident: a discord mod then proceeds to ping mention everyone, all 170,000 users, to stop spamming F or get a timeout and a ban.

What netizen in their right mind sees that going any other way but exponentially increasing the F spam? Internet going to internet. Especially when they can’t play damn games.

So this lead to a total server lockdown, even for innocents just trying to play and talk about the game. All because some, presumably young and objectively inexperienced mod decided to pour gasoline on a campfire.

I know this against my will and now you do too.

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There is a difference between owning guns and being an ammosexual. Let them continue not understanding that. Fine by me.

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Unfortunately, “decorum” is really the only thing keeping some folks from hopping on board those movements, not the policies themselves.

I don’t, but it sounds exactly like every other time this exact thing happens.

But…but…vAlve doEsNt suPpoRt iTs haRdWare

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And they don’t actually care about the criticism they levee at it. Who honestly believes they gave a fuck about the whales?

Pretty sure that’s a torture tactic, friend. Are you ok?

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Bout to be the most private site in the world if no one can make an account. If they think I’m going to keep checking daily to see when they’re “open” I’ve got some bad news for their future plans.

If you paid for a service you were not rendered, presumably with a credit card, and attempted remediation with the company, hopefully in writing or recorded in some form, you can do a charge back with your credit card.

Well fuck

Infinity Train. It’s my eternal seed after how dirty it got done.

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I’m good, thanks.

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I just know that I’m Goblinough is all

Deep Rock Galactic.

Yeah I said it.

I wanted to like it, but the gun play was underwhelming and gameplay kind of boring.

Worst of all was the progression. Upgrades were tiered in ways that made 1 a clear best choice. Perks were uninteresting passives or actives with bizarre activation requirements. No way to upgrade flares or pickaxes. And I’m not a guy that cares about cosmetics, so it just didn’t work for me.

I’m happy for everyone else that got a GOAT experience though.

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I can’t believe you’ve…

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Skittles and M&Ms. Trust me. They smell great but are inedible together.

Star Spangled Banner was written in 1814, so yes. It wasn’t adopted as the US natl anthem until 1931, but race relations were hardly a thing of the past at that point either.

Pretty sure the math works out on even dumping the lump in a jumbo savings and giving you better dividends than the lifetime payment plan. You can obviously way outperform that with extremely stable index funds and other safe investments. You do you though

I think it’s less being blinded he’s just a symptom and more hope that he’s a one of a kind cult of personality that no one can replicate to unite the crazies again.

I just recently tried a Palworld “unofficial demo” since I’ve never been a survival fan. Come to find out there is a game called Spacewar that has some kind of known interface to steam works that is exploitable for multiplayer on pirated games. This let me play on official servers with a 100% illegitimate copy. Whole new world to me.

I’ve also seen “coop fixes” on p2p games like Monster Hunter that allow pirated copies to play together. So the options are there apparently. is my go to

Cerement linked it in their comment

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Not the exact same issue, but waking up from sleep has been a problem for me for about as long. The device will make the wake sound but the screen does not come on. So I wait a good while then try to wake again and it seems shut off but then comes on as I hit the button, which sleeps it. We play this game once or twice then it works fine when I finally get it awake. That’s all without a suspended game too, just on the home or library tab.

To anyone that sees this and wants to play but is scared there is a PvE coop mode.

It’s oft left out of TF2 discussion but it’s one of the best horde modes in gaming and you get to experience TF2 mp without the sweaty downsides.

I’m in the middle of watching Letterkenny on Hulu. I’ve been barely tolerating the 10 seconds of forced splash screens each episode that tell me I’m watching something on Hulu and the TV rating. The last straw that’s moving me to my own copy is Hulu’s sudden inability to keep track of my episodes watched. So if I don’t immediately watch the next episode I have to enter this repetitive dance of manually navigating to the proper episode next time or watching all these stupid splash screens twice and fast forwarding the whole episode in hopes it will save it, but usually it still won’t.

Figure it out.

Am I missing the joke here? You do know the lump sum is always the better option right?

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As someone whose deck is their first real experience with a Linux machine, I’d say so. That first time going into desktop mode I was fearful of what I might find. Then I got a sleek, better looking windows experience and now I’ve got migration plans.

Not gonna lie, I’m a little concerned after this patch. I don’t think it’s entirely unfair to make comparisons to the first game seeing as it’s a sequel (up to you to agree/disagree). But with this patch especially, the philosophy differences between the two are becoming more apparent.

In 1, there was almost no primary that was useless altogether. Certainly no support or AT that was useless. And even at the high levels the armor spam wasn’t as ridiculous and we had more reliable tools to deal with it.

If they want things to be harder, why did they change the reinforce system to be objectively easier? That system change is my single biggest 1>2 gripe.

This after seeing one of the devs back this balance patch by constantly (and imo not so professionally, but I’m a boomer like that I guess) on Discord chide people not happy about the changes to “just go play an idle game” if they want an easy power fantasy cake walk.

Like I said, major concerns for me. The response to this will tell the tale. I never could get into DRG primarily because they seemed to prioritize difficulty balancing way over having fun in combat. Same thing with Deadlink which should have been a fave of mine. I really hope to not see HD2 go that route when I’ve touted HD1 as one of my faves and a contender for best coop game of all time for years now.

They’re lying

Be careful, if you don’t aim precisely, you’ll hit 100% forehead and hurt yourself

Gamers: Tell us what you learned, Sean.

Sean Murray in Sam Jackson voice: Not a god damn thing!

That’s not really true unless it has evolved since it first appeared. It used to just mean saying/doing something from the place of ignorance or privilege of being white or even just some weird shit like what midwesterners get up to when they dream up new “casseroles.” It was a fun word for use on reaction social media and memes. I hope it hasn’t come to describing white supremacy, an unfortunate trend for too many things these days.

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The throwback feel really is an intangible value add that means it might not catch on for younger folks but damn it does feel good.


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