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Less money for Trump to scam from them... The Crypto Scammers are doing good for once.

So you'll get a literal tyrant who already wanted to execute his OWN STAFF, who encourage the police to brutalize BLM protestors, who gleefully chortles about sexually assaulting women... Who plans on installing himself as President for Life, with his children to follow.

Congratulations, you really showed them!

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You do realize that former president Trump was such a strong ally of Israel (since he let his zionist son-in-law run it) that they named a new settlement on stolen land after him, right? And that he's never shown the least bit of interest in helping the Palestinians, right? And that his mid-east peace plan was normalization of relations between other Middle East states and Israel, right? Do you think Trump is going to take a stand against Israel if he gets elected? Honestly, what do you expect for him to do to the Palestinians? Send better bombs to kill them with? Stop pressuring Israel for a ceasefire or aid deliveries so that more Palestinians die from war or starvation? Please do share how you think Trump will end the genocide.

It's actually worse than you being incapable of reading between the lines. When presented with evidence, you denied it rather than thanking the person who provided it. So you were asking stupid questions to set up a bad faith argument. Congratulations on being an Elon dick sucker and douchbag.

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How tragic.

Yes, you're getting downvoted for asking a stupid question. Do you think people announce "I am a queerphobe and a misogynst"? Read between the fucking lines!

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I think someone drew a new one.

Womp womp.

How right they were to downvote you.

Crazy to think they were even considering it. Hopefully this is the end of it.

“Israelis” need to abolish the state and go back to their own countries.

What an absolutely delusional comment. I do not support the way Israel is conducting this war (which is a genocide). But the solution is not the genocide - even the self-committed genocide - of Israel.

The region is multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multi-cultural. This is a fact that needs to be accepted by both sides.

The morally correct path forward is a secular multiethnic state, or states, that integrates the residents of the area and provides everyone with full and equal rights of citizenship, including fundamental human rights, regardless of their national origin, ethnic heritage, or religion.

As long as people like you keep calling for ethnic cleansing and/or the genocidal abolishment of an entire nation of people based on their nationality - be it Palestinian or Israeli- the outcome will be two tribes locked into an eternal struggle for existence, doing their best to brutally eliminate their enemy while creating future generations of enemies.

I think we need to start breaking the law and self reporting. We'll send in pictures of our junk spewing urine in the wrong room so they'll be sure it's a legitimate complaint.

Someone drew it. It's not a screen cap of digital media.

You're not a voter.

I'm sorry, but BOILING? You do not BOIL tea leaves unless you are an absolute heathen. You may pour just-off-the-stove, formerly boiling water over black tea leaves, making the tea about 210 degrees Fahrenheit. But you do NOT put allow water with tea leaves in it to BOIL unless you are seriously deranged.

Remember he is exceedingly wealthy, so he can buy Tesla stock through third parties to prop the price up without alarming investors. No, it's not legal, but we all know the man doesn't give a shit about the law.

You know what disarming leads to?

Invasion by a hostile force.

Just ask Ukraine. They're a very peaceful people, very into disbanding the military, defunding the military industrial complex, even getting rid of fighter jets and their nuclear weapons.

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They only care about the legal consequences that affect THEM. There's always another idiot lawyer ready to get disbarred.

You're not DNC base.

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The US isn't about to be invaded by anyone. We have a very powerful military. So there is no threat in the world we live in, aside from the threat from internal extremists and asymmetrical warfare (ie terrorism). If the world were quite different, and we had no military power, we'd be at risk from a number of adversaries. Possibility the greatest threat would be foreign-backed "separatism" as occurred in Ukraine in 2014 (which is simply a covert invasion that is disguised as a civil war).

There's literally nothing wrong with being a liberal. It's really quite preferable to a number of the alternatives. It must kill you that the majority of people don't remotely support your political views.

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Meanwhile, Hamas leaders sit in Qatar, congratulating themselves on what a successful jihad they've waged against Israel. The blood of many innocent Palestinian women and children has been shed, which is what they said they needed to draw global attention to the conflict and increase recruiting of future Hamas fighters, funders, and apologists.

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I hate to burst your bubble, but Trump's not going to be picking up trash. He will either get house arrest, or community service. Community service will likely consist of recording public service announcements. This is how celebrities are typically treated.

His security is actually a valid concern for the court, which must be considered. It's impossible to guarantee his security while picking up trash on the side of the highway - since anyone could stop and shoot. Likewise, it is impossible to guarantee his security in prison without solitary confinement.

Of course, it is possible that one day he may get to run his own prison like Pablo Escobar, but I think house arrest is more likely. He'll love it. Sitting on his ass in Mar a Lago, doing virtual campaign events, watching the news and shitposting all day.

Hamas were elected to power by winning a plurality of the votes, whereupon they formed a coalition government. Then they killed their coalition to make a single-party government. The lack of elections in Gaza since then is because Hamas and Fatah can't agree on the terms and conditions of the next election, which had been scheduled and postponed multiple times prior to this war. In my opinion, the main problem is that Hamas was afraid of losing seats to Fatah, because they were getting very unpopular before the war.

The fact is that elections are not actually blocked by Israel. Good to see that you spout bullshit in your first sentence without checking facts first, though. That tells me how seriously I should take the rest of your comment.

International law does not give any government the right to resist occupation by any or "all necessary means." That's another little lie you slipped in. The territory of Palestine is a signatory to the Geneva Convention, which means that the laws of war apply. But Hamas does not follow the laws of war... They target civilians instead of military installations, they engage in perfidy through the use of civilian clothes, which puts the actual civilian population of Gaza in great danger.

You'd feel better if you told the truth. There are strong truthful arguments against both Israel and Hamas. Because both are directly responsible for the genocide of Palestinians. I suggest you focus on the parties which are directly responsible, rather than moaning about the "complicity" of random foreigners in an attempt to disparage everyone who doesn't buy into your terrorist whitewashing and disinformation campaign.

I'm not going to feel guilty for ensuring that Hamas gets their fair share of the blame.

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They don't just gain sympathizers in Gaza. They gain sympathizers globally, especially in ME countries. And the genocide of people in Gaza won't eliminate the Palestinians, anyways. They are a worldwide diaspora now, just like the Jews.

Roger Stone's been to jail a number of times. He really doesn't care because he knows he'll get pardoned. Also he's basically a mafia don, so I imagine he gets a lot of respect in prison from republicans.

Just yesterday I had a conversation here with a self-described communist who thought the entire American middle class should be murdered by a mob for being part of a capitalist society that exploits poorer nations.

So I would categorize that as a leftist on Lemmy suggesting death or violence on people. Not only right wing, either.

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This is gross on every level.

If you swim across a river, it is now a river you've swum. If you sneak into a room, you have snuck in.

Those are correct but they look and sound wrong.

Is it better to be a queer person in a nation with a strong military that respects and integrates queer people, or a queer person in a nation with a weak military that imprisons and sometimes lynches queer people?

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Tankie is the pro-authoritarian left. The Stalinists essentially. The ones who think it's appropriate to send in the tanks to quell a socialist or communist uprising because it has a tint of democracy in it, which may cause their strong leader to lose dictatorial power.

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LOL I know how to spell degrees. I probably hit the wrong key and spellcheck autocorrected it to something random. Welcome to 2024.

I'm officially sick of this so-called AI. There's nothing intelligent about it, it's simply functionality modifying programs spewing recursive bullshit written by other AIs (or possibly by itself) that were all trained on stolen human work once upon a time, but are now just gibberish.

That's not what being a tankie is lol

Haha that would be a fitting end for Elon.

I'm not going to waste a lot of time on this, other than to tell you that Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh (then leader of Hamas) formed a Palestinian Unity Government with Fatah on March 17, 2007. It lasted until Hamas took control of Gaza via violence beginning on June 14, 2007, whereupon PA President Abbas fired the Hamas PM and the Hamas-led government, and appointed Salam Fayyad as the new PM. This was not recognized in Gaza, where Hamas continued to rule through violence after killing or ejecting all the Fatah government officials from Gaza.


I could go point by point debunking a number of your claims and exaggerations, but there's clearly no point in wasting any more time conversing with you.

That imperialist country is really the leading force in pushing for LGBTQ rights globally. So keep stanning dictatorships where queer people would be bullied at best, routinely tortured and murdered at worst.

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Fuck Trump.

That was technically a procedure to allow or disallow a recount of a specific vote in a specific district in Florida. And yes, the Supreme Court will be ruling on those again.

Water isn't the ideal temperature. Everyone knows black tea must be made with water that's 212-210 degreases Fahrenheit

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