9 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Newb interested in learning more about Free/Libre software and the Un*x world in general


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I mainly chose Alpine because of my horrible hardware, I only have 4gb of ram and a Haswell Celeron so I wanted something really light while still being usable. As for what I was using before it was Debian but I have jumped around a lot, Arch, Debian, Fedora, Mint, FreeBSD, etc.

Treating me very well so far, very lightweight since it's not using gnu coreutils or systemd. As for the setup they have a very well-put-together installer script just boot, log into root, type setup-alpine and follow the steps on screen, I think they also have a setup script for a bunch of desktop environments but I chose to install mine manually, although this was still very easy because of the surprisingly good documentation especially the wiki with many entries explaining step by step how to install different desktop environments, this combined with the verrryyy fast package manager makes for a great experience even on the desktop. :)

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Haha 😄 yea i use Firefox mostly but I have chrome for school stuff and it loads yt a lot faster

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very true it is the icing on top of every UN*X rice :)

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I love it so far, I didn't actually really have a big reason to switch from Arch which i was using, I've just been wanting to try something new, If you've been getting bored of your operating system i think FreeBSD is a great choice to try, although Linux is still great as well I just felt it wasn't really for me

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Yes sound is working perfectly once you install pipewire you just add /usr/libexec/pipewire-launcher to your auto start for whatever de or wm you are using

So far it is for me, although it depends on what you do on your computer. web browsing works well along with office suites such as LibreOffice, and I've heard gaming is also decent with programs like Suyimazu although I haven't personally tried this as my PC is not really suited for gaming

It's in my dotfiles here

the original is here but i rounded the corners in Gimp to match the corners of my windows and polybar and that version is here

For me i think its just simplicity, compared to KDE (which i was using) where you need to tweak every little thing, don't get me wrong KDE is very very customisable but for me just being able to quickly set a gtk and icon theme and change the font in like 2 seconds compared to setting a kvantum theme and a plasma theme a gtk theme and all of that. ik some people love that and being able to tweak every little thing about their DE but i just love the simplicity of Xfce

It just works once you set the WhiteSur global theme

Un*x is just another way of saying Unix-like, sometimes its refereed to as *nix

this Wikipedia page talks about it

i think it is lighter than Mint (Xfce) but i havent used Mint (Xfce) so i dont know how much lighter it is exactly, but it uses musl libc which has a much lighter and cleaner code base than glibc and it uses busybox coreutils instead of GNU coreutils and they are again much lighter it is also using OpenRC instead of SystemD for its init system


Global menu, Shutdown or switch, and Launchpad Plasma


I have switched to brave for everything now and I really don't wanna go through the hassle of trying to convert package formats

Basically just pick a distro and use it for 6 months without hopping

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I suggest sticking to your current desktop environment for a while to become more familiar with a Linux environment before exploring standalone window managers. They require more effort and configuration to customize, which can be challenging for newcomers to Linux. However, if you're still interested, you can find my dotfiles for this on my GitHub. I also found this helpful article and YouTube playlist on installing and configuring BSPWM. Feel free to reach out to me via private message if you decide to try BSPWM or have any questions; I can share my Discord with you.

if you want something like this for KDE check out my older post here

I recently switched to Alpine and after seeing how amazing it is I feel like it deserves more recognition in the Desktop Linux space

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Picom, my configs are on my Github

It's only been a day for me so far but I've been enjoying it the only issues I've had were with my Wi-Fi and Audio although i think i have resolved those issues at least mostly. I'm hoping FreeBSD will be my new permanent home 😀

Thx, yea the dock is plank

very clean, good job :). also love the wallpaper where did you get it?

I would give it another look if you can. The wiki is very detailed and it is quite simple to install a desktop environment like KDE or Gnome if you just follow the steps.

After you install and get to your Xfce desktop just follow these steps

Linux is technically not Unix

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I've tried installing thorium but I can't get it to compile correctly and I don't wanna sit there forever trying to get it working so I just gave up and installed chrome

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I've tried the app image and it didn't work, I looked it up and the consensus is appimages won't run because of musl libc instead of glibc

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It should run perfectly fine, Alpine is made to run on low-end machines and containers

It's called launchpad plasma dark

I've tried basically every mainstream-ish distro there is, I just want some outside opinions because I'm bad at picking stuff and I want to stick with something for a while

Also Linux Mint is quite boring imo

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