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Joined 1 years ago

I have never experienced anything like this. Personally I would ask my doctor about it immediately, it sounds very outlandish, walking should not lead to pulsating of any kind

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Fair enough, yeah I’ll check back in on the thread too in case someone knows what it is. Very intriguing symptom

Three main reasons

Firstly, it does make you sweat more, which reduces your weight (temporarily). It’s common for people in sports that require a weigh-in to do this and also partially dehydrate themselves before they are weighed to make their weight class.

Secondly, it’s done by people trying to lose weight in general who have heard about the first group and incorrectly believe inducing sweat this way will speed up their weight loss. The exact opposite is true: by intentionally overheating yourself, you actually reduce the effectiveness of your workout, making your fitness goals harder to achieve in the long run. There are tons of myths like this that seem intuitive but hold a lot of people back.

Thirdly, people are just self-conscious sometimes and cover up their body

I actually saw that happen in real time, did we confirm it was an admin action?

All the pixels came in at the same time

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This is actually a huge pet peeve of mine. Just because there are an infinite number of possibilities doesn’t mean anything is possible

Let’s investigate the list of natural numbers. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. It stretches on for infinity, but nowhere in this infinite set will you find the number 2.5. Or negative 1. Or countless other examples.

Next let’s consider a warehouse with an infinite number of CDs, each burned with a copy of the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack. Each of these discs are different. They have slight differences in the label, diameter, and flatness, due to manufacturing tolerances. They have different random bits that get flipped sometimes due to solar particle collision and quantum variation, which may eventually make different discs unreadable. They decay over the centuries at different rates, due to temperature and sun exposure differences in the warehouse (climate control for an infinite space is very expensive).

Each of these discs are, materially speaking, completely different from one another. But, from the perspective of our limited human perception, they are for the time being completely interchangeable. Whichever one you select, you will listen to and have the same experience.

This is by far the most likely scenario if we indeed live in a multiverse. An infinite number of earths, with an infinite number of you, lives filled with all the same mistakes and triumphs, all reading this comment together right now.

Edit: spelling

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I agree. Felt it immediately when I started browsing. Everything is faster and more responsive, on top of the error messages disappearing


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Reading other articles it seems like no, he was generally very positive and encouraging to others online. The impression I get (from 10 minutes of reading, not saying this conclusively) is that he was not overtly hostile whatsoever to trans people.

There are enormous social pressures in small conservative towns, and the man was 63. I can imagine life leading someone otherwise pro-trans into being a republican preacher in that environment. An awful tragedy

That’s actually been my experience as well lol.

I did actually deliberately jump on reddit on desktop recently, just to check on a few things and see how the protests were going.

There wasn’t really anything informative on the front page that hadn’t already been posted here. The quality of posts actually seemed worse overall

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Look closely at the bottom right panel, there’s a bit of leaf poking over that wasn’t there before, indicating that the plant is indeed growing closer

They still work as intended actually, but most pages are so inundated with SEO garble that they’re effectively useless

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I say this with complete sincerity: I think you’re looking for a book! Maybe consider an ereader app for your phone

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One should have taken the 28th while the other took the 1st

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Well..if you have to ask…

I do use it. I press it with my right pinky when I want to capitalize letters that I type with my left hand, which is a convention of touch-typing

He was recently defrocked for telling people to baptize their baby in gatorade

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This is “announcing I will be stepping down” material for sure, dear lord. Never seen a more ridiculous or predictable disaster

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I don't understand how anyone with rent or a mortgage can afford to live anymore.

You ever see that art installation of the robot which is leaking oil, but continuously tries to squeegee the oil back in until it eventually shuts down?

Absolute tragedy tbh, discord won’t be around forever. I weep for all the game knowledge that will be lost

I read it as being a gay thing mainly, but it’s definitely inclusive of trans experiences as well

You can be thin eating any type of food. It’s generally just far easier to over-consume junk food, but if she’s not eating too much it won’t inherently lead to weight gain

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More weight!

If lemmy has 100 users I’m one of them

If lemmy has 1 user it’s me

If lemmy has no users I’m dead

Pedophiles don’t care about the law either it seems, so would you say we should just get rid of all laws pertaining to that?

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I assure you that it’s just a matter of your perception. Every study ever performed reveals people have a notoriously bad internal concept of the quantity of their intake, frequently being off by more than double. The problem is even further exacerbated when trying to estimate someone else’s intake

Nothing lol. Same as how every website works

Google electromagnetic radiation

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I want one! Just not from Zuck

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Not condiments per se but my spice cabinet makes me feel like an almighty forest alchemist


We all agree for ice gree

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Correct, OP does not engage with any form of technology that facilitates crime.

Thank god for OP’s grandchildren, who run his accounts by occasionally asking his opinions and posting them without his knowledge, thereby allowing us these glimpses into his perfectly moral mind

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Holy hell

Actual inversion fallacy

If that’s the case, it’s sad then that he apparently doesn’t seem willing to return the good will and unconditional support, if he’s refusing to help them with rent. Abandoning the one person who would always have your back…

Progressive web apps!

I agree, I’m glad games like this (and baldur’s gate!) are enjoying so much success and attention right now. It’s better for everyone if we have a variety of polished experiences in different genres.

That being said I don’t often find myself enjoying turn based games lol. Even going back to the super nintendo, I massively preferred Secret of Mana (with it’s real time combat system) to Final Fantasy. There’s just something extremely satisfying to me about a well done action-oriented RPG, where you feel like your skills are improving alongside your character’s.

“Well done” is not to be overlooked, of course. I was quite disappointed with final fantasy 16, as it truly did just feel like mashing buttons

That’s because it actually is the exact same image

Whoever wrote this article messed up and pasted the same image twice for the Au Ra race, which is the first one shown here. The actual before and after shots are pretty obvious

Edit: this is not true, I was recalling a different event. Links are down the thread

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Worrying too much about the well being of people who weren’t worrying too much about my own

He a little confused but he got the spirit

I’d be more shocked if someone told me their AITA post was 100% real lol