1 Post – 64 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

yeah, the last time I tried to get a diagnosis it was a 6 month wait just to meet the doctor for it. And I had to make a phone call too which I avoid at all costs even if it's detrimental because the anxiety gets to me so bad haha

temtem screwed up by adding micro transactions. and a paid battle pass. like, I've already bought the game and now you want me to spend more money like it's a f2p piece of junk?

we are non-newtonian fluids

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I have been preaching abandoning it for YEARS. It's even worse on mobile because the formating is so messed up some links just don't work. And even without adblock, there's so many ads that THEY slow down the site. Just because it's 'free' everyone defaults to fandom and I hate it so much

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Looks like a toadlet! They're so cute

'surprisingly easy' is laughable because I have never lived with Amazon prime

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imo Tumblr has always been the 'weird kid' of social media. in the past it definitely stuck out as unique and nowadays even though they've tried to act more like xitter and Instagram or whatever the users tend to be vehemently against the changes

I gotta start direct downloading my music again soon. Spotify has just left me feeling so frustrated lately.

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I am a mere washed-out adult. just work retail and wish I was going somewhere in my life

imo it's more for emphasis. it's pretty hard to get tone through via text so people like to use bold and italics to supplement that

I think even if users actually abstained, bots would get involved to make place look active. maybe. I don't know how far reddits willing to go to make it seem like they're a good platform

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it still makes the statement correct

ah yes, bring new sapient life unwillingly into this dying world. give them no future to look forwards to

Rhythm games, 100%. I am a fair bit obsessed with them but I have yet to find a friend who truly Gets It. They either only like music, or they like games. Somehow never the marriage of the two.

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What is going on here? Why are so many companies laying off their employees??

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man that's some dumb reasoning in an attempt to justify a $70 price tag. Just cause a games expensive doesn't make it automatic quality.

It's not exactly a fetish, but I've got a thing for guys who wear masks or helmets.

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does it really matter? as long as you passed third grade reading comprehension you can use context from the conversation to understand that the person is talking about a moving image instead of a peanut butter brand.

it's a temporary fix. A patch up. If you don't focus on proper posture and stretching excersizes, it's very likely you could end up in that same situation again


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have you heard of the phrase 'the straw that broke the camels back'?

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not only that, but a SUMMER HOME too?? the audacity, how can one live in only TWO houses?!

oh God is this me. I am known to type out complete novels to my friends, to the point I fear I scare off potential new friends because of it. Sometimes I even hit that 2k character limit on discord

Yellow! I used to hate it but after I started playing Splatoon it really grew on me and now it is my preferred color of choice

I have no funny joke but I really love Lacrimosum

If you want to watch a similar experience that doesn't ruin other people's days, I recommend checking out Vagrant Holiday's videos! The guy tries to spend the least amount of money possible while traveling without being an asshole. he's even done a video in Japan! I should really binge his stuff again

every day pretty much. the only reason why I own Bluetooth is so I can get away with listening to music at work.

I also play a rhythm game on my phone a lot, and theres noticeable delay in audio with Bluetooth compared to wire. calibration fixes it sure, but a good chunk of me is just discontent knowing it simply knowing it exists.

ironically I think tech literacy is going down with future gens thanks to so many functions getting automated. Kids aren't learning how their computers work because it does all of work for them

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yess I spent a weekend watching that when it first came out and it was an awesome watch. I think about 4 hrs in is when I finally realized his name was a euphemism lol

good thing I will not be going outside

ironically, I think my spatial awareness is impeccable because of my aphantasia. Put me in a small area for ten minutes and I'll instinctively know where its safe to move and where stuff is. Also really know how to gauge effective distances in the video games I play. HOWEVER, ask me to assign a value to all this and I'll completely blank out.

and who's to say this is actual data, and not just some intern spitting out some idea

yeah the price increase isn't too awful for me. I use Spotify all the time so premium is totally worth it for me. and I know rates aren't that high but I'm happy to know I'm actually paying the people I listen to somewhat!

my ace ass looked at the chicken as requested

I've got acrophobia. I remember a few situations as a kid where I got panic attacks from seemingly mundane things. Nowadays I can avoid most things that'd trigger it, but I can't use ladders and stairs are always something I have to take at a slower pace.

oh Im Catbrain for sure

yes, I am obsessed with songs with non-language lyrics! I know of four sources (including Nier) that does it and I just love it

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ah yes, the blanket blame everyone 'solution'. why bother putting in the effort to get down to the root of the problem when punishing everyone is that much easier!

lots of pokemon here! I've got a randomized version of Black on my phone, trying to shiny dex Moon and am slowly going thru the story of Violet

oh man I just recently got 500 wishlist games myself. and thats a running joke in my clan