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Yep, so many "self help" books have such great advice like "No energy? Have you tried going for a walk?". WITH WHAT ENERGY‽‽‽

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I've done this about migraine. "Incurable neurological brain condition" gets lots of sympathy, migraine gets "oh boohoo, you have a "headache"".

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Or stuff like

Me- mentions in passing that I have a chronic illness

Them- watch this 2 hour rambling video about a completely different condition and you'll be cured

Me- no, that would be like telling a paraplegic to watch a video about diabetes and then they'll no longer be paralyzed

Them- I was just trying to help, you just want to be in pain for the pity party

Yep, my one grandma would do this, it was so irritating to go anywhere with her.

Yeah, saying migraine is "just a headache" is like saying a heart attack is "just a little chest pain". It's one of the most common chronic health problems, and yet it's significantly mocked. So annoying.

Hey look, it's me

Ugh, add in chronic nausea from migraine and it's a joy. My nausea level, hunger level, and desire to eat are all disconnected. But they all have to align if I want to successfully eat. So much fun. All hail Zofran.

Yep. School bullies were so much fun, it would piss them off that I wasn't getting mad. Like try harder, I'm not even insulted yet. When your first bullies are your parents kids your age are a joke in comparison.

Same. I would literally never pay anything on time.

Exactly. Like I have to ignore a lot of pain constantly, but that's cause I live with chronic pain 24/7/365. So if I want to do anything with my life I have to deal with it when it's manageable. But when it passes my threshold I am out. Done, I need to rest, take a break, meds, nap, etc. And then I get shamed by people "for not being able to handle a little pain", even though I'm in more pain every day than many people have ever been in.

I had a psychiatrist send me off with the helpful suggestion to start working out, I was a lifeguard and literally had to work out to keep my job. He also told me I couldn't have ADHD because I'd graduated high school, without checking if I actually had. Like I did, but he just assumed that. The kid who showed up twice a week and turned in work never also graduated. My school had an excellent graduation rate, just ignore all the people who graduated unable to read past a 5 year old level.

I'm still undiagnosed, though not for lack of trying. One doc wanted me to stop literally every medication I was on for like an entire month "to get a baseline", and when I refused he prescribed me something I couldn't take anyway, and I never went back. I'm chronically ill, that would literally land me in the hospital.

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Exactly. Like there can be safety concerns and such, but not to the extent that some places push it. Like my neurologists infusion center doesn't care about tattoos, piercings, or hair color unless they might get caught on things or are NSFW. So all piercings must be small, smooth, and not hoops. Even gauged ears are fine as long as they have solid plugs. And most people are smart enough to only put NSFW tattoos in easily coverable places. Employers thinking they can just blinding dictate your entire appearance is absurd.

Yep. I got in trouble for this exact thing, except I mentioned my father and it was their mother who had recently died. Oh, and I didn't know this person, like I didn't even know their name because I had literally just met them. How I was supposed to know their mom had recently died I have no idea. It ended my friendship with the person I did know after I was called all manner of unrepeatable things.

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Stop having ADHD because it's inconvenient for them. Then again I've also had people demand I leave my scent sensitivity at home. Like how I wish I could.

Yeah, like I'm so glad I've wrecked friendships over not doing something I didn't know I was supposed to do and made absolutely no sense after I was told about it. Such a superpower.

Same, like once my brain forgets it's supposed to be a habit it's just gone. It sucks.

Wow, my brain just looked at those guidelines and went "yes, those are all words, no, I will not read them", so here I am leaving a comment.

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Yep. Like sometimes that fifth reread of the comment I'm replying to makes me realize the person is actually a troll and won't care how thought out my response is.

They just wanna argue it seems. I apparently put words in their mouth by asking a question.

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Yeah, like people, some things just suck. Trying to find the positive in some situations just isn't helpful. Some people even try to find the positives with my migraine. Like no, it just sucks.

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Yep. Like "You could achieve so much if only you put in a little effort". 🗡️😵 Thanks for noticing how much effort I put in, I'll be sure to try again in the future.

Given how many grown adults think you can hold in your period, that everyone gets their period at the same time, cramps are fake, having sex standing up means you won't get pregnant "cause gravity" (she had two kids and still believed that), tampons are sex toys, periods are sexual and therefore children shouldn't be taught about them..... Yeah, how menstrual cycles work is not common knowledge many places. And yes, I've met people who believe every single one of these things.

Great job being the sucky books. You completely nailed it and proved why this post exists by saying the same obnoxious things I've heard 5,000 times. I have an incurable chronic illness, that wall ain't crumbling anytime soon short of a major advance in medical science. If I'm too exhausted to get to the toilet without help, how am I supposed to push through that?? Oh wait, I've tried pushing through that, you wanna guess what happens? I pass out, fun times.

The sad reality is people like you making assumptions about why someone they do not know is struggling. You are telling me I need to do something that is physically impossible. So yeah, saying it is easier than doing it when it can't be done. I push through so much crap, an absurd amount of it, but when I hit my breaking point I stop. Pushing through has caused me more harm than good. And then people like you come along and tell me I "just have to push through". NO! I'm gonna stick to respecting my body enough to listen to what it's telling me.

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Nice, I'm on my "Watched 3" playlist so I stop rewatching things and only realizing halfway through.

Making fun of yourself can be helpful at times. You don't know they're self diagnosed.

Lol, accurate. But that's so me. Anyone else found their phone in the freezer?

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Yep. One of the meds I tried for depression killed my ability to feel 99% of emotions. I would literally stay in bed until I HAD to use the bathroom, and then go right back to laying down, doing absolutely nothing the whole day. I was told by a ridiculous number of people that I just had to push myself for the meds to help. Like I was eating one meal a day because I had to in order to take my meds. Living on 600 calories a day sucks, but I just didn't care. You can't make yourself care when have no energy.

That is a whole mood

The only people who have ever told me I should treat being disabled like it gives me superpowers have been neurotypical and able bodied. We don't like it.

Yep. Burnout can take aaaaageeessss to get over.

Same. I'll try to educate, but I'd have better luck trying to teach a brick to tap dance with some people.

Oof, this. And I have a lot of appointments cause of my stupid body forgetting how to work correctly.

Yeah, like I felt bad that it caused them emotional pain, but being screamed into oblivion for asking to borrow a phone so I could call my father and tell him when I needed to be picked up was not the right response. I wasn't even able to say "I'm sorry, I didn't know" because she wouldn't stop scream berating me (while ignoring her crying friend too). I just walked out of the room and ended up borrowing a strangers phone. We never spoke again. Thankfully the rumors she tried to spread about me were so unbelievable that no one believed them. Like my bully didn't believe them they were that ludicrously bad.

The thing that really confused me that I found out from someone else later was that their father was still alive. Did they just never refer to their father in any way? People are going to mention their parents. Like we were all in middle school, having to say "I have to ask my parents if I can do that, go to that, etc" is practically a daily phrase at that point in life.

I just hope their friend got the help they needed. I never learned exactly when their mother passed, but it was at least several weeks in the past from what I gathered. Bursting into tears because someone simply mentions a parent, who isn't even the one who died, suggests they need professional help. Obviously I'm not expecting people to get over a family member dying just because a certain amount of time has passed, but just hearing the word "Dad" shouldn't cause a fountain of tears.

For me ADHD makes it hard to change tasks, and depression is not caring enough to try.

I put words in your mouth by asking you a question? That's not how that works, nice try.

Yeah, I didn't see that at all, though I can see it after a few rereads. IDK, I really can't tell which they meant.

Yep. I'm even diagnosed with depression and doctors still deny it. Nothing like being told "You're not depressed, you just need to exercise" when you are a lifeguard with mandatory fitness requirements if you want to keep your job.

Yeah, it didn't work for me either. Just killed my ability to feel anything and I did nothing for weeks.

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Especially when it's obvious they will not be debating in good faith.

Yep, like nothing any stranger has ever said to me about being trans has made me "change my mind" or caused me "to see the error of my ways". Like I'm just trans, it's that simple.