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Joined 1 years ago

I think what's funnier about this is that most home assistant users make purchasing choices based on support in home assistant. So anyone that bought one of their units and used it in home assistant would have just bought something else without the support in home assistant being there.

As a result I would think they actually made more money from having that plugin existing.

Regardless of how you feel about the candidates the important thing is to actually vote. Going around and saying "well they both suck" doesn't help anyone.

Not voting then getting the greater of two evils from your perspective is your own fault.

Always vote, even if the news or anyone else tells you the candidate you want is a sure thing, vote even if the candidate you don't want seems like a shoe-in.

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The option to install any extension has always been possible it's just a tad more work to get setup.

I did this ages ago, I just add the extensions I want to the list and then they appear to let me install them

As an outsider I have heard everything is bigger in Texas, that seems to include assholes

That's a neat feature. I will request that gets added to sync.

If your friend can hold it for 2 more years then they can get a movie made about them.

This was also my takeaway, it seems so obvious all of the sudden

Won't be long until my ai model can produce it's very own Linux distro complete with 7 fingered keyboard layouts

This doesn't make a lot of sense in context, sure Texas has twice the land of Germany, but Germany has 2.5 times the population of Texas.

Though I agree Texas is likely not representative of all the USA.

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I have my own matrix server that I primarily use like beeper and bridge all my chats together. Even using some of their bridges, it's been pretty reliable for years.

I know that a few people are hating on the closed source client, but that feels unfair to me. They provide lots of open code in the form of bridges which is really the meat of the offering. Their client just makes using the bridges easier for the lay person. The bridges are super easy to use without it, invite the bridge bot to a chat room, type login and do what it says, then type login-matrix and your pretty much done.

The I suspect that the same people who are displeased about the closed client also like using tailscale which is generally pretty popular but has closed source clients on Windows and Mac as well as the server (though all support the open source headscale server)

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This is where I'm at. I played remake on my steam deck and I won't buy a console to play it our any other exclusives.

I really appreciated that they started releasing games on PC too but waiting a couple years is annoying. I greatly enjoyed zero dawn, and am finally enjoying forbidden west but having to wait years was annoying (not enough to get a ps5 though, and if they choose to never release it on PC I would just never play it ever).

Right now I'm also waiting for Ragnarok since God of war was great. But again I'm not buying a ps5 so I'll be waiting until it comes to PC if it does at all.

Well just hold on there a minute, if they raise interest or charge higher fees on things that doesn't disproportionately negatively impact poor people then it might be less predatory... And we can't have that, we gotta keep punching those that can't hit back.

I work in a role that's 12h shift. With an average of 2.8 shifts a week when stat and holidays are accounted for.

I dread the day that I can't do the nights anymore and have to move into a 4 or 5 day a week role. With the nights sometimes it doesn't even feel like I lost the whole day on each end of a set.

I think that there is a misunderstanding about the purpose Beeper is trying to solve. It's about consolidating all your chat services together into one place. Google messages is SMS/MMS/RCS. Beeper or by extension the whole matrix platform with bridges can roll almost all your services together, gchat, sms, mms, RCS, Facebook, iMessage, discord, WhatsApp, signal, telegram, slack, instagram, etc.

In GTA my insurance provider is Smith and Wesson

This is exactly my sentient.

Canada mid 30s. A car is essentially required outside of a major city but after my first two cars were manual the incredible inconvenience of crawling traffic got to me and my current car is an automatic.

I found I had to constantly hug the car in front which meant always feathering the clutch, if I didn't and the gap grew just large enough for a car to fit someone always jumped lanes into the gap.

Have you ever tried using aurora instead of the play store for devices that don't natively have it?


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To be fair, the client they provide to make bridging more accessible is proprietary, however you can fire up a fresh copy of element and connect it if you want and just use the text interface.

The clients are closed so that they have something to sell and profit. Not everyone can afford to give their time away for free.

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I agree, for the lay person the steamos experience in the deck is great and has no issues it installs things it plays things, most people won't need to open the desktop experience at all

Obligatory if you install HA on a raspberry Pi. Use the SSD option as you will wear out an SD card or usb key pretty quickly since those devices aren't intended for constant writes from things like logging and generally don't have any wear out leveling.

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Might I suggest Fast Reverse Proxy ( https://github.com/fatedier/frp )

It's a great solution if you don't have a public IP or can't/don't want to open any ports.

I found it super easy to setup and configure. I put caddy in front of the server side for mine to ssl offload there. But you could also route everything down the tunnel it makes and use a local reverse proxy to handle SSL offloading

I have a FreePBX virtual machine hosted at home. I use VoIP.ms which covers most North American numbers and many numbers abroad. I use it to provide phone service to my parents house and cottage and my house and cottage. I put in about $40 a year to cover all these places with their own DID number.

There is actually infrastructure involved.. payment infrastructure, servers, modems and cell connectivity. Sure none of those things would be needed if there weren't subscriptions, but there certainly is infrastructure used to verify your subscription and cut you off when you miss a payment.

I actually just stayed using kiwi browser since it's a chromium fork that supports plugins on Android. Ublock and some other choice extensions are going pretty well for me so far

I did this exactly, I went through like half then realized that you learn new abilities by equipping weapons and using their ability 10 times.

I feel like hourly with a fixed sale bonus would be fine for buyers.

$50/h at the location (maybe a travel fee for places far away from their normal location), and $5000 for a successfully closed deal. All buyer paid, that would mean that the realtor gets paid for work done, and but the closing bonus means that they don't have as much of an incentive to keep taking the customers to crappy places to keep the hourly going.

Selling Realtors should really negotiate a fixed figure and a bonus that goes down the longer it takes to sell, this could encourage them to suggest lower prices on homes I guess, but it's ultimately the owners decision to pick a price and the Realtors choice if it's worth the effort to sell at that price

I don't know how slow the old one was, but if I send myself an SMS using the bridge it completes a round trip to the Telco and back in about 1 second

FF remake is one I have recently finished and it was excellent though as others have said it's only half of the original.

Control is excellent

Hades is one of the first games I played on my deck, I put around 50 hours into it.

Shadow of Mordor and shadow of war were both tremendous fun and have lots of offer for the nemesis system.

A plauge tale innocence was fun I picked up the second one but haven't had a chance to start it and I want to get into the story like the first.

Horizon zero dawn really sucked me into the story and I found it hard to put down, often I would stay up much later than is reasonable after putting the kids down.

God of war 2018 was also great and I enjoyed playing it very much. It made me setup emudeck and play gow1 and 2.

Tomb Raider and it's sequels were fun though I didn't play those on the deck.

At home I have 4 screens, 3 in a row and one over top of the center.

The bottom ones change based on what I am doing. Games, browser, IDEs, consoles, terminal windows, etc.

The top is always a better in the left 2/3rd mostly playing music or videos. The right third is Element/Matrix which bridges in all my other chats (FB, WhatsApp, signal, telegram, Discord, gmessages, etc) so I can see them in one tidy spot.


At work I have 8 screens 6 in a 2 tall by 3 wide config, a big one on the side, and another touch screen on the other side. Which is all used for control and monitoring... And often feels like not enough when things get busy.

LLM AIs think any sentence that starts with who what where when, why or how is a question.

I would like to see a tax on third properties and above that sit vacant for more than 6 months a year then 10% of the property value as a fine which would go to a ministry supporting unhoused people.

There would probably have to be some provision that if the property is rented out then for tax purposes the rent must be considered at the market rate -15% at the time the agreement was made. Eg a corpo couldn't rent a bunch of units to a subsidiarity and call them occupied since they are rented arrive they would have to pay income tax on the income.

Have you tried the new SMS bridge that relies on gmessages?


If you have an Android phone you can use the Google SMS app:


Then you pair the app and bridge. It's been pretty reliable since I started using this bridge, especially when compared to the previous bridge options.

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This made me realize that I have a search bar on my home screen that I literally never use and I do use a third party launcher that it could be turned off. Very funny indeed

1000/1000 @ $C 75

I have 3 different first party fiber ISPs available to me at home with a max speed available of 8000/8000

Which is weird because I'm not in a city and live in a small town of less than 20k people

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Ontario, Canada $82 after taxes for 400/200 A second fiber provider is coming to my street (doing locates now) and they are $82 after tax for 1000/1000.

Edit: 82 cad is 62 usd

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Sonarr and Radarr need to have the directories be the same as your torrent client and newsreader.

Sonarr/Radarr read the. Directory that the API reports as the save destination and moves it from there

I do this now for services in using, overall pretty straightforward once you have a basic understanding of doing one they are all pretty easy.

I had to check over my shoulder since this seems so accurate.

But the simple point remains that I don't really need to buy any more games since valve has been abusing my wallet for years and my steam library is 600 games.

I think the issue here is more that interacting with certain companies or services is unavoidable. As an Android user I often will have to interact with iPhone users and the impact of their vendor lock-in techniques is that the experience of those interactions is worse on both sides.

I can't convince every person to stop using an iPhone, or even just just a different messaging app, most people can't even agree what to have for dinner...

So users that take it upon themselves to try and improve the experience by trying things like beeper or beeper mini are actually trying to help others maintain their choices and preferences without the degraded experience.

So sometimes a person voting with their dollars isn't enough, since it's others choices that still have an impact

The public selects the representation every few years, the public votes them out that's a form of being held accountable. If people ignore their right to vote then that can let people abuse their positions or cause people to pander only to people who actually vote since those are the people keeping them in. D