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Joined 10 months ago

I agree that it's only really the low-information undecided voters who will be swayed by a bad debate performance. Happily, we still have 5 months until the election, and I doubt that many people will be thinking about this by the time they get to the ballot box.

I used to live in GA, and there was a one-way street that google maps was constantly telling me to turn the wrong direction onto. It really bugs me that I switched to Waze because it was better than google maps, then google just bought them. Long past time to bring antitrust suits against big tech. At least we have an FTC chair at the moment who's trying to make some progress.

Ayy, I was up north in '03, but I ran some Sadr City patrols in '04. Vivid memories of watching Cheaper by the Dozen in full kit while we listened to the mortars walking in. And a complex ambush on the way back to BIAP. I was on a 240 in the second truck. There was some musical car horn that seemed to signal it—not La Cucaracha, but something like that; I think one of these days I'll hear it again somewhere and have a legit ptsd flashback—and a fruit stand or something on the right exploded, and a car behind me somewhere as well, I believe. Then some dudes came out on a balcony behind and to the left and started licking rpgs at us. Good times. Csm got some shrapnel in his ass, which didn't improve his temper, but at least we got a lot of jokes out of it.

I have to assume this is part of a PR strategy wherein he claims to have been replaced by his evil twin from the mirror universe.

Whole lot of priveleged accelerationists ITT. Good thing most of them were probably never going to bother voting anyhow.

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It's sickening, the way we've screwed over the Kurds.

This was also my exact reaction to seeing this. Like, holy shit Arkansas, my expectations were super low, but you managed to limbo under that bar with room to spare.

It's on image 2899, 1st session of the 39th congress on, I believe May 30, 1866.

I still can't believe SHS got elected governor. She's a horrible nepo baby whose only qualification was her big national gig telling ridiculous lies on TV every day. Like, what the actual fuck, Arkansas? Then again, Texas's elected officials are at least as bad worse. So, yeah.

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I mean, they made the emoji movie. And fucking battleship. Nothing's too far-fetched. A family drama based on Connect 4? Why not! How about Dwayne Johnson stars in an action movie based on Hungry Hungry Hippos? It's all too plausible now.

Hinged seems like a great candidate for a slang term. Like, that guy's totally hinged. Logically, I would use it for people that seem to have their head on straight, or things that make sense.

Oh, noes! There's only like a billion other instances you can access it from.

Dallas? Nobody in Houston wants to go to fucking Dallas.

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I think there must be some subset of evangelicals that believes he is the antichrist, and is just trying to hasten Armageddon.

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Theoretically, if you had such technology, maybe you could use it to rehabilitate instead of punish. Being able to undergo months or years of therapy in a matter of hours could be extremely beneficial.

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This is why I don't watch Tom Cruise, Elisabeth Moss, et al vehicles. You can't separate the art from the artist when you're literally financing their criminal organization.

Yeah, social media algorithms are doing a lot of damage. I wish there was more general awareness of this. Based on personal experience, I think many people actually like being fed relevant content, and are blind to the consequences. I think Lemmy is great, because you have to curate your own feed, but many people would never use it for that very reason. I don't know what the solution is.

That sounds interesting. It looks like you're right, though; I couldn't find an English translation, at any rate. Luckily, the search reminded me how much I loved The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi, and now I'm planning to hit the bookstore when it opens.

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I love it when my tags are vindicated. Here I had you tagged as 'tasteless asshat', and I clearly couldn't have been more right.

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As far as active duty folks go, I agree with you. But the overwhelming likelihood is that it would be National Guard troops deployed in this manner, not Regular Army. In my limited experience working with Guard units, they vary pretty widely in terms of training and professionalism.

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One thing I haven't noticed anyone else mention is that the literacy data being referenced here seems to originate from the PIAAC, an organisation that I wasn't previously familiar with. I was curious about their methodology, since I also thought the quoted rate was shocking. The thing is, according to this FAQ, they only assess in English. So the number of people who are actually illiterate is inextricable from the number of people who are literate in another language, but haven't learned English yet.

It's your responsibility to be informed and to vote. You're out here saying fuck everybody, I don't care. Shocking that people are downvoting you.

Relevant Calvin and Hobbes

That sounds like the kind of fact that they'd have had on an early series of QI, only to retract it in a later series and redistribute points.

Just checked, looks like that story comes from an 11th century Persian epic poem, Shahnameh. It doesn't seem to be referenced in that article, but is discussed in this one.

No point mentioning these ponies, I thought—the poor bastard'll see them soon enough.

Happy to see that nearly all the biggest Lemmy instances are blocking it, with the glaring exception of, which is the largest by far. is to lemmy as AOL was to the early internet—the default bucket for those who don't know any better.

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It's disturbed me for the last decade or two to see people increasingly posting YouTube videos as sources for information. I don't see how TikTok is any worse.

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Fucking Orwellian ghoul. Shit like this only helps Trump. What the hell is he trying to accomplish by calling anti-genocide protestors fascists? Who does he think is going to believe it?

I don't understand a parent that can plead not guilty after his daughter shoots herself with his gun. Like, whose fault is it, if not his? Just take responsibility for it.

I don't doubt that they're out there. Kinda like, theoretically, there are cops out there that aren't bastards. But if they're doing fuck-all to fight against the people trying to make the country a fascist theocracy, what fucking difference does it make? I don't see any mainstream American Christians standing up against Trumpism, and I don't see any police unions dropping their warrior cop, thin blue line bullshit. They're all complicit, at the very least.

Trump is a blustering idiot, but he's also a criminal facing bankruptcy and prison time. Even if we were to disregard every terrible thing he did in office, (and we'd be incredibly stupid to do so) we'd surely be fools to ignore his repeatedly stated intentions to wield dictatorial power and imprison his political enemies.

Extrapolating a bit from your comment: I, too, would like to have a national left-wing party to support in this country. It ain't the Democrats, and likely never will be. We'll need to reform the electoral system to make room for such a party. In this year's presidential election, that's not on the ballot, and no amount of self-righteous rhetoric will alter that.

It's a binary choice.

Literally everyone is hoping that this is something we won't have to deal with in our lifetimes.

Can relate. It's crazy-making the way so many people link some bullshit YouTube video as if it were a credible source for anything.

Republicans have gotten more done in minority positions than Democrats have when in majority position over the past 20 years.

Accepting this premise, the things Republicans have gotten done have been objectively detrimental to humanity. The direct result of not voting for Democrats is electing more Republicans. This is the reality that currently exists. No amount of self-righteous rhetoric will alter that. So if you're going to continue disseminating this ill-considered garbage, just face the fact that you're effectively a Trump supporter.

Honestly, I have more respect for maga types than for people who pose as leftists while advancing a fascist agenda.

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The people voting for those politicians also bear the responsibility.

Ok, but for real, though? Actually, that's a good idea. Factory chicken farms are already grotesque, but if we bring in Cronenberg and the ghost of H.R. Giger to design these monstrosities, it'll put people off eating it entirely.

Not a veggo for the record; I just feel like I probably should be.

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As a Texan, who the fuck knows? Definitely wasn't decided by plebiscite. I mean, seriously, a bullet train to Dallas?

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It's because Epic bought the Rocket League devs, Psyonix, in 2019. In 2020, they pulled it from Steam, to drive traffic to the Epic store. And yes, it's also free to play now, but you still can't get it on Steam, unless you bought it there before they pulled it. If you did, it still works fine on Steam today.

Gg Dallas, you bunch of dipshits.

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