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He's a coward, just like everyone else in his party. Afraid of a fucking child. His ancestors would be ashamed of him, and his descendants will disown him.

My entire mortgage is his fucking interest payment, but if I stop paying the fractional payments on it -- which this asshole spends in a day on overcooked steaks and too-long ties -- they'd take my house. Start fucking taking his stuff, goddammit.

There was a post the other day about a "powermod" from reddit who was doing the same thing with lemmy communities - snatching up dozens of names and squatting on them. Folks are rightly asking for restrictions on the number of communities any one person can mod, along with other safeguards to prevent power-tripping.

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Organized religion is one of fascism's most important tools.

Empathizing with individuals is built into how the human brain works, because we can theoretically do something about the plight of a single person - at least, this was true in an age before mass communication, when our world was only as large as the people we interacted with. It was mutually beneficial for humans to develop an instinct to help those in their own social group, because it was more likely to result in one's own DNA being passed on.

Hearing about the problems of large numbers of people doesn't click the same way for us because, for the majority of human history, it didn't affect one's ability to further one's genes. Aiding some random person from a distant tribe just doesn't figure into an individual's reproductive fitness. We don't have an instinct to help people we don't know, especially when they don't have a name and a face. And so it's not ingrained in us. It has to be taught.

Imagine telling a rape victim that her rapist is "living rent free in her head". Phase that moronic cliche out of your vocabulary. It makes you sound like a dumbass.

In the sense that we are trying to get back to a time when our platform of choice wasn't a cesspool, yes.

This is also a great zero-stakes way for the government to pretend they are listening and actually care about something, because they are all pretty well assured that nothing said here will negativity affect anyone's reelection campaign.

They don't know anything, and they know nobody else knows anything. There is nothing to be lost politically by spending time on this. If anything it's probably a nice break for most of them to focus on something with almost no chance of repercussions.

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Can the rest of the country have a standing quarantine of Florida?

Look at this Buster Bluth-lookin' ass motherfucker.

He felt empathy for the first time, and it was an unfamiliar sensation that he recoiled from in his cowardice.

Coming down from the trees was a pretty big blunder. Nothing but losses ever since.

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For me it's because of Cinemax - ie Skinemax - which used to be associated with the softcore porn they'd play late at night.

It always mystified me that HBO Max was even able to use that name since it was so evocative of another premium cable network.

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I don't care about any of that. What I really want to know is do you wash your legs?

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We haven't come back from his actual four years yet, and probably won't for a very long time. The prospect of him returning to finish the country off is a nightmare.

They probably did this in a small classroom with doors and windows closed, and let the kids gather close. Should've used the gym.

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Stop punishing the responsible kids for the shitty behavior of the others. Blanket bans and zero tolerance policies are the tools of tiny minds.

Goddamn, my wife and I honeymooned there.

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Plus we're talking about things which are by their nature very difficult to prove. It's literally one person's word against another. Or in this case, nine people's word against one. All that this ruling tells us is that there was insufficient evidence to convict him beyond a reasonable doubt.

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It's so funny to me this new posturing of denial that kids can know their gender at a young age, when derogatory terms for this exact thing like "tomboy" and "sissy" have been around for generations. We have always known that some kids don't act like their gender assigned at birth.

The only thing that's changed is that we now know that this is actually normal and healthy, not some pathological problem that can be "solved" through abuse and shaming.

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First I'd buy my own house from the bank. Next I'd buy each of my neighbor's houses going out three or four blocks and gift them to them, with the option to stay or move at any time in the future and sell them back to me at market rate. If they sell it back to me, take the cash and move, I put the property up for sale to the lowest bidder - ie, I would offer them to local families who needed it most, selling them for literally pennies.

I would then start gifting large amounts to local schools, with the rider that it has to go towards increasing salaries for all existing staff first, followed by creating a floating fund for supplies and meals so that no teacher or family in need ever had to buy them out of their own pocket.

After all that I'd start commissioning giant bronze statues of my favorite fictional characters and plopping them down on undeveloped land in the area, then building parks around them.

Near one of these parks I'd build a great big classically-styled movie theater that plays classic films for three bucks a ticket. Operating costs would be paid for from a fund set up to keep the place open and running indefinitely, with all ticket sales to go to local charities.

You shouldn't repeat rumors you heard without any actual evidence at hand to back them up. That's just baseless gossip. It's poison spewing from your mouth to the ears of anyone who hears you.

Post whatever you want wherever you want, but credit the source. This is important not just for courtesy, but for archival purposes. It leaves a trail that makes it easier for others to find the original if they want to see other work by the creator or information about the subject.

If it's just a meme, it's probably not going to matter much, but for original artwork or articles, the author should always be credited when possible, and links make that easier for everyone.


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It's also important to point out that "not guilty" is only a legal distinction.

Toddlers model behavior of the adults in their life. It can be as simple as whether they echo the behavioral quirks of the women more than the men, or vise versa.

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I've also read convincing theories that he was on the spectrum, which could explain a lot of his challenges interacting with people, as well as his obsessive tendencies.

During the summer months, I try to get in a few sessions a week of reading in the hammock with a cold drink. It's a challenge to fit it in after work and before dinner, and some days are too hot, or rainy, or smoky, or the neighbors are loud, etc, but when I can make it work, even for a half hour or so, it's a little slice of paradise just for me that keeps me sane.

I have yet to find an equivalent for the winter, but I won't deny that I've measured for hooks to hang the hammock in the bedroom...

Lots of stuff needs to be done. Unfortunately, there is no political will to actually do any of it. Unfortunately, the unthinking ideology of a large enough portion of the population trumps the need to address the actual harm done to countless lives as a result of our inaction.

Imagine there's a big public square and everyone is encouraged to draw on it in with chalk of any color. Except you only get one tiny fragment of chalk every five minutes.

Hard to make anything meaningful, huh?

So people coordinate, usually via discord chat. Someone comes up with a pattern, maps it onto coordinates on this square, and users go out and put down their mark at preselected coordinates, and others mark on top of it, and the most coordinated communities succeed in creating and maintaining coherent images - which are usually ads for their own community. Or flags. Or anime characters. Or something else just as mind-numbingly boring.

Because it's difficult to maintain any real estate on this square with so many people throwing chalk everywhere, communities build robots to go make their chalk marks for them. You get your chalk piece and you give it to a bot and it goes out and puts it in the proper coordinates. Individuals can still make marks, but they usually only last a few moments before a bot or community horde of zombie people come by and place their marks over it.

And this boring nonsense goes on for a few days until the admins decide arbitrarily that the event is over.

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Most distressingly, he learned that he has a literal mob/cult willing to stand behind him and do anything he tells them to, no matter how abhorrent.

The problem is where the mainstream lies. In Islam, the mainstream is fundamentalism. Of course, fundamentalism is a problem for Christianity and every other religion too, but right now that is not the mainstream of those sects. And that is why Islam gets criticized more heavily than other religions.

Fundamentalism is cancerous wherever it lives.

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The kid's future is at stake with the legislation these GOP phonies are constantly pushing to exclude and shame her. I don't think it's at all unreasonable to loop her into the process of protesting and fighting back at a young age.

What's disgusting is when politicians use children in the abstract as fuel for their own campaigns, as the entire GOP is doing all the time. They prey on the ignorance of their base, and use anonymous people who can't defend themselves as cudgels; that's very different from what this parent is doing.

But they got them from somewhere. Could be anywhere, because guns are literally everywhere. Huh, I guess we just can't do anything about that.

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He's acting out because his parents named him Goofus.

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That's amazing.

Lol, you think there are any social programs left after these chucklefucks are through.

I just want my phone to stop changing its to fucking it's. Goddammit, stop fucking changing a valid word to something else.

Doc Brown actually went back and caused this invention to cease to exist, along with self-lacing shoes, the food hydrator, and the Mr. Fusion, in order to divert the timeline away from a looming nuclear apocalypse in the year 2045.

This is a thing that really happened... in a short released with the 30th Anniversary Blu-Ray box set.

Read up on the paradox of tolerance.