5 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Another employee question in the companywide meeting asked if Google can more easily surface “authentic discussion” since the “Reddit blackout” was making it harder to find such content.

CEO Sundar Pichai chimed in to to say that users don’t want “blue links” as much as they want “more comprehensive answers.”

No I'm pretty sure people really are looking for authentic discussion, twisting that to say that we want more comprehensive answers is clearly Pichai trying to make the situation fit what he already wants to do: implement generative AI in response to searches to keep people on the site.

It's another site in fediverse. It's a link aggregator like Lemmy is. I'm replying to your comment from kbin :)

This is an ongoing problem with our Information Age. The fediverse already has this problem, though to a much lesser degree than reddit. Look at the structure of titles of threads on the political magazines/communities here. They are designed to make you outraged, because the sources they come from made their titles with engagement in mind and that permeates over to here. My hope is that the group of people on the fediverse, who are more interested in the future of the internet than most, will give rise to an idea that helps combat this problem.

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I work in this space (food processing) and deal with this negative public perception all the time. I really think it’s misplaced. The degree to which something is processed is not a good indicator of it’s healthfulness. Tomato paste is a highly processed food, those tomatoes go through the ringer to end up in a little can you can use year round. Those little packs of peeled and sliced apples they sell to put in lunch boxes are a incredibly “processed”; in order to keep them fresh the entire composition of the atmosphere inside those little bags has to be modified, and the bag itself has to be semi-permeable so it can deal with the ethylene gas that the apple slices release.

All that to say that processing makes ultra-unhealthy foods possible, but I don’t think it’s a good metric that we should base policy off of. If we want to regulate the area it should be of the nutritional value of the products. Of course that’s harder to legislate because people get mad when you try to restrict what they can eat, unlike restricting processing which most people don’t know anything about.

As the others have pointed out, this is a kbin thread. Since your account is on an instance that's federated, all the content comes to you, you don't have to do anything special.

Does account migration work in this part of the fediverse? I know on Mastadon you can move instances pretty easily.

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I upvote my own posts too, I do try to avoid boosting my own posts. We're from kbin though, I think on Lemmy self-upvotes are automatic.

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I'm having a hard time putting my finger on why it lost its sheen

Oh I don't know maybe it has something to do with Sam Bankman-Fried swindling $8 billion.

This. It was an interesting read and gives me doubts, but it's undoubtably better than using google and I can set it to my default search engine in safari

This was before smartphones I guess

In the 90's you could've written an equally true headline replacing "Tesla owners" with "PC owners". It's not an indication that BEV's are a fad, it's an indication that wealth inequality and sexism continues to this day.

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This whole thing has made me realize just how dependent I was on reddit for making the entire internet experience better.

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I saw the title and thought huh, it's working ok for me, then realized that it's from Lemmy. We're federated woot! For people on, is also having problems from the new influx of people. Different problems, but problems.

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I already knew what that term means and I still had trouble parsing what the headline was talking about.

He likes what Elon has done to twitter? Reddit's screwed. He thinks Elon made good financial decisions with twitter? Huffman's screwed too. Elon is so rich that we might never know how much financial damage he's done to twitter. Huffman doesn't have that safety net.

The problem unhoused people face is not nighttime library access it's housing. We all know that the reason they're shutting their wifi off at night is because while for some homeless people this wifi is a lifeline, for some others it's where they get their porn or where they hang out to do drugs and browse the internet. But the fundamental problem remains the same, because they have no where to go home to, whether someone is fapping or connecting with helpful resources, it's all done in public.

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Well, I don't think I'm a "musketeer" and I'm certainly not a conservative, but I have been a fan of Tesla for a while now so maybe I'll take a stab at this.

I want to start by saying Elon has always been an asshole. He's incredibly intelligent, and clearly doesn't give a shit about most people. Even among his own kids he only seems to act like a real father to one of them (the one nicknamed X). To me, that wasn't much of a problem when he was just running Tesla and spacex. You don't need to be friendly to run a manufacturing company, and Tesla is doing what every other company has so far failed to do: transition light vehicles away from fossil fuels. So despite Elon's personality I support him running Tesla. Even now that other companies are finally making EV's seriously they are moving far more slowly than Tesla is at ramping production of EV's.

Second, before he bought twitter, almost everything he said there was him trolling or joking. You had to take everything he said there with a grain of salt. If you wanted to hear his actual opinions on things you needed to either listen to shareholder meeting or watch one of the many interviews he does.

Combined, these two things have created a problem now that he's purchased twitter. He's still using the platform for jokes and trolling, but he's also using it for all of his communication, and he's still an asshole. I think being an asshole is a problem when you're running a social media company, I mean that's why I've left reddit. You call him Machiavellian, and I think that's an apt description of Elon. Machiavellian describes him to the point that as a long time fan, I find myself wondering if his sudden shift to the right is him trying to get conservatives on board with actually doing something about climate change. But I think that might be too optimistic of me.

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I don't even see the business case for this even without them caring about safety. This kind of thing takes years before it's profitable, (CEO confirmed that they aren't profitable yet) and the titanic is slowly disintegrating.

If you build a linguistics magazine I will join :) I think the thing to do is pick the subject you're most passionate about/ most knowledgable about and create a magazine for it. Post things regularly and people will start to notice it. That's what I've done! ( for my federated gals)

"When people show you who they are, believe them."

This exactly. That's why I said my initial take on his swing to right as being a machivellian ploy was too optimistic. Experience has taught me that when people start spouting right-wing nonsense, they're serious

This exactly. Before this whole thing, I had no idea that social media could be open source. Now that I do, it's what I need.

thanks for the heads up

It's nice here. :)

I only have so many interesting things to say. I don't really want to post for the sake of generating content, so making 5-10 posts right off the bat seems like the wrong way to go about it. I think it'd be better to make one post a day or one every other day or so that anyone who comes in can see that it's recently active.

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I been getting 503 error messages every once in a while. It usually resolves after a few minutes. There are also a few bugs with comments not appearing in federated instances, which makes sense since it's not complete yet. I'm pretty pleased overall.

They do? That sucks. I've only had iPhones and have gotten the battery replaced in both of them. It's increased the lifespan of my phones by a couple of years, but it doesn't double it. I usually start to sick of my hardware after about 5 years.

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This graph has some scale issues; 5 days and 2 months look basically the same and the difference between 5 years and 7 years is also minimal. They would have been better off dropping the "World Wide Web" which doesn't fit anyway since it isn't an app and giving more space to everything else.

That's exactly how I meant it! Lots of people watch porn and do drugs, it's not a problem to watch porn in your own house. That's why I'm saying the problem is housing. The solution isn't allow people to watch porn and do drugs in public, it's housing so they can do it in private like normal people.

I don’t really agree with this article. The argument seems to rest on the idea that a representative democracy is a compromise on direct democracy. In reality, even though I have the ability to meaningfully participate in every election a direct democracy would entail, I have no desire to because I have other things I would rather spend my time doing.

Similarly, even if I have the ability to run my own instance (admittedly I do not, but many of us early adopters do), I do not want to. I’m happy to let other people do it as long as those people seem like broadly agree with my morals. I don’t need an close relationship, just a trustful one. This digital forum inherently has even better benefits than real life; if I realize I dislike my current instance, I have the option to move to another instance or create my own. In real life I can only move to another district or hope to vote out my current rep.

Mine is 5, being influenced by 4, all being bedrock by 7. That is I I don't know how to do custom CSS(5), and I don't want to learn (4) right now because it'll probably break sooner rather than later (7)

Uh, the first one. It's all downhill after that. It's the only one he's ever pulled off. Look at the goals for the master plan part 2 and you'll see that they haven't managed to do a single one, but Elon still went ahead a published a part 3. Why actually meet goals when you can just pretend you've met them by posting new ones, I guess.

I agree that the UI needs work. I want to point out that you can see a list of all your subscribed communities. On your profile, where it says Overview, threads, comments, etc, these are on a scroll bar. scroll over and there's a tab labeled subscriptions, and there you can see all your subscribed magazines and how long you've been subscribed to them.

Yes, but I've forgotten it now

If this is happening to you look up how to clean the inside of your ps5. The ps5 has a special place you can vacuum out the inside (which normally breaks electronics)

I read both articles you have linked to, I don't think either of them contradict what I said. Both articles point out that Tesla dominate automation related accidents, which makes sense because Tesla has a far greater number of automation equipped cars on the road than other manufacturers. Furthermore they point out that those accidents have risen dramatically over the past few years. If you look at the graph on the WaPo article you linked to you'll see it's in agreement with what I said since Tesla switched to vision based systems in mid 2021.

We aren't a subset of lemmyworld (we aren't even part of Lemmy) so I think we're good

I think that's true for some niche topics, but other ones are better served by having dedicated communities from the start.

When I joined I made 2 magazines. One of them was about collecting Nintendo games and I quickly realized that I would have better discussions if I just joined the Nintendo magazine. I've basically abandoned it. The other I made, m/Otomegames I think is needed. We could post in the general gaming magazines, but there's a whole bunch conventions and inside jokes that people who don't play otome games wouldn't understand.

Now for my shameless plug: do you like otome games? Do you not know what otome games are, but romance/adventure games made for women sounds intriguing? Come join us <- direct link. "@Otomegames" <- remove the space for federated peeps

I've heard a few people say this and honestly I'm still confused. I got my iPhone XR's battery replaced by apple themselves last year. I think it cost 80USD, which is too much, and EU law will be a welcome change. Hοwever, it's still saves money even if it delays your new phone purchase by only one year.

Of course not, it all comes at great cost to the planet. We obviously disagree on the necessity of a phone for modern society. In my frame of thinking where it is a necessity, I write from the point of view that obviously keeping your phone longer is better. It doesn't even warrant mentioning. So my motivation for making this list was to encourage people to consider keeping their phones one year longer. To do that I have to list every single interval so that I can reach the people who most need the convincing: those who upgrade constantly.

Is being smug bad? It's a feeling I enjoy so I listed it as a genuine benefit.