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You can get some pretty cheap used ones. At less than $2 each.

Funny how they never talk about the millions one child made, the Chinese patents, or the billions the SIL was given. While working for the administration.

This the people that work for his company need to learn the definition of Secessio plebis and execute it.

Not to mention they and their policies are trash.

It's the sunk cost fallacy.

Which is what they prefer. An easily manipulated population.

They wanted malicious compliance they got malicious compliance.

It's really the Republicans that are bank rolling him as a spoiler candidate.

Over his dead body.

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It's been the same since the beginning. Thomas Jefferson complained about them too.

"Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains."

That'll go over his head.

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It’s what fascists do. Franco did it, Hitler, Pinochet, etc. anything that can be perceived as subversive must be taken care of.

He’s a white hooded judge. Of course he’s comfortable.

Law and order for thee not me. -GOP

Couldn't this be breach of contract for services not rendered?

That's the thing they get paid. They however shouldn't be allowed to leave the building until the shutdown is over and they reach a deal.

No where else can you completely fail and your job and keep it.

The boards and probably kick him out and be better off.

That happens when you're forced to only listen to fox at a young age.

Yet those people were smarter than his supporters. they saw someone smart and decided to put him in power.

Murderers and vampires.

Also saying it was within his duties and having the judge agree would dismiss the case.

Hey! Don’t insult chimps they are smart social creatures. Unlike this pack of degenerates.

How about chicken shit.

And the things they claim to care are are only a problem when they're not in power.

They only care about the deficit after they ran up the bill. They claim they are about law and order until it's one of their own. Etc

There would be a motion but I don't know if any body else in the GOP wants that job. Especially with the clown show that they have become.

Welders and other tradesmen too. I met a guy from the NRC that said that there were few if any welders certified and knowledgeable enough to work on reactor construction. And this was 15 yrs ago.

Isn’t he also taking a lower rate than what he normally charges also ?

That’s basically the premise of horizon zero dawn.

They will never stop, these people have been trying to control the Internet for a long time.

They should concede it was a weaponization of the government to hurt Biden.

Trying to overthrow the government will do that. He’s lucky (for now) not to be in jail.

Isn’t EVE also played in excel?

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Maliciousness honestly.

Seams like someone saw the last seasons of west world and thought it was a good idea. Fuck me..

Most things aren't mentioned in there either.

He’s toast.

It’s even worse the IG thatbwas over it said that we probably lost 500 billion that we will never know where it went.

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Hell the screen from Idiocracy rings a fucking bell seeing this.

IIRC they eventually got everything or mostly everything they wanted.

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More like a firehose