0 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, we need to spread out a little more. Fediverse is not about having centralized concentrations that can be targetted.

Ideally every minor Instance could have one major community located there, that could serve as the central space for that particular community. That's pretty impossible of course, but it paints the picture.

19 more...

Yea, I switched to this alt. It appears to be one of the assistant admins accts. Seems like an old fashioned anon prank, to me, they're mainly just trying to make stuff offensive and redirect people to lemonparty.

So, y'know, old school.

I don't know if any data is actually in danger, but I doubt it. I don't see why assistant admins would need access to it.

25 more...

That's a clever line of attack, but having an opinion does not constitute a conflict of interest. Otherwise there would be a whole shit-ton of recusal happening every day.

A conflict of interest usually involves some form of monetary compensation or other fiscal benefit.

4 more...

Par for the course. This system will never be immune to things like that. That's part of what happens when you decentralize your power. Instead of a single target that can be made highly secure, you have a distributed array of targets.

People should certainly be engaging on here with full awareness of the reality of the Fediverse, not expecting reddit 2.0. We never will be able to offer exactly what they did. We'll be naturally worse in some areas and naturally better in others.

6 more...

It's been this way for weeks, actually. I haven't seen a graph of the uptime, but I'm sure one would look extremely ugly, based on my own user experience.

This right here is an alt, and despite the fact that I don't prefer to comment from it, since I won't necessarily check in soon to see replies, it's seeing some heavy use.

The attacks a few weeks ago weren't a one-off, they never stopped. It seems down maybe half the time or so?

One of the many ways we (all of Lemmy) are not quite ready for the mainstream yet, we still have basic technical/security issues to resolve. Soon, though.

6 more...

We're having fun and trying to build a positive space. And we have real potential to succeed in growing large. Can you think of a single faster way to attract trolling on the internet?

It's a lot more likely than someone like spez taking a break from plundering his company to piss off a modest number of internet randos in some internet corner somewhere, which would barely be a drop in the bucket of his problem anyway.

The overall effect of this is so small, it almost has to be someone(s) with too much time on their hands. If they had any kind of real power, they wouldn't be wasting their time on these chump change attacks.

25 more...

This is underrated. I actually close Lemmy a lot easier and more quickly than I did reddit, it's not hooking me with dopamine hits nearly as strongly.

As a result, since I know I'll probably just scroll for a few minutes at a time, I'm more willing to check in more often and toss a few upvotes and maybe a comment or two around.

Intelligent is where it goes wrong. They only claim to like intelligence, because that sounds good to claim. They're actually extremely anti-intellectual in basically every way you can be. Real jocks vs nerds stuff, for people who never outgrew a HS mentality.

It's kinda hard to wrap your brain around sometimes, but bad people can be patriots too. When you have a proper, full-scale war going on, these people become a resource like any other.

Anti-corruption is great during peace time. Necessary, even. But it cannot always be the top priority in all situations, that's just not practical.

I would even argue that if you're not continually adjusting your priorities as situations develop, you're not a very good leader. So yeah, buy his guns now. Throw him in prison later. Can even confiscate back some of the money you paid. You have to win first though.

LLMs. Despite how absurdly useful they are, I can recall a time when I had the skills of remembering phone numbers naturally and being able to easily navigate with no maps of any kind.

These skills have deteriorated significantly in the past 10 years, and they're not the only ones. The common thread they all have is my smartphone replaced them.

I fear losing a skill that is less innocuous, from the new tech effectively replacing my need to practice it.

6 more...

It was kind of inevitable, unfortunately. After we impeach one of them for even legitimate wrongdoing, if they do not counter-impeach us, they lose perceived legitimacy, which weakens them.

They had no other strategically sound moves, when you consider their goal of hanging onto power regardless of the wishes of the voting public.

Huh... so this probably is more sophisticated than a single acct breach then. Lovely.

1 more...

Yeah, all the time. It's the easiest way to identify a troll from a random idiot. I don't have a problem with random idiots, if someone genuinely likes Trump and believes in authoritarianism, that is fine by me. I don't like them, but at least they're engaging in good faith. I can understand and work with that.

But, when their comment history is full of pushing people's buttons or a wide, inconsistent variety of opinions, then it becomes pretty clear that being shocking is the goal itself. That's an obvious troll, and should be dealt with as one.

edit: Note, I don't bother voting while I'm there, so I answered inaccurately. I'm just sleuthing to find out if engaging at all is worth my time. If it is a troll, I actually don't downvote anything, as large downvote tallies amuse them. If it's probably not a troll, I don't downvote then either, but I know I can go back to the original comment and actually talk to this person like a human being without wasting my own time.

So, actually I don't downvote through people's comment history. I do skim quickly through them though, reading for good-faith engagement. Or a lack of it.

I don't upvote very often either, since I'm reading and scrolling too fast to bother. Unless I run into a really good post or something, enough to make me stop skimming for a second.

This'll definitely be remembered. It's good for us, we needed the wakeup call.

Life is nothing but slippery slopes in all directions. Get used to it and stop falling for it as a line.

As possible as anything else, but it would be unusual. I find it strange that people are so eager to reach for unusual explanations when the actual, conventional extremist trolls absolutely exist. This would be 100% in-character for them, and would benefit their goals very clearly.

Occam's Razor.

Additionally, they would try to point the finger at absolutely everyone except for them, as that would clearly serve their goals of general misinformation and distrust.

People are allowed to support whatever political causes they wish, so long as they are willing to engage civilly and fairly with other people. This is how the modern world works, with dialogue and debate instead of censorship, cowardly avoidance and control.

21 more...

I mean, yeah, that's pretty much what they do, isn't it?

Problem with attacking stupidity is its not necessarily fixable. We do not attack people over things they cannot change, like the color of their skin or their sexual orientation.

How do they change their innate intelligence? We're not all gifted with the same amount. Can your system apply to someone who takes 5 minutes to learn the definition of even one new word? Someone who needed remedial classes, because the average classes were beyond their ability?

We need a system that allows for them too. So, asking for intelligence is asking too much, so that the execution of the method is easily within everyone's capabilities. Thus, back to the drawing board.

We'd just get a new one made out of water vapor. I'm sure everything would be fine.

If either of those figures is actually accurate from an end-user standpoint, then the entire downtime must be coming during my primary periods of usage.

1 more...

I would describe it as a cacaphonic symphony that you eventually get used to. It packs as much information into one sense as you can get from your other four put together.

Much like how you can discern an individual instrument type in a symphony, sight lets you discern individual objects from afar, and gives you a mostly accurate summary of its basic properties.

Also much like with sound, it can be very appealing or unappealing, depending. There's an intrinsic beauty to the sense itself though. Every object has color, for instance, and color is more like smell. It can give you hints about what something is, but its mostly an arbitrary blend of different "flavors" that combine to create more complex examples.

It's the super-sense, the one sense that binds them all. When one of your other four detects something, your first instinct is to locate it with sight to determine more information before you do anything else. You "look at it" first. Almost without fail.

Of course they are. But once they start telling other people what to do, they are doing a different thing from that, are they not?

12 more...

I do not believe that the Fediverse is an exclusively anti-corporate platform. It's nature is open to all, even corporations, at a technical level.

Granted, many anti-corporate people came here, but that doesn't make this a fundamently anti-corporate place. Just their specific communities.

I also doubt many serious Fediverse types are that petty and childish. That's generally a trait of more short-sighted people. Not a lot of native trolls here, we came here in many cases to escape that behavior.

Is it so strange to think some assholes might just chase us down and bring it to us? What would you do if you were a hate-fueled asshole that wanted to watch the world burn? I'd find nice things and fuck them up, personally. That would be both fun and potentially effective.

4 more...

We're getting there, still in the very early stages here. One thing I've noticed is how extremely techy the initial community here was, something I personally collided with like a bit of a wrecking ball. People in general, not just techy people, tend to assume others will approach things similarly to how they naturally do. So they don't necessarily always see problems that others might stumble over, ahead of time.

Now that we've started growing more rapidly, these problems of scale, where they now have to anticipate problems they did not have to anticipate before, all are coming due. So, growing pains.

This is why I have not been inviting people to Lemmy yet, I've been waiting until it's more polished for the mainstream. It's also why the graph is trending down. We're literally not ready yet for the mainstream, in many, many different ways.

Also useful to remember, we're only done getting big growth spikes if spez is done pissing off reddit. I doubt he is.

You know, everyone should start calling the service twiX, just to irritate the candy bar company, which is actually a multi-billion dollar conglomerate that does care how its brands are perceived.

3 more...

I mean, it's not a fever. It's just sitting under a big pile of invisible blankets. Get rid of the blankets and things would be fine.

2 more...

Call up your local news station and newspaper, offer them the story. If they turn you down, call up another one.

He types in all-caps exclusively now.

My alt account on is doing fine, no slowdowns. Redd.that and were slow to the point of unuseability for most of the past 6 hours.

It'd still irritate them due to the connotations, regardless of how legally actionable their irritation would be.

I agree, the cross-posting gets annoying. Why do people insist that everyone who is interested in a certain topic needs to participate in their post, so it has to go on every community?

People did not do that on reddit. They just made one post and waited for interaction.

6 more...

I'm discussing the specific choice of what rhetoric they decide to use, not why they are using it. Why they are using it is fairly obvious at this point.

There are many different lines, arguments, whatever that could be employed, though. By paying attention to which ones are specifically chosen, you can learn more about their target audience, which is larger than simply fans of a white, ultra-nationalist ethno-state. Hence their need to continue to use rationalizations like this, instead of being forthright about their intentions.

This one in particular surprised me, as I didn't foresee it. They're usually more predictable than that.

I'm not him, but now that I think about it, there is a tendency for many people to prefer the more generalized term.

Where scientists don't tend to use the word scientist as much, I can't recall ever seeing the term in a journal article for instance. (I don't read many, but I'll read an abstract here and there) I'm not sure why. I expect it's some categorization thing, where not all scientists perform research, so researcher is the more precise term. I'm just guessing as to the reason though, I do not have a PhD.

This comment is hilarious, and it being downvoted is sad.

A CEO of a business valued in the billions is unlikely to have mastermind plans to you? Sounds pretty naive to me.

I agree with this entirely.

Surprised this one took so long. We've had basic hologram tech for decades now. Even with a private jet, it's not like flying cross country all the time for business is fun or anything. Being on a jet is still being on a jet, and not being able to do anything except pull out your laptop, mobile device or book.

Wouldn't it be neat if this was actually his plan the whole time? He actually is a Tony Stark-tier genius and a firm progressive, and this is all a ploy to gather much of Earth's crudest and simplest, and ship them all to Mars. And to actually genuinely get them to go...

Then they can just live there happily ever after.

Simple. Jews owned all the funding sources, regulatory agencies that were supposed to watch for this, industry-insiders that could have blown a whistle and the media companies that could have investigated. Anyone who could possibly threaten this structure is blasted by the space lasers.
