1 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Oh man, if only we had statistics from countries where porn is banned, or some sort of scientific study from multiple countries where porn was banned and then unbanned to see what the change was...

Spoiler: They'll probably go up slightly.

The spirit is quite clearly that rape and abuse numbers will likely go up slightly anywhere porn is banned.

Nobody said "drastically."

Because when someone says "COME HERE" they're making the statement that whatever you're doing is pointless shit that can be dropped immediately.

I didn't tolerate that with my parents, and I sure as shit wouldn't tolerate it with a spouse. If you can't be bothered to give me a reason to go there, don't fucking tell me to go there.

"Hey, check this shit out!" - Fine. Implies it's on my own time. "Could you come in here?" - Fine. A request can be denied. "Come here." - I'm not your fucking dog.

remember what made Ford what it is today.

American can-do spirit, worker's rights, and throbbing fuckloads of antisemitism.

It’s literally 3 people in California

A class action always starts with a handful of plaintiffs. It must be established first that there is grounds for a class action. In other words, you have to demonstrate that this is part of a larger problem. The first step is that small group of people. They file suit, and then it's decided if the case should have class action status. Once the case is given class action status, all people that may have been effected are notified that they may qualify for the class action. In other words, literally 3 people in California are how a class action lawsuit gets started. If you knew anything about the legal process, you would know this.

Teslas are tested to the EPA test cycles, same as every other car in the US. They’ve been audited multiple times, and always passed.

Volkswagen vehicles were tested too. Turns out they had special programming to determine when they were being tested rather than normally driven.

This cost them close to $15 billion.

Ah yes, an unverified report from a single unnamed source with 10-year-old knowledge.

All "sources" are unnamed. Welcome to journalism 101. If they're named, they're not "a source." You just credit them. Fucking Deepthroat was a "source" and he took down Nixon. It wasn't until decades later that his actual identity was revealed. When a "source" is coming from someplace like Reuters you assume they're legit until shown otherwise.

Also, learn to read. The actual statement is that Tesla STARTED modifying these numbers about ten years ago, not that their information is ten years old.

If the “investigative” reporter wanted to test this, they could literally just go and find a new Tesla and see what its fully-charged range says. Trivially simple. But it would show the EPA range which goes against their story, so they don’t mention it.

What part of "still uses" do you not understand? Tesla can modify the software of the car on the fly. Were you not aware of that? All they have to do is send an update to change these things. Can't prove it? Well buddy, that's what a lawsuit is for. Now the onus is on Tesla to prove that they aren't doing illegal shit.

I don't know why you have "investigative" in scare quotes other than to show how ignorant you are.

In tech (and Tesla is a tech company) it’s called L1 support.

You have clearly not read anything about this team. It's not there to be first line support. It's there to convince people there aren't any issues with their cars, regardless of whether or not there is something wrong. I suggest you hang around some Tesla forums where people that have actually encountered this Diversion Team post.

They're there solely to keep Muskypants from feeling bad about himself and his shitty product.

But sure, go on blaming people buying Teslas for being "bad with technology" when the average Tesla owner is LITERALLY A FUCKING TECHBRO.

Bootlicking is a bad habit. Drop it like I dropped your mom last Saturday.

"We shouldn't use evidence that banning porn has a potentially deleterious effect to make a decision on banning porn. We should use The Jesus!"

It's not OUR society that you're responding to. It's NUMEROUS societies.

The rest of the world does exist, ya know.

It doesn't.

If you're taking a pure "infrared" image it will look like night vision goggles. Since infrared doesn't have a color that we can see, it just ends up as brightness value data going into the camera's sensor. It's just black and white since the sensor only has a brightness value to reproduce.

For this image I used a filter that allows the infrared through, making things like foliage brighter and giving it sort of an orange hue, while kicking out other wavelengths. I then use basic color adjustments to make the orange-ish foliage that the camera produces look super bright red. You can alter it to pretty much any color you like. All infrared pictures are ultimately false color, so it's up to you what you want it to look like.

I have a writeup on my terrible 1998-ass website. Complete with no ads or monetization, just like 1998 intended.

Long story short: You can rip the infrared filter out of most any digital camera, then use various filters to alter the wavelengths that actually hit the camera's sensor.

Yup. He supported Trump's bullshit right up to the moment when Trump started threatening him personally.

And he still sucks Trump dick every chance he can get, which is weird for someone that's so damn homophobic.

A recall is a tacit admission that there is a problem, there is a fix, and it will be fixed at the manufacturer's expense.

Tesla has claimed there is no issue, instituted teams designed solely to minimize the number of complaints about this issue, done all they can to deny that there is a problem, and ultimately is being sued for failing to actually do their damn jobs.

If you don't understand the difference maybe you need to grow up a bit more before having an opinion.

1 more...

Dang, nice timing with the clouds.

My thoughts exactly. But way more mundane. The Scarlet Suburban Boredom.

Nothing some molotovs can't fix.

Volkswagen fucked with EPA tests and paid almost $15 billion for their efforts.

And yet you think Tesla, a company owned and operated by an absolute sociopath, is being totally honest with their range numbers.

Fucking lawl.

All spot on!

I will mention as an add-on that it's entirely possible to take IR photos using a standard camera and an IR filter such as a Hoya R72. The downside to this is that normal cameras don't take in much IR due to filtering so you have to do a long exposure. The image ends up mostly red (since the filter itself is very dark red in visible light) so you then just turn it monochrome. Skies become dark, foliage becomes bright.

It's all super cool and the best part is nobody can tell you you're wrong. You just make it look the way you want it to be.

Fun Fact: Basically all sensors are IR sensors, but most have a IR/UV cut filter that keeps it from getting through.

It depends on how the image was captured. I have a camera I converted to "full spectrum" by removing the IR/UV cut filter. It can still collect visible light, no problem, and you can use various filters to utilize whatever wavelengths you want.

That said, given the amount of noise, this looks like something that was taken with a standard camera and a long exposure through something like a Hoya R72 so there probably isn't a color version in this instance unless OP took a separate one.

Really makes me want to go face-first into astrophotography. Dig it.