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Joined 1 years ago

Mozilla, the company behind Firefox and Thunderbird, has talked a lot in recent years about the unfair advantages that platforms give to their first-party web browsers. Platform Tilt is a new effort from Mozilla to show how Firefox and other third-party browsers stack up against Chrome on Android, Safari on iPhone, and other platform pairings.

Mozilla said in a blog post, "There’s a long history of companies leveraging their control of devices and operating systems to tilt the playing field in favor of their own browser. This tilt manifests in a variety of ways. For example: making it harder for a user to download and use a different browser, ignoring or resetting a user’s default browser preference, restricting capabilities to the first-party browser, or requiring the use of the first-party browser engine for third-party browsers."

Mozilla is now outlining these "tilts" in a new "Platform Tilt" issue tracker database, while encouraging other web browsers to publish their concerns in a similar fashion. The main purpose is to call more attention to how platforms like iOS and Windows favor their own web browser over the competition, which is useful information in the various antitrust legal actions against Apple, Microsoft, and other big tech companies.

There are ten issues listed with Apple, including the Apple App Store forbiding third-party browser engines, no option to import browser data on iPhone and iPad from other web browsers, and difficult beta testing. On Android, Mozilla points out it can't import browser data, some features open Chrome instead of the default web browser, and Google search results on Android are worse.

Mozilla also highlighted three issues with Microsoft. The process for setting the default browser on Windows is still difficult, and some Windows features forcibly open links in Edge instead of the default web browser. Microsoft also reverts the default browser to Edge during some Windows setup interactions. Most of those issues were recently made illegal by the European Union, but Microsoft is free to continue doing them in other regions, like the United States.

The new database is a bit like Mozilla's WebCompat project, which documents the problems that popular websites have in Firefox and other less-popular web browsers. However, instead of specific sites creating a worse experience for Firefox users, Platform Tilt is about software platforms creating a worse experience.

You can check out the full Platform Tilt database at the source link below. It will likely continue to be updated as Mozilla sorts through its issue trackers.

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This is really just pathetic on behalf of the Beijing author.

I still holdout hope that LK-99 may have some interesting properties.... But this? This is pathetic.


the idea that we can abolish liability of companies by blaming the individual is insane. There will always be people who will be willing to litter, the companies know that, and chose to not act accordingly.

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Yea, if they say "we didnt know what that insinuated", and there are no other dog whistles, I'm happy that they responded so well and quickly!

I think just changing it to "Infestation 1988" would have also been enough...

Though, "infestation 88" a game about killing nazis, would also work!

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always reminds me of Top Gun Mavrick: The poor US, with its last generation fighters, against some unnamed micro power with top of the line fighter jets.

Why they didnt just use missile, or a high altitude bomber, ill never know.

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wow, thats impressivly tone deaf. "break free from walled communities, with our walled community! you will be free to do what you want with your community points, inside this one community you cant remove the points from!"

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Yea, known this day was coming for 3+ months.

Love his content, love his podcast, and hope that he finds a new stride for himself, either making more videos or doing something else.

I would say this is likely not a practical super conductor... But it may well be the first ever room temperature super conductor.

The first semi-conductors were not practical either, but we can all see where that led!

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Its definitly insane how hearly Tesla started selling their "self driving" cars. the fact that there are cars that paid for self driving, and then never got more than a Level 3 system is insane.

yea, he expected him not to be willing to discuss Tienanmen Square, since no one in china would want to discuss the genocide.

Of course, considering hes not Chinese, he had not problem.

And it only took how many years of people saying "wow, this is a really bad idea"

I loved OW1, went and saw a couple OWL games live, put hundreds of hours in...

No interest in OW2.

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that... cant be real, can it? it is pure meme...

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Of course, a mount like this would have been part of an achievement or an in-game event. Now its just "open your wallets"

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Is there any surprise that, after Musk took over, theres more CP on the platform than ever?

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"here's a road, there have been no accidents on it for 25 years. I'm saying, without proof, that its icy and we need to rip the road out. not to rebuild it, not fix it by spreading sand or salt, just tear it out."

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with a full page ad.

I'm very skeptical, we have seen so many claims of room temperature superconductivity that have turned out to be fake... but considering that Berkeley National Laboratory replicated it, this makes me far more hopeful.

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why? Theres no evidence of ice (ie voter fraud)?

Really enjoyed my first 10 hours with this game.

After that it became a bit repetitive, but i highly recommend it!

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but we can still point at people who have been in car accidents, people who have been injured or died from car accidents.

If no one (or almoast no one) had ever died been in a car accident, including death, injury, or just a fender bender, then carrying insurance or wearing a seatbelt wouldnt be needed.

If we had evidence of evidence of rampant/widespread voter fraud via mail in ballots, then overhauling or getting rid of the system would be needed.

yea, a daylight white in the kitchen, and in your hobby rooms,

A warm white in your living room and bedrooms.

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bad decisions, like making a truck that looks like... that...

Shocking, they did it in Canada, and the rest of the global community didnt react, so they tried it again.

I would push back on that ever so slightly.

If someone even a child, chooses to carry their rapists baby, that's their choice.

AKA: no one should be forced either way, aka pro-choice

And you, clearly, are in another postal code entirely.

"are you a fascist or are you an anti-fascist?" is exclusionary, you can only be one. You cant both be fascist and anti-fascist, nor can it be 1 and not 1, they are logically exclusionary.

"is the number of gumballs odd, or not odd" "you are so close to getting it" "yea... that's not an answer"

""Are you Pro Israel or Pro Hamas" is not, and proposing that as an example shows a complete lack of understanding on basic syllogism.

NVM, just saw you said this multiple times to everyone who raised a point you cant refute.

Well, musk showed he can just shirk duty and take home more money... so why not follow his lead.

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I've started double checking the name of each article before reading, trying to suss out if it was written by an AI.

Its not foolproof, but it helps.

Thats great news, but the proof of the pudding is in the tasting, and we will have to see if Google makes any parts for their phones available. I havn't heard of Google... digitally keying their parts the way Apple does.

Godspeed, MTG, and good luck! Eat yourself alive GOP

I would love to see this grow to the point where a full time sysadmin could be hired! Would need a lot of subscribers though

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interesting chip, but since its faster but no more power efficient, not sure how usefull it will be for mobile devices. The Q3 already has problems with its battery life, if it had the XR2+ instead of the XR2, it would have even worse battery life!

I used to be a huge google supporter, and I'll still take android every single day over an iPhone... but other than that google could go burn for all I care.

sounds like some needed, if minor improvements. Love the syncing of audio to speed!

How does everyone feel about the new bird songs.. and lack of them after we pillage the forests?

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Always think its odd they want someone like this or this in the women's washroom...

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Amen. Weird how people feel the need to insert it into random places. Cant think of any TV show that got hit from that!

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That's really cool! It must have been hard to take that incredibly low res picture, and extract this much information out of!

whether they like it or not, it should still be included on a "premium" product, when the Wii U controllers had it!

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We mainly print stuff for D&D, and documents. Got a cheap laser printer. Printed thousands of sheets, on our second toaner.

When we need pictures printed, we just go to the local print shop and get them for $0.50 each.

well, best speed and good luck, hope their self destruction is fast and brutal!

the two are not logically exclusive. a correct comparison is

"are you Pro-Isreal, or Anti-Israel" and "are you Pro-Hamas or Anti-Hamas".

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