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Joined 1 years ago

No, I think he expects their employer to pay them through the fees they collect. If the tip is mandatory, it's not a tip, it's a fee and it should be included in the up front costs with payroll taxes etc deducted.

I'm pretty sure this is going to directly violate Internet neutrality laws when the FCC votes them back into effect.

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"Are you a couple needed somewhere quick to stay before going to an airport or something?"

Damn, if only there was some sort of established and regulated type of business where you could rent lodging by the night in New York City. I bet they could make a whole lot of money building big buildings full of rooms you can rent like that.

"What if you legitimately take someone (or even two someones) in for a week"

Do you make a habit of charging your friends and family that come visit you?

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One of the last times I was in, I was asked for my photo ID and Costco membership card no less than 5 times by employees. I literally got asked while I was in an isle looking at items. I've never had this happen before and made me honestly a bit irritated having to constantly pull my ID out of my wallet. This policy needs to chill.

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Cable started out without ads too. That was why you paid for it.

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What flabbergasts me is the clear conflict of interest between infinite growth and actual patient care. We really need to take this profit model out of healthcare, the only people it hurts are us. Unions in all healthcare fields are about the only thing that can combat it now without actual legislation imo.

This would be great if everyone wasn't waiting months for an invite

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Are we reading the same thing? Netflix has more competition now than it ever has. When Netflix had cheaper prices when it has no competition than it does now. Piracy has been making a huge resurgence as well.

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Lineage OS by default comes DeGoogled and works just fine. Both phones I ran it on had absolutely no issues. It must be more niche than I thought though because no one here is talking about it.

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Sony phones still do the bootloader and headphone jacks at least. I'm pretty happy with mine.

Road Redemption on Steam is this.

The concerns for range anxiety are well founded too. I had to rent a car the other day, and the only thing they had available was a Tesla model 3. Aside from the issues Teslas themselves have, the 90 miles I had to travel became an immediate concern because it was in a rural area and the town I went to literally had two chargers, and they were privately owned.

The 280 miles I was quoted as range quickly became 170, despite turning off the heat, not charging my phone, using cruise control at 3MPH below the speed limit, and changing all the settings I could conceivably find to turn down my power consumption. I wound up having to beg a private owner to let me use their charger because what would normally be a simple trip became a massive chore. My other option was waking up hours early to drive to a town 40 miles away where they had a super charger and leaving from there, also just barely making it back to the rental car return.

The time to charge the Tesla on a 220v charger btw was over 5 hours from 48%. Absolutely none of my experience matched that of the advertised and it's completely turned me off electric cars until they can start fixing some of these issues.

I'm making a joke about how if he's ever used printing in Linux, he's likely a "fool with no brain" as it uses CUPS, which is maintained in large part by Apple.

I'm really failing to see how these two things are related. A chess program and a window manager are two completely different things with wholely different functions.

"My Philippina wife" I sincerely hope you see your wife as more than just her ethnicity, because the way you phrased that, and the fact that you can't be bothered to learn the correct spelling of her ethnicity, Filipina, is somewhat concerning.

Xperia 1 II

Has every feature I want in a smartphone without compromise.

Google wave was sold off too, they absolutely do sell some things, just they prefer to take features and ideas to use in other products.

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And yet they straight up ignore one of the biggest cell phone markets by not selling in the US at all.

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This article is from 3 years ago...

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Either Sea of Stars or Baldurs Gate 3. Honorable mention for Tears of the Kingdom and Alan Wake II. Honestly just a fantastic year for games.

It is, no idea why it's showing up under the "hot" tab.

What exactly does this have to do with the article?

Why would anyone ever expect any company to provide more support than they provide in writing? They are still trying to make a profit and not supporting a more than 10 year old device is perfectly reasonable. They only shipped 60,000 of the thing and it's got a GB of RAM. The second model, the 2 still has parts available ~9 years on. I'm really not seeing the issue here.

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Have you ever printed anything on Linux before?

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