
3 Post – 80 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

No. X11 has been around since 1980's and it's basicly a puzzle of chewing gums glued together. It's not been in development for years now.

Wayland is much less code but the end result is still much better. Wayland is the future.

In case you didn't know, they're display compositors. Backends of the graphics.

17 more...

Wayland. No screen tearing and it doubled my battery life.

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It's simply impossible to run away from Blackrock these days. Money sells self-dignity.

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Spotify is known for paying low for artists per listened song. So there are like millions of gangsters having Spotify running 24/7 to make their favorite artist earning their daily bread.

T480 is the last good Thinkpad. Even T490 is a huge downgrade.

T430 or X230 if you're into modding. The opportunities for modding them are endless. Keyboard from xx20-series (best ever made for laptops), FHD IPS panel, re-celling the battery with 18650-cells, second storage drive with mstata mod.. If I remember right, T430 cd bay can be replaced with secondary battery too.

The old models are compatible with FreeBSD too.

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Windows has been increasingly spyware since XP.

For me, every non-mainstream distro. IMO every fork which is just a rebuild .iso should ratherly be an install script and extra repos. Simply because the lack of maintenancers and userbase tends to make those projects to die or getting updates way less often tahn should. People should join any existing project rather than creating new ones.

Join LibreLingo instead of creating your own scratch. Unless you're planning to use Rust lol

Sounds like very poor management since everytime a business company switches system infrastructure, the end-users will receive courses. I was working in a factory which changed the automation system and every end-user spent 4+4 hrs in the lecture room and after 1 month of use they had again 4 hrs advanced use cases lecture.

After just 6 months every worker said the new system is easier and better, which first seemed to be impossible transfer.

I'd say KDE since it offers fully working Wayland already.

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I hope nobody recommends Thinkpads manufactured after 2020. They're pure garbage in so many ways, that there's no point to list them all.

That article doesn't mention Wayland and I don't have Nvidia card myself. So, can I go now and suggest Nvidia owners to use Wayland if their Mesa, Vulkan and Nouveau are up to date?

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In the old days, it was Emacs trying to do everything. Now, it's the SystemD.

This is a script of Simpsons episode and Torvalds will actually die in 2058.

If you don't have Nvidia gpu, then LMDE is better. It is slightly snappier and boots slightly faster.

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Pop_OS! is a greatly extended version of Ubuntu. It offers an unique 1 password encryption + login solution. I don't have Nvidia gpu but many people has claimed it offers the best Nvidia support out of the box.

  • System76 Virgo
  • CosmicDE
  • Wayland in general

Pop_OS! is your choice.

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Try gomuks. It's cli written in go. Highly configurable and if your terminal supports images, it'll show them too.

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Yes. It is not 1:1 especially on these test conditions, but currently the truthful seller says the real-world effiency-% is around 15%. So probably with this new technology we can start saying the real-world effiency-% as around 20%, which is significant leap.

I think you have to just try and find your favorite.

Live boot Manjaro Sway to see how the bestly configured Sway works. If you like Suckless appoach, then try dwl.

I never tried Hyprland but I recommend to try it.

Harder task is the bar. Yambar and Waybar are both hard to configure compared to dwm statusbar.

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You can now launch any installed app from the file manager.

Linux Bible 10th edition. Yes, it's for Fedora but use whatever distro you just prefer. It'll teach everything about Linux you need to know.

Your machine is UEFI, which means your usb stick must be formatted in gpt. Ventoy defaults to mbr which means lagacy bios. It is just 3 mouse click setup.

Try again. Because it is the best method. I just updated 2,5 years old Ventoy stick without any issues without re-formatting.

I know zero about jewellery design, but any new software requires always learning and Youtube has zillions of tutorial videos for any application. Your father needs to spend just 2-4 hrs watching those tutorial videos for Blender and he'll master his new tool already.

No reaspn to use xorg anymore. So therefore, dwl is much better choice.

I've been to Ireland many times but didn't know they can speak english over there.

Imgaine if consumer electronics had only 28nm chips with long-lasting and superior quality software. Every laptop and smartphone would have at least 10 yeear lifespan.

Very useful tip for a linux newbie with a laptop which has only igpu.

Sounds like Jolla has found a new, international investor.

Try RedoxOS: https://www.redox-os.org/faq/

If you're into developing or willing to learn Rust, it can even offer you a paid summerjob. RedoxOS runs even on Pentium III.

I switched from Arch + DWM into Artix + DWL and my Thinkpad with Ryzen 5700U doubled the battery life from 3-3,5 hrs to 6-7 hrs. Also if I close the lid, the battery won't run out as fast it was actually used. I don't know what explains all this so I don't make claims either.

You need to add --removable flag into your grub to show removable devices.


If you're not seeking virtualisation as an option, then I'd recommend the second distro for minimal Arch/Artix/Gentoo/Void/Alpine setup and learn to configure Sway or DWL as your WM.

(Because Wayland is the solution)

That's how it's designed to work. For safety reasons.

Try T2: https://t2sde.org/

I have no experience with it but I bet it should work nicely since meant for T2 Macbooks. The project leader has a Youtube channel (mostly livestreams): https://www.youtube.com/@MoreReneRebe

What 'drama' do you mean? I know only the LTT drama.

Any estimation on the battery life?

Just to clarify, you don't need to shrink your storage drive for any VM. I haven't used Windows for so many years, that I can't remember can you shrink your C:/ partition, so search for it from your preferred search engine.

For a Linux Newbie Nvidia should not cause problems. Pop_OS! releases their own .iso for their own made Nvidia drivers. Also other Nvidia driver named NVK should be available soon for any distro out of the box and it will remove most (if not all) Nvidia-related problems on Linux. But I bet most Linux-gamers uses Nvidia without issues anyway.

When you're about to do your first dual booting attempt, I highly recommend to take a backup from your Windows install since it's your first time so something unexplainable can go wrong.

Ps. Remember this until the rest of your life: no matter how you do it, Windows will always override and format your Linux ESP partition, so you have to always install Windows first and Linux second and preferably with its own ESP.

You can passthrough your Rtx 3090 into Qemu to achieve hardware acceleration. With software called 'Looking Glass' you'll get a hardware accelerated Qemu/kvm window instead of sacrificing your second monitor or using a kvm switch.

Level1Linux has made a brilliant videos about Looking Glass.

You should also passthrough a ssd/nvme disk into your Qemu.