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Joined 1 years ago

What's chicken soup for the soul?

What's bogu?

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I am in disbelief, the last time I used reddit this was a solved issue, and now they've gone and unsolved it??

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While that may be true, I don't think understanding that companies are evil is enough to convince anyone to care about privacy. I've known corporations are evil for well over a decade but I only started caring about privacy at all a few weeks ago. the issue is that privacy feels so unnatainable to average people that it may as well be a myth. how can you even think about if your internet history is private when you don't even know how to access internet history yourself? even if you do, it's not like these companies gossip to your friends about your mundane secrets anyway, it's just some faceless entity filing it away somewhere to probably be forgotten. that's the perception I had at least, and I know I wasn't the only one. what really changed my mind about privacy was being immersed in a community of people that cared about privacy and took time to show that it can be achievable and even convenient both to understand the forces and technologies at play and to actually live a more privacy focused life.

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I don't really care what makes more money, id just take the walking one to incentivise me to walk more. id rather be healthy than slightly richer

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I don't understand

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the character in the last panel is the protagonist in the pilot episode of the web series "The Amazing Digital Circus" in which characters appear in a colorful digital world from which there is no escape. in the show, the characters appear without their memories, being unable to remember their names or how they got their beyond "putting on a headset" (presumably a vr style headset although this comic just uses headphones)

the joke in this comic is the suggestion that the protagonists job before the show was as a rent-a-girlfriend girl (basically an escort).

I'm honestly not sure why this would be considered funny as it seems unrelated to the show beyond using the character.

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I love pangrams! I even have a list of all my favorite ones:

  • Fix problem quickly with galvanized jets
  • Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes
  • My girl wove six dozen plaid jackets before she quit
  • who packed five dozen old quart jugs in my box
  • Jim quickly realized the beautiful gowns are expensive
  • The wizard quickly jinxed the gnomes before they vaporized
  • the quick onyx goblin jumps over the lazy dwarf
  • a wizards job is to vex chimps quickly in fog
  • Heavy boxes perform waltzes and jigs
  • A very big box sailed up then whizzed quickly from Japan
  • Jack quietly moved up front and seized the big ball of wax
  • The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
  • A quick movement of the enemy will jeopardize six gunboats
  • Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs
  • Grumpy wizards make a toxic brew for the jovial queen

this is the main reason I've been slowly removing sarcasm from my personality. it's not fun when so many people are (understandably) not in on the joke, or worse when you realize someone you were joking with was actually being completely serious. I'm just tired man, feels like half the worlds gone insane

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  • Fix problem quickly with galvanized jets
  • Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes

i don't think it's fair to lump furries and zoophiles in the same group. there's a pretty big difference between dressing up as a cartoon fox and wanting to f*ck the family pet imo.

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important to emphasize here that email is inherently not very private. Proton is one of the best email providers for privacy, but for things you really need to be private (eg organizing protests in less-than-friendly countries) you shouldn't use email at all.

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if I can sneak in some sleepy pills I'd do it. fall asleep and wake up two days later really hungry, stinky, sore, and rich as fuck.

if i can't I wouldn't. many people don't realize how dangerous sensory deprivation can be on larger scales than a couple hours. many people try to kill themselves to escape lighter/easier situations than you e described here

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as an American who just recently got into Linux, I genuinely thought he was a parody channel when I first found him. everything from his mannerisms to his motivations seems perfectly in line with the less than pleasant stereotypes of Linux dweebs, and I think if he was my only source of Linux content I probably wouldn't have gotten into Linux when I did.

impossible tables supported by strings Image of a Tensegrity Table

These are a few of the Internet’s things

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That's how I feel about every billboard in GTA V. I get that they're supposed to be over-the-top parodies but they just seem like the same thing we have IRL with a little more honesty

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what the actual fuck

and that alone is worth not supporting such a gross company via never federating with them

what I really want is a snarky 4th wall breaking note about expecting to find treasure behind a water fall with possible implications of niavety

I've heard the single most important purchase incredibly low income people can make is a phone, because without it they can't apply to new jobs or network with people because all applications are done online these days

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this image upsets me

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being un-googleable is seriously underrated. if I ever had kids I'd give them the most common names possible for exactly that reason. Sure it can be annoying when you're the 8th John in your class but that's a lot easier to get used to than the amount of bullying and harassment you could get for having a really uncommon name, especially if it's a silly name or shared name with garbage famous person

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I don't want to nitpick, but I used the default reddit app and have switched Lemmy based on principal. I don't think most or even many people are like me, but there are a few of us out there that just don't like supporting companies that clearly don't have users interests in mind, and this has been the wakeup call needed to get us off the platform.

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yes I agree with you lol just trying to be extra clear for people who might be confused

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this was my favorite show as a kid, but I always struggled to catch it on tv

whats libreboot? does (what im assuming is) a bootloader really have that much impact on performance after the PC has finished booting?

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what about police dogs? they can neither go to hell or heaven, thus they are immortal

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i played for about 3 hours, and afaik you don't have to make/use the guns. pals don't even have death animations they just get anime KO swirly eyes and you get whatever their drops are in your inventory, so you could even easily convince yourself youre just knocking them out like in Pokemon.

IMO the only reason not to buy it is the lack of depth beyond being a base-building survival game. I thought there would be some big story and grand questline, but nope. youre just dropped in the world and guided through base building and pal catching.

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what does 4 mean?

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I think he's trying to inspire more tony stark comparisons now that everyone makes fun of him.

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What is deadlock I've never heard of it

I think when they say the scientists envision being able to convert full thoughts to text, that's more like people 100 years ago saying they envision us having flying cars today. were no where near either of those things. BCI's are mostly used for people with disabilities so they can convert a very simple brain signal like try to move arm into a very simple command like move wheelchair forward it's still currently extremely impossible to decipher more complex ideas like an inner monolog, it isn't handled by just turning off or on a single brain region the way movement is.

so I think you have nothing to worry about for this ultimate truth detector thing. not something that would be developed in our lifetime or even our grandkids lifetime imo

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it's wild to me that .ml isn't a blocked domain by default for most military contractors and employees


these are really funny, will your library actually display these?

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I've never worked on an open source project before but what you're describing are all my favorite parts of working on my personal projects so far. lol maybe if I get an actually useful project idea I'll finally become an open source dev

I wish more phones had a hardware Killswitch for the mic and cam.

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I'm confused, can you describe the method you use directly? my only tool for dealing with people like this is ignoring them and cutting contact, it'd be nice to have some tools in case it happens to someone I actually like

I don't understand (im new to Linux)

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