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Macron did the Notre Dame Fire to draw attention away from the Yellow Vest Protests.

Looks like a knotted string of butt hairs connected across the diameter of the anus, splitting the turd in twain. At some point the pressure of the bowel movement overstressed the butt hair bridge, snapping it and allowing the remainder of the shit to come out as one.

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I fucking hate Kaizen. I had to go through it as part of a job placement program and was convinced it was a cult. Like no, I am not going to call "Leaving a reminder for myself" a Gemba. I'm calling it a note because the japanese didn't fucking invent the idea of writing things down for later.

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Where I live the beef is local and cheap. I'm not able to obtain enough protein without meat, as confirmed by a doctor and a nutritionist when I tried to go vegetarian. With food costs so high it's cheaper to buy cow than anything else, but when I have the money I opt for fish or turkey. I looked into hunting but it's prohibitively expensive for me with permits, tags, guns, licenses, days off and transportation. I tried fishing for myself as well, but whenever I get time to do it, there are warnings about eating fish in the area. When there aren't I never catch anything big enough to legally be allowed to keep. I'd like to get chickens if/when local government ever lifts the bylaws preventing it.

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Oh gee I didn't try eggs or dairy in the months I felt like shit after going veggie, and neither the doctor nor nutritionist suggested that either. You solved all my dietary needs and I can give up meat now after years of trying to figure out the most sustainable diet I can manage.

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Sorry about that, it's the internet. I'm not a doctor, but it was explained to me that proteins from different sources are not all the same and, while I can process protein from a variety of foods, I don't do it as efficiently as with muscle proteins. The nutritionist I spoke to - who was a vegan and a vegan activist - said people like me need about 1-2 chicken breasts per week. It's not uncommon, a lot of people who try to go veggie and can't hack it just go back to meat without trying to figure out why they felt sick and tired. Other people have said it's genetic based on your ancestors, but I haven't seen a lot of evidence to support that. Other sources point to evidence you can alter the way your body processes things by following specific diet plans, but I'm not prepared to feel that shitty again to figure it out.

Instructions Unclear: I forgave my landlord for reno-victing me, forgave the supermarket chains that price-fixed groceries which put me in debt. I was careful not to buy products which contribute to wars and inequality, even though it was harder and more expensive. Now I'm living the simple life by meditating under a bridge, but it's cold down here and the politicians are arguing over whether they should be able to kick me out and throw away my things. The only shelter with room available requires me to worship their god.

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And I left reddit because it stopped letting me watch porn. Lots of similarities here.

Chopped, frozen strawberries in milk. Sometimes with maple syrup. Cream if I'm feeling rich.

If you've never met someone on real life who is openly racist, calls themselves a nazi, openly supports bigoted policies and/or actively works to remove rights from people for who they are - you're not paying attention. This is on a post about people organizing a march and politically strategizing to strip the rights away from other people.

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If I wanted to put on pants I wouldn't have ordered delivery.

I think you lost track of who you're arguing with. But yeah, you admit people can be subtle about how they express their views and yet don't understand why that makes conservatives in north america dangerous.

I paint them with broad strokes because calling yourself a conservative in this times is accepting the broad variety of beliefs that political party supports. People have a choice.

As a marginalized person who had no choice in how I was born and always felt the affects of conservative policies, to the extreme detriment of my health and well-being, I absolutely understand and support anyone who thinks they should be ostracized.

It's acceptable for the same reason we tell our kids to avoid violent and hurtful people. I wouldn't befriend anyone who supports removing my rights for any reason, teaching kids to do the same promotes building healthy relationships with people who value and support each other.

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That's a long walk and a slippery slope. Deciding not to involve detrimental people in my life is not removing someone's right. It's my right to choose the people I surround myself with, and it's no one's right to be coddled by their peers.

I mean, it's generally considered kind of a slur now? And also because it was a bit racist to begin with, since it measures progress against white, western ideas of progress.

But it's impossible to have a discussion about crypto with anyone who gets their information from one news source and a bunch of reddit comments, or whatever information you get from people who furiously agree with each other.

I don't think crypto is great, I think it's a useful tool.

I don't think you're arguing in good faith so w/e. Take it or leave it.

The whole first world-third world designation thing is about as outdated at your information.

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Is the R word Rectalingus?

Integration isn't the same as substitution, it means I can pay a dev living in Indonesia in eth and they can deposit it to their bank without having to go through a third party, because it's a hell of a lot faster, safer and easier than trying to set up an international wire transfer between banks who don't speak the same language.

Furthermore, if cryptocurrency helps a population regain control of their finances in a failing economy, how is that a bad thing?

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People outside of spaces where cryptocurrency is accepted have a really hard time understanding just how much cryptocurrency is used. Every year it becomes more pervasive and integrated but people keep spouting the same criticisms they have for years.

Most of the opinions here are pretty america-contric.

Btw the article does not reflect the headline and ya'll should really read it before posting about how NFTs are broken. I wonder if folks would have read the article if they disagreed with the headline.

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They're all anti-capitalist until they want to bitch about cryptocurrency.