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Joined 1 years ago

I’m imagining what happens is they organize a giant search party to look for you (this is not the good kind of giant party) Eventually they find your corpse and put it in a refrigerator for a long time while your relatives argue with the police about whether you were kidnapped and murdered. Somebody pays for all this, maybe the tax payers, maybe your relatives, I don’t know. Then after all that you finally get to have your expensive funeral but on top of being sad, everybody is frustrated.

I’m thinking, better all around if you just don’t die quite yet because that shit is just awkward.

Gluck auf!

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I feel like this article is missing the main point. Yes; assholes trying to prevent black and minority success continue to be a thing same as ever.

But getting the police boot lifted off your neck a little has got to be a good thing, right? Tell me about that! Have arrests and hassling gone down or not?

Presumably part of the draw for living in downtown San Francisco is you don’t need to pay for the upkeep and feeding of a car

She is wearing a snood. This looks like extremely purposeful Renaissance to me.

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Yes and for the same reason — they are both French words for groups of people.

Except two states called Illinois is different from two people from the Illini tribe and sometimes plural Quebecois is Quebeckers so I wouldn’t place any solid bets on sanity in naming when we get our 2nd Illinois

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Nobody is surprised that pollution centers on areas where people live, but showing how the pollution levels change hour-by-hour over a broad area is new and is a big deal.

11-year-old posts are fine. It’s not like pizza-cooking techniques become obsolete; if there’s old wisdom I still want it.

It’s just, you know, better not to quote shitposts, you know?

This thing where search engines only want new results is actually quite bad. I was looking for advice on exactly how to physically arrange the wiring and connections for some batteries in parallel. SearXNG gave me great results that were really helpful from electricians posting on old forums of varying age. DDG and Google only gave me bullshit SEO sites. But they were new!

What is this song actually singing about?

Edit: I answered my own question:

Fanboys who will buy anything Apple… that is what “strength of the brand” /means/

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So what is actually the deal with CutCo? I know they’re a scam, everyone knows they’re a scam, but this one particular woman I know to be in general not a dummy, says her son spent the summer selling their knives once and made good money.

Was he just lying to her? How does the scam work?

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I am personally impressed. That is a very bad year.

They employed Ghislaine Maxwell?? In what capacity?

You need to use trigger warnings for this kind of shit.

I used XMPP for years, then my work switched to using it, then my work switched to Slack.

XMPP was fine.

What did MEC do? I never heard of them before last month when I bought a backpack while visiting Canada.

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Russian Lada was a “people’s car” that (like other Soviet products) was built for internal use and protected from competition. When the Soviet Union fell and Russian car manufacturers were exposed to competition, they eventually went out of business.

The story is not that simple though. The Lada was a really popular and robust car. It lived on for a long time and exported versions to Canada and other places using Western fuel-injected engines. I have no idea what happened to the company in the end but it seems clear at least to me that it was the sudden huge change in competitive landscape that did it in, not the industrial planning.

Škoda is a similar car brand from (at the time) Yugoslavia that managed to survive the fall of the Soviet Union and is still active as a brand today.

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I was thinking more like a split into North Illinois and South Illinois. I think we’d have to see South Illinois standing on its own before any mergers with Iowa or Indiana are on the table. Wisconsin or Michigan… I do not see that happening, no.

I was talking about charging subscription fees for the instance login, not ads. I imagine if you wanted to fork lemmy and change it to inflict ads on your instance users you could do that, too.

I’m not thinking it’s an awesome business proposition right now, but if the fediverse gets big enough that users are willing to pay for Enterprise Reliability™ then I could see it happening.

It used to be that you could self-host your email server or use your cool friend’s server. But these days almost everybody uses commercial hosting. I see lemmy and mastodon going the same way if they grow enough.

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This is an excellent case in point — for most instances there kind of just, somebody felt like making an instance and here it is. If you don’t know anybody specifically there’s not much reason to pick one over another. Maybe in future somebody will start up commercial instances like email providers and charge extra to have better reliability or a cool name or whatever but so far the instances seem to be pretty much run for the sake of neighborly kindness and fun.

Some instances have enough of a special interest that they get a distinct identity and reputation.

If you go look at what’s posted/hosted locally on the hexbear instance you’ll see it’s got a shit-ton of general trolling, shit-disturbing, lib-pwning, and general 4chan activity. If that’s your jam, you can sign up there and have a “local” feed with that kind of content, concentrated.

Meanwhile I’ve seen a number of calls to defederate from hexbear recently and if you sign up there you will not see or interact with whomever is posting from those instances who say no to trolling.

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Oh, is the post itself old? I didn’t notice that. My feed today is full of posts by you with old news articles. It hadn’t occurred to me that the feed itself would be showing me old posts.

Is Pandora any better than Spotify at paying artists?

This is old and so are all your other posts. Why are you posting old news?

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Hoarders gone wild?