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The difference is that you can install Linux on your Windows car and upgrade the engine if you want some more power. If a rear light bulb breaks in your Apple car, you will have to buy the new iCar 2 Pro Max™ or pay almost as much to get the bulb replaced.

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What do you have against "Rhababerbarbarakuchenbarbarenbartbarbierbierbarbärbel"?

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An awful lot of text for "We made a new Downloads UI."

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The founder is a billionaire Eron Wolf and he funds the projects: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cwz2iZwYpgg&t=950

That organization is FUTO, founded in 2021 by 18-year Silicon Valley veteran, programmer/founder of Yahoo! Games, and WhatsApp seed investor Eron Wolf.


Have you heard of our lord and saviour Copyleft?

The OS will wait until the mount is successful with these settings, which is why GNOME doesn't load. Try adding nofail to your options. It should continue with the boot process if you are out of the network with that option set. (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Fstab#External_devices)

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Whenever money is involved, greedy people and content farms start appearing. That would not benefit the Fediverse in any way.

Integrating it into the client apps means that fake apps will start appearing to steal wallet keys. That already happens with normal wallet apps.

The Fediverse is supposed to be free and volunteer run. Tipping is normally implemented by the instance admins on their website and not everyone wants to deal with wallet keys and conversion/selling of cryptocurrency. Such a thing shouldn't be a part of the Fediverse, but a decision every instance makes for themselves.

Have you tried playing the files locally with VLC or MPV? Is the audio out of sync in the files themselves or is it because of Jellyfin?

Sometimes the audio on my client is out of sync, but after stopping and resuming the video, the audio syncs again.

I don't understand why you even change the names and ports. If you have a seperate docker-compose.yml file for Immich, the names won't clash with other services (except if container_name is duplicated, but services like postgres and redis normally get one assigned automatically).

The ports are also limited to the container networks, so running several postgres instances still allows all of them to use the default port (except you pass them through from the host, which you normally shouldn't do in closed networks like Immich's or you run all services in network_mode: host, which is often a bad idea).

Opening ports in a postgres instance is not always needed, because you can attach yourself to the container and use the cli interface to do what you need.

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I track my app usage with usageDirect. It displays the usage time of all apps and compiles the data into several graphs.

The best app for limiting apps I found is TimeLimit.io. You can use it for your own device, but it also supports limiting and controlling other devices, e.g. your children's.

Both apps can be found on F-Droid.

Then you are Henning Brand, who boiled down 1200 gallons of urine until it started to glow: https://sciencehistory.org/stories/magazine/hennig-brandt-and-the-discovery-of-phosphorus/

This looks like the source code for jackett.py. You have to copy the text into a file or download the page (you can do that in the right-click menu) and rename it to "jackett.py"

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AI ≠ Algorithm

An algorithm always answers/does the same on an input, AI doesn't. Blaming AI for algorithmic content delivery is false.

It is not the algorithm that is destroying humanity, but the financial incentive of the people standing behind it.

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direct music streaming

I don't fully understand this setup. Did I misunderstand something?

You have a Fedora PC with an NTFS partition mounted to /run/media/user/share. The Fedora computer shares a directory /mnt/2666EE3966EE097F over Samba.

Fedora and another computer connect to /mnt/2666EE3966EE097F/ over Samba, but they show no content.

Did you perhaps forget to remount your NTFS partition to /mnt/2666EE3966EE097F/? Otherwise I don't see a way to access the content with your current configuration.

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You need to put the bommon line /dev/disk/by-uuid/2666EE3966EE097F /mnt/2666EE3966EE097F auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0 onto the computer with the NTFS partition.

The top line // /mnt/2666EE3966EE097F auto cifs username=user,password=1 0 0 is for mounting the Samba share on another device.

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You can find many e-books on general trackers like 1337x. You should check out anna's archive. It's a website which provides access to books from several sources like z-lib and libgen (download, not torrents).

I think KoboldAI Lite is what you're asking for. I'm not sure how it works, but it seems to be able to use OpenAI, Claude, Gemini, Horde and OpenRouter.

I think this is the repo for the website: https://github.com/LostRuins/lite.koboldai.net

The website is a bit ugly.

With the power of recording, AI and algorithms, mass surveillance is possible without having half of the population working for the government

Downloaded manga in Tachiyomi are saved in a folder called Tachiyomi by default and you can tell the app to save the manga in cbz archives. You can then copy these .cbz files to another drive.

There is no joke, they just fulfilled their duty by posting something.

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vim on Termux (i run a webserver on an old Android phone)

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I started with Pop!_OS, because it was pretty and I was told that it was made for programmers. I was overwhelmed with the options and couldn't get Twitch to work properly (because of missing codecs), so I switched over to ZorinOS, which helped me to familiarize myself with Linux. Later I returned to Pop!_OS.

Someday I got fed up with the major version updates, so I switched to Manjaro and later to Arch btw.

The Samba service is normally run by root either way. Samba uses the logged in user's uid to access the files. To be able to see the files, the user needs to have permissions for the directory and the contained files. The mnt folder currently only has root permissions, which is why the user can't see the files.

You need to change the permissions of the NTFS mount. I'm not sure what the uid of user is, but you can find that out by executing id user. The numbers are the ids you need. In fstab, you need to add the user's uid and gid by adding uid={},gid={} to the line.

Assuming the uid and gid are 1000, it would look like this: /dev/disk/by-uuid/2666EE3966EE097F /mnt/2666EE3966EE097F auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,uid=1000,gid=1000,x-gvfs-show 0 0 (you need to remount the partition after the change). You can check if the permissions changed in your file manager.

This will change the mount's permissions to the user you want to access it from, but this also means that no other user (except root) will be able to. The link below has the answer if you want it to be accessible by all users.

I used this answer on Superuser, so it's possible that this will not fully work, but I don't have the devices to test it out currently.

Feishin is also a good player for desktop

With EteSync you can share calendars and tasks. Apps like Tasks.org can communicate with EteSync (on Android at least, i don't know how the support is on iOS). The devs also provide a (Web UI, which can also be self-hosted.

The main feature of EteSync is end-to-end encryption, you can also self-host it.

Cloudflare offers an API, which can be used to update the records. It's as good as a DDNS.

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That looks like a cool addition. Did you test the compatibility with arr-scripts, which can download tracks from Deezer?

MusicBrainz is an open database and everyone can enrich their metadata. If you like a niche artist and their information is not complete, you can help other users by adding the missing albums to MusicBrainz.

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Did you enable "Local network sharing" in the Mullvad app? It's possible that Mullvad is blocking all outside traffic.

Black Mirror S04E02 - Arkangel

The current AI does have no way of destroying humanity, because it is made to do only one thing right. We haven't yet made a general AI.

The whole "AI will destroy us" thing is certainly blown out of proportion and fueled by themes like Skynet. It having a reason to let us live doesn't guarantee freedom though. A rogue AI could still just enslave us or use us as energy sources (which is dumb and copied from The Matrix).

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I use authentik and I love how easy it is to create users, give them access to my services and even manage an LDAP outpost for the less-advanced services (Jellyfin, Calibre-Web). I heard that Keycloak is a better alternative to authentik, but I never used it, it looks very similar to it though.

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