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Joined 1 years ago

Call me catty Any pronouns

fun fact for the future: someone being suicidal is not your problem and you should not try to help beyond referring them to helpful resources

theres a reason mental health professionals are PROFESSIONALS and not just random kind people

you are (likely) not trained to handle this situatuon and thus should not engage in this lest you experience real trauma or worsen the other persons situation

so do not kill yourself in the process of trying to be the sole force stopping them

edit: felt the need to add if someone you know is experiencing suicidality, oftentimes the best and safest choice is just to make plans

suicidality is, in the majority of cases, spurred by short-term issues making people feel trapped in their current situation

so plan things with them! plan going out to a concert or restaurant! plan how they can enjoy life in the future!

this is something i feel VERY strongly about because of my own past experiences with feeling the need to "negotiate"

keep in mind im not saying you cant just talk about life with people expressing these ideas, just make sure the conversation doesnt turn into a "negotiation"

ty for reading my long ass comment thats indirectly about my own experiences i love all of you lemmings kthxbye <3

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yikes that username furthest to the right.... military rp in roblox will be military rp in roblox

I used to be on ADHD stimulant meds up until I just tried living without them. Was on them as far back as I can remember, and then one day, I had no appetite, so I stopped and realized that the anxiety they gave me was hurting me more than I thought. Now, I'm on anxiety medication that sometimes makes it hard to focus, and I'm not entirely sure how to find that balance of being productive and not having panic attacks daily. Has anyone else experienced this?

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actually one of my favorite movies

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Going to have to disagree with this one. Saying /s is helpful for people like me who have a particularly hard time with interpreting text in casual contexts like this. Using /s doesn't change the feel of the comment (at least in my eyes) and helps you understand the tone.

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I'm not sure I've seen this take expressed here before... but here I go. I think the thing I appreciate about Lemmy is that it isn't absurdly active. Before my switch to Lemmy (from Reddit ofc), I was compulsively checking Reddit for new content every 20 minutes, even taking priority over hyperfixations of mine. I like that there isn't new content every 20 minutes. It's like checking your fridge every 20 minutes for new food, and Reddit just keeps feeding you until you're upset. This place feels like it "restocks" every day so that I don't feel the need to check it obsessively. It's improved my relationship with social media entirely. My only issue is the amount of bait, not just in the form of trolls but people riling themselves and others up with politics. I get it, I'm extremely far left too, but god if I come here in hopes of being less anxious I always see something that feels designed to make me angry. It's less than Reddit but we could all work on considering if engaging is worth it. Learn to appreciate boredom and understimulation and it will change your life, especially those of you like me with an anxiety disorder.

sorry for the tangent, tl;dr less content actually makes me less anxious and more comfortable and we should learn to appreciate the boredom that comes with that

To... make fun of a terrible president who was a catalyst for country-wide hatred? I genuinely can't tell if you're a hexbear nerd or conservative nerd

holy shit acknowledgement of bad religion online based ass shirt though, any particular album? or just band logo?

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Nothing to my knowledge, she has a few videos defending nonbinary identities and rejecting people insisting it's one or the other. I have no idea where the takes in this comment section are even coming from

i said nothing arguing that suicidality is not unique or that professionals are always competent, i argued that trying to negotiate with someone who is suicidal is often traumatic and the average person isnt qualified to perform such negotiations

this is it, still remember the joy of my first watch still rewatch it from time to time

my problem with this argument is always that it neglects the mental, social, and emotional effects of raising nicotine content

physically safer for your airways? sure, but definitely not mentally healthier

loool youre in the wrong place fully mask off with the "hope your kids get gangbanged" part doesnt sound you really care for the kids?

Me and my friends meeting up after a week

pretty based, if you wanna drown this drama beef out i always resort to a band called car bomb :3

Used to use boost and then switched to Joey back on Reddit. I tried Connect at first on Lemmy, but it just kept crashing any time I scrolled far down. Switched to Liftoff for a while but had some issues with the way it manages accounts and I kept seeing the same posts over and over. Now I'm on Jerboa and I've had no issues with accounts, memory, or it not being customizable enough.


Tell me when you graduate from therapy! Otherwise there's someone who will wake up and realize they're missing their cunt

thats both awfully unkind and ableist for the adhd lemmy community