1 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Why are you here? Well, ok I guess you can stay :3

I love that perspective, so true. It even goes the other way, YOU could be a literal child posting such a thought-provoking comment, we'll never know.

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Plastering it all over social media, I guess.

But honestly the word "quietly" being anywhere in any article's title or anything has become the biggest red flag for just click baiting the piss out of something. I almost always take the title and throw it out the window after I see quietly in any title.

I just bought the FUTO voice input app as well from them and it's genuinely amazing. It has punctuation where it needs to. It cuts out all the UM's. And the best part is, I don't have to pretend that I'm talking to a robot. I can just speak as if I'm talking to a normal person and it gets it right nearly every single time. It is so worth the $5.

This entire comment was typed with it, and I did not edit a single thing.


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Damn. I hope they just keep chugging along despite this, the game has improved massively since early access and it's very good.

IF you can find the song you want on Tidal, they have some actually very high quality tracks as FLACs

There's also some services out there that let you rip from Tidal as well as other platforms ;)

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Well I'm sorry I... don't know what to tell you. I'm not Hacksmith Industries!

It's N-protect game guard. But if you say that in a headline, normies don't know wtf you're talking about.

It literally says verbatim: "please do not lean or hang on the handrail"

LEAN or HANG. Not saying the guy isn't doing that, but it says nothing about just grabbing it? You can grab it just fine.

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Hey look, I found another one!

"bad pokerus" gave me a good chuckle.

I wanted to use Kvaesitso but f-droid has it listed for having proprietary components or depending on proprietary services or something so I got scared. Anyone have any insight as to what that's about?

Also, another K-9 user :3

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I half expected the thing to fucking blow immediately lol

It has absolutely nothing to do with coordination in the slightest, wtf are you on about?

By offloading some of your weight even if only a little, you can move your feet faster. This is a fact for everyone even IF you're already good at DDR as is.

Such a fantastic movie

And why exactly is it considered "dirty" to begin with? Because its EFFECTIVE. This is what you do to get an advantage, like someone already said.

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Unfortunately, seems to be down at least temporarily. REALLY hoping this comes back online

Where'd you buy this brand of bait?

You said youve tried experimental and normal proton but have you tried protonGE?

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It let's you pick from a whole bunch of local models to download, some trained by Microsoft and the like. In my experience it's pretty responsive on a 2070s ive had for years now, but the responses aren't as good as something like gpt4. Probably about on par with gpt3 in most cases if you choose a larger model.

GPU's as the ONLY compute source in a computer cannot and will not function, mainly due to how pipelining works on existing architectures (and other instructions)

You're right, in that GPU's are excellent at parallelization. Unfortunately when you pipeline several instructions to be run in parallel, you actually increase each individual instruction's execution time. (Decreasing the OVERALL execution time though).

GPU's are stupid good at creating triangles effectively, and pinning them to a matrix that they can then do "transformations" or other altering actions to. A GPU would struggle HARD if it had to handle system calls and "time splitting" similar to how an OS handles operating system background tasks.

This isnt even MENTIONING the instruction set changes that would be needed for x86 for example to run on a GPU alone.

TLDR: CPU's are here to stay for a really really long time.

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How can I set up an SSD to act as a cache if I'm already using jellyfin? Or is there no easy way to go about doing that

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As he literally says you can just click update... don't fucking use it if you don't want to but then don't be like "IT SHOULD NOT EXIST CMD LINE BAD!!"

You never have to touch it on most typical distros. At all.

Is it possible to learn this power?

Not just an app, but honestly I get all of this and more out of my nextcloud instance. There are mindmap plugins you can download as well as good task support that's well integrated with however many separate Calender's you want, etc. Its great!

The only downside is that on the mobile side of things you end up with a whole bunch of apps to sync and interface with the instance (nextcloud, etar,, nextcloud notes etc)

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Me too, but i didn't really know what else to put. I think they just look for people who write nothing or some troll to deny it tbh, not a bad system

Then yeah, that option is worthless to you. For me, having networked solutions over a domain I have that enabled. But if its just internally I'd also disable it

I always love seeing such good integration with a wallpaper like this!

I've heard of this in a meme context for years, but do people actually do this?? I must know.

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We have no idea what kind of hardware will be released, tech can go through all kinds of spikes even if seems to have leveled out. So while I agree the next generation or even future generations for awhile after that won't significantly improve in 4 years, I disagree with the sentiment. Also:

Consoles aren't just PC's, their physical architecture is completely different.

Lol, no.

You cannot be real

I have a 2DS but have never touched any of the spotpass functionality. Should I still do this? Is there anything at all worth uploading?

I'll do it if its worth it to do even though ive never used it.

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Recently for a project of mine between me and a couple of friends, we needed to make an iOS app having never made one before. Our solution since we didn't have reliable access to Xcode, which you need to be able to get it onto an iPhone, was to just make an Android application in Flutter. Since it's cross-platform we used the Android simulator to test things, and then compiled it for iOS after the fact.

All this to say you could honestly start there with flutter and not bother too much with native swift if you dont own a Mac or Macbook. If you DO own a Mac, I'd simply start with reading the swift documentation ;)

You are the one who brought up the question of even needing the CPU at all. Also, It wasn't meant to be an attack. Just an explanation as to why you'd still need a CPU.

why would you run x86

All I meant was a large portion of software and compatibility tools still use it, and our modern desktop CPU architectures are still inspired from it. Things like CUDA are vastly different was my point

But if what you meant by your original comment was to not do away with the CPU, then yes! By all means, plenty of software is now migrating to taking advantage of the GPU as much as possible. I was only addressing you asking "at some point do we even need the CPU?" - the answer is yes :)

Thats interesting! Glad I took the time then

My apologies for being inept, but would you mind providing a link to somewhere I can learn to set up an SMTP server using only my Gmail Account?

To be honest, i don't know yet. I've yet to try both, and plan to anyway. Does vaultwarden require an SMTP server/domain name all the same?

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Ok, thank you! Is there any way you know of to get an SMTP server running and functional without a domain name?

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It's always so cool to see people starting with WM's and no DE! It's all I'm able to use nowadays. For this setup, all I'd really recommend right now is installing a nerdfont of your choice so you get the icons appearing correctly on your waybar, and if you want a more customizable terminal emulator I use alacritty with alacritty-themes. Kitty could be quite customizable though too, I haven't delved into it much :)