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Joined 12 months ago

-Fast food. It's so expensive.

-Alcohol. It's unhealthy, and I use it as a crutch when I'm feeling bad.

-Animal products, due to climate change.

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Get a vasectomy, then start the relationship.

Do you by any chance have red hair?

The pain medication affects red heads differently, and they usually need more than most people do.

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Dad dies when you're 23. Mom is mentally ill, don't ruin yourself trying to save her. Buy bitcoin!

Fix my teeth and go to med school. In that order

Privat med school in Germany costs a bit over 12k a year depending so I'd just work and save for a year or two first, then enroll

Are we assuming the drink magically has no calories or other negative effects?

I'd choose white wine if it doesn't get me drunk (and as long as it still tastes good and not shitty like alcohol free wine. And also as long as there's no social repercussions from drinking wine all day.)

If the drink keeps all it's normal properties then I'd choose green tea.

/r/Skincareaddiction, /r/EuroSkincare, various fanfiction subs, /r/Medicine, and a lot more.

Reddit has SO many niche communities that have built up a fairly large amount of information over time. I'm determined to stick to Lemmy but it sucks to lose all that knowledge. It's going to take years for Lemmy to build up.

Yup, I'm a fellow ginger. Fucking hate going to the dentist, it always hurts no matter how much they give me :(


I usually wash my hands before meals, but like, when I buy something quick to eat at the train station it's not exactly convenient to wash my hands.