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Joined 12 months ago

Try telling that to a 18-22 yr old. You think you know everything at that age. Then you get older and realize no one knows any fucking thing

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Damn. Imgur was so awesome when it first came around. I remember the creator doing an AMA when he made it. It mainly served as a image hosting site, just for Reddit... Then it gradually went to shit

Fuck that. Our company gives us phones because they know they're secure. And we don't use them for anything but work related apps. I still make all my phone calls from my personal or office phone

I say, "We," but that's not entirely true. There are a couple of jackasses that do everything on them, but I assume the company can see it of they want to. So, fuck that

Kind of funny. When I was a kid, people would be asked, "Paper or plastic?" and encouraged to use plastic as it "saved the rainforests"

We've come full circle

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I see we're just gonna keep the Reddit norm of posting bullshit headlines for clicks

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Crazy. Android was one of, if not THE first, subreddit I subscribed to when I joined Reddit. I was rooting my Galaxy S Edge.. Before a shitload of major subreddits were even created.. Here we are, almost 12 years later, starting over. Now I'm on my 2 year old GS 21 Ultra

RIF just started working for me again... Weird

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I wonder if they'll ever make that impossible. I used to go on a couple of 6 hour drives twice a week for a long time. A lot of the drive didn't have cell service, as it was thru a bunch of mountains. I ended up making a python script that downloaded podcast episodes to listen to, and to force my brother to watch Your Mom's House, when he was with me on the drive.

It was surprisingly simple to do this.

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Send me your social security number and any other info I can use to ruin your credit, and I'll hook you up

My work laptop just got replaced, and what's great is the dock that came with it. It only connects to my laptop thru a USB C. So. Now I unhook my laptop, and plug my phone into it, which uses Dex. It's like Samsung's own desktop OS. And I can use my big screens and keyboard and mouse

I also make sure my phone isn't using the network cable plugged into it and only use my own internet. I don't think it'd let me anyways

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The CAC also said service providers should allow parents to opt out of the time limits for their children.

Bullshit headline

Reddit 3rd party app, according to Reddit devs

Welp. There's one good reason to use Automatic1111. Its all hosted on your local machine. No internet required

Not saying this is right, but I was trying to make some cute cartoon pictures for my niece of a girl that looked like her and a weiner dog doing silly things.

I guess certain keywords were blocked... but I was able to pull it off on A1111

Also. It's trainable

Lol. That's probably one of Durant's alternates

So I use revanced for youtube.. does it only work with sync or would it work with RIF? I'm not sure how it actually works, but I know that it's awesome for YT.

Anyways. I'm over Reddit now. If I Google something and it sends me to Reddit, I look for other sources before I use the Reddit link

Makes me wish there was a way to force them to remove everything I ever posted on their site.

But... It's their site and I put the shit there. Who knew it would come to this, though?

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Not really. It's okay for some just casual internet browsing and a few apps that are made for it, and I think you can use Office on it, but I've only used it to entertain myself at work. If you had access to a laptop or PC, you can plug a USB cable into any of the flagship Samsung phones and test it out.

Itd be nice if more people used it though, so itd get more support

If you're familiar with Linux at all, there are some versions you can put on a rooted Android phone, and use it like a Linux PC. I never tried it, but I know it was a thing about 10 years ago, and I'm sure it's still being worked on

I know a lot of Republicans that hate how both parties have become. We need some independents to vote for. There's a lot of us that are caught in the middle. I agree with the small govt part of traditional Republicans, and agree with a lot of what the left has. For whatever reason. All we get is some bullshit extreme from either side.

What about normal ass people that just want people to leave them the fuck alone, pay taxes, keep their roads working, and stop wasting (literally stealing) our fucking money

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Nice.. I really prefer RIF, but I have used Sync in the past and it was pretty solid.

The thing I really liked about RIF that nothing else had, is the ability to click your subscribed menu, type 1 letter, and it started filtering.. Super fast way of navigating your subbed subreddits

I'm aware. I was hoping this would be more like the old Reddit... but its not unfortunately. Dumb users have made their way here as well

Oh. Also, the company I work for has estimated that demand will grow 50% over the next 10 years, some of it due to demand from electric vehicles. They're building new plants and wind farms non-stop, and also upgrading transmissions because they make a lot of easy money by letting other companies use their lines

Does no one remember 2016-2020? The whole time people said Trumps win was a sham.

Are those people traitors too?

I'm not saying Biden's win was bullshit, but I swear no one can remember past 30 minutes ago

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I dont think whoever wrote this understands how power generation works. You don't make more power than what is being consumed. On days when wind and solar a putting out good amounts of power, they idle down the gas a coal plants to a lower load.

They can't make excess power, so none of it goes to waste.

Also, I work in the industry in plants around this area... They have been upgrading a lot of shit. And my base plant is actually part of a pilot program to fix a lot of the winter issues they had.

One of the plants I worked in down in that area is relatively new, and it was only engineered for temps at 15 degrees F. It got down to -15 and was fine, thankfully.

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