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Joined 9 months ago

It threw me at first too. Helps to think of it as wetness being an interaction between a liquid and solid. Water makes things wet, it isn’t itself wet.

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You’d have to ask a physicist. I would be surprised if you couldn’t make other liquids “wet”. The solid analogy helps with conceptualising an interface, one material on another. I suppose you could make water wet, by freezing a block and then splashing said block with water but that doesn’t equate to it being wet itself, if that makes sense.

Actually a fair reply but I think my reply is as well given their potential reach. Anyway consider it either way, never hurts to inform ourselves more.

It is a logical conclusion to advocating for self diagnosis mate. Given your position within this comm you should seriously consider talking to medical professionals about your view and what they think of it.

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This is a pretty poor reply from a moderator. The user you're replying to is correct. Not only that, it is staggering that someone who mods a sub of this type is advocating for self diagnosis. Sharing coping mechanisms is one thing but advocating what amounts to circumventing mental health help is frankly irresponsible. I don’t see how anyone could find it even rational to advocate to the potentially mental ill to diagnose themselves.

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Someone educated can correct me but that doesn’t sound accurate. Even if it Trump were to go full hitler (which is dumb for an aspiring autocrat in this day and age) it wouldn’t work like that. They’d denigrate all non whites but have a specific target group that they persecute/kill. The group needs to be specific for fascism so they can have a sacrificial goat to blame everything on.

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Oh yeah for sure, that sounds way more likely my reply is more in following with the other posters “Trump will go full Nazi” hypothesis. Just seems like fascism has a specific way of working that’s more complex than “kill every out group”.

OBS offers practically the same experience with its replay buffer and only uses single digit percent overhead for CPU. Shadow play is maybe slightly more convenient that’s all I can really say about it as it’s been a while.

“People are too sensitive today” types are deliberately missing the point. Online is pretty much the only place where you can get away with spouting slurs or psycho shit. You wouldn’t do it in public or get away with most of it in public.

More to the point it's just tiring having these types come into a lobby. They generally don’t (or can’t) play properly or fuck around until someone calls them out. They then start on that person or spamming the N word.

More often than not it feels like they try to frame it as “oh ho, people can’t handle my casual use of slurs, snowflakes”. When more likely is if you’re talking and behaving like that generally it means you’re obnoxious and disruptive to the game.

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If I can see it and I view it as bad content it’s getting downvoted. Especially since such content usually is inflammatory political post from niche politic subs that have no problem espousing their politics in a “either you agree with us 100% or you're wrong/the enemy”. The rest of the time it’s weird fetish porn.

I browse by all because it’s a good way to see communities/content I wouldn’t otherwise see if I stuck to a curated community list. Not being part of the community doesn’t matter because I’m still seeing the content and still behaving consistent with using the downvote button to collectively filter it out.

I think a better option is these communities opting for the post not to get sent to all. Which won’t happen because a lot of previously mentioned post; the target isn’t the community who already likely agree with them, it’s everyone else. Better yet these communities could implement rules against post that are clearly inflammatory/flaming but then where would they grandstand?

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Everyone needs to stop posting what they like because I don’t like it! Absolute child.

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Any news article reporting on such an event must use the qualifier “allegedly” until the perpetrator is convicted of a crime. This is just literally correct as until they’re convicted they’re only alleged to have committed a crime. Media complies with this because even if they have a video maybe the case goes south and the guy in the video ducks the charge. Then he could bring legal action against anyone who definitively said he did something as opposed to using allegedly.

The article is scarce on details but it sounds like police and public prosecutors have woken up to the case and are investigating avenues of prosecution. Definitely not a lawyer, don’t believe anything I say at face value.

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Colour me surprised that friendzone memes are still a thing given the concept seems to be a 90% nice guy(TM) made concept.

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I was a kickstarter for this way back in the day. I used to not feel bad about the delay until I realised I bought it a few years after high school. More than once I had completely forgotten about this game and that I had paid for it. Which obviously pretty drastically changed my view on it and the devs, especially after learning a bit more about Chris.

That was years ago and before I learned about shit like the store page for ship pledges that’s hidden and only unlocks when you spend ridiculous amount on ship pledges. The $10,000 ship pre orders…

I’ve gone full circle, now I just want the game to succeed so I can never hear about it again.

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I mean, you’re travelling internationally, check your damn bag. You think if a couple of Turkish dudes got caught with ammo in their luggage they’d do great in the states? Don’t like getting in trouble overseas? Don’t break the laws overseas.

I think getting smacked with a cane for smoking weed is dumb. Still won’t catch me with weed in Singapore though. Best believe I triple checked my bags when I left Europe too.

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Left behind because people aren’t carrying cash? They’re homeless, they’ve already been left behind. What an odd article. What I don’t understand is how people like this individual aren’t on Centrelink? Are we as fucked as America in so far as you need an address to get Centrelink?

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Outdoors with proximity to 1-3 other people, where he can move at will and distance himself vs indoors, courtroom full of people and he’s sitting while people move around. Probably not the same. If the guy has risk factors for developing complications with COVID, which we can see he has one which is being overweight, I don’t think it’s reasonable for the court to force him to attend when he could attend remotely.

What a response from a government lmao.

“Hey this is fucked and we want you to step in and do something about this.”

“Unfortunately we are currently doing nothing about this. That’ll be anywhere from $80-100k+ per year per politician, thanks.”

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What do you guy think was the intention with this?

I'm not trying to ascribe meaning to it.. just wondering if anyone is familiar with the potential symbology

Then after being told, with image examples, that it’s a natural formation.

I grew up in a literal haunted house.

I am 100% serious, though being diagnosed later in life with bipolar type 1...

Given the last line I would suggest to you that it’s probably not a bad idea to get in touch with your usual doctor/psych and talk to them. Especially if you are prescribed medication as BD can make adherence to a medication regimen difficult as I’m sure you’re aware.

Always remember, if in doubt, take these questions to a medical professional rather than the internet. Here you could be getting advice from people more unwell than you are and don’t know about your situation or BD.

Yeah looks like they’re just bouncing between open sign up instances to make these account. Probably butt hurt they got banned for bitching… so they’re still bitching.

Please stop Chris. I’ve already taken out another mortgage and the bank won’t stop calling me. The divorce your game brought on was cheaper by several orders of magnitude. Approve refund pls

The reason I ask is it’s common Russian disinformation to claim US or NATO violated this agreement; justifying the Russian federations invasion of Ukraine.

How do you get dates because it can be a big factor. My last several relationships have been with people I’ve met in my day to day despite using dating apps to meet people during that duration. Honestly beyond hookups I’d almost suggest staying clear of them. Especially since people are particularly picky on these dating apps and a lot of it is quantity over quality. Meeting people who share similar hobbies/interests to you is the ideal way imo.

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Nah fuck this dickhead. How anyone can read the prattle of this guy and not be sickened by the hypocrisy is beyond me.

My principle is to support and empower marginalized inmates at all costs so none will be victims of genocide and none will become extinct.

Said the bloke, who went on a robbing spree and murdered two people. Murdering one man unnecessarily (even his accomplice thought this) and then failing to kill another; leaving him permanently blind in both eyes. Bet he was super concerned about their rights before it impacted his life right?

Fuck his opinion on anything. He may be right that prisoner deserve basic rights and not to be abused in prison but I have zero interest in hearing about it from a murder, especially one so utterly tone deaf to write like that.

Edited to fix pronoun misinterpretation.

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I mean on bumble, they did. It’s why I prefer it when I was single. Felt a bit better to allow the women to make the first move as tinder it felt like if you weren’t peacocking in some fashion, you were doing it wrong. Felt better for either gender. Bummer to hear they’re turning into tinder+.

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Lmao wat. How the fuck does a company making gaming peripherals rack up a $70 million dollar debt? Pretty rough though, the CEO who ran it for 25 years got stood down over it so maybe he got complacent.

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Hello it’s me, your moderator.

Man in who lives in active war zone because he refused to evacuate thinks large scale death and destruction is the solution.

Typical, I have relatives like this. Old, washed up blokes with fuck all going on in their lives but get angry at things and people. Too old to be sent off to die in wars so of course they advocate for it at the smallest perceived slight (and never signed up when they could have either). Too arrogant for introspection or the barest amount of empathy.

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Given these things still hallucinate quite frequently I don’t understand how this isn’t a massive risk for Nvidia. I also don’t find it impossible to imagine doctors and patients refusing to go to hospitals or clinics with these implemented.

A very bold correction given your use of punctuation.

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At least there is less people clamouring for stuff like this and prison rape here, unlike reddit. Crazy people will be ok with sort of thing just because they think someone “deserves” if.

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I think you and a lot of people here would be surprised how many people who the only thing stopping them leaving literal shit on the floors and rubbish everywhere would be these chore list and cleaning fees.

I don’t even run Airbnb, I’ve just worked hospo. People are fucking gross and lazy.

Do the both of you want to fight? Can’t believe the shit I’m seeing with my eyeballs right now.

Excuse me, don’t you mean they bitched about cost before the roll out, stopped the rollout, then promised a cheaper solution (MTM as you mention) that retained old shitty infrastructure and then it still cost $11 billion more than the initial FTTP proposal due to cost blowouts. All in the name of partisan politics.

I agree, I trust LNP and by extension Dutton as much as that party deserves with proposals like this, fuck all. They didn’t even have any figures for the project cost when he proposed it.

As someone who grew up in the bush with shit internet until their late teens I’ll probably never get over the nbn fuckup.

Same, once I blocked it and hexbear lemmy went back to being a better version of reddit again. Substantially less shitpost and bad faith baiting.

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Yeah and then you read on a sizeable site that your fathers murderer wants to “support and empower minority inmates at all cost”. Guess marginalised civilians don’t count. What a joke of an article.

The point I’m trying to make is obviously there are no laws for it currently. That’s why a petition gathered enough signatures to warrant a response. “There’s currently no requirement” feels like a non-answer. That and the department then goes on to run defence for these corporations citing cost; indicating a misunderstanding of the movement. For sure agree that this is just the start and to keep going though.

Because these corporations presumably think they’ll buy a talented studio, get it to make something its isn’t used to making, force a bunch of shit into it for monetisation and/or launch early in order to keep schedule. All this to keep investors/management happy. Then when the combination of the aforementioned (repeatedly) blows up in their face; usually by pissing off customers, they lose money. Finally you start layoffs and rehires if needed because you’re running into money problems.

They couldn’t care less about the talent. It isn’t rare for a lot of the talent to bail when these studio get bought up. Especially since it feels like you’re just going to be crunched the second you get the first job post acquisition. Found this while checking this assumption, a bunch of them left early for Arkane specifically.

I always viewed it companies like EA take a gamble. Either the investment pulls off the unlikely, convoluted shit you ask and makes you money or you take it out back and try with another studio.

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Go ask the young daughter of the man he murdered or the person who’ll never see again because of him if they agree.

I wouldn’t bother. They frequently accuse people of creating alts to harass them. Despite the fact that the majority of said accounts are older than theirs.

Edited to remove a potentially unhealthy toxic sarcastic remark.

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