π™²πš‘πšŠπš’πš›πš–πšŠπš— π™ΌπšŽπš˜πš 

@π™²πš‘πšŠπš’πš›πš–πšŠπš— π™ΌπšŽπš˜πš @programming.dev
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At the company I work at we use UUIDv7 but base63 encoded I believe. This gives you fairly short ids (16 chars iirc, it includes lowercase letters) that are also sortable.

It's only an Oxford comma if it's from the region of Oxford. Otherwise it's just sparkling interpunction.

I think they'd nominate Newsom over Clinton tbh.

I don't think about them at all to be honest. Total disinterest.

Client running code should always be considered compromisable, that's security 101. Relying on kernel module checks is a terrible practice, and not a fundamental guarantee of safety either.

Good, secure anti-cheat happens serverside. But that's harder and less broadly applicable, so Epic doesn't want to bother with it.

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Techwise it probably doesn't, but then there's marketeers, sales, accountants, legal, etc...

Apparently she received some funding that was traced back to Russia and is effectively acting as a spoiler candidate.

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They actively call my family members "pedophiles" for being gay. I don't like it when they make sweeping generalisations and call my family evil.

So forgive me for thinking you're a reprehensible person if you support a person as vile as Trump. He started the mudslinging, not us.

Universal Healthcare is cheaper than the current US system. You could switch to it without having to cut anything.

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It's a well-established fact that a part of her social media campaign was funded by the Russians.

To be clear: I'm not saying she necessarily did all this in cahoots with Putin. Russia funded divisive ads that boosted Sanders too. Regardless, Sanders quit the race whilst Stein did not. That means she acted as a spoiler candidate, where a vote for her means it's more likely that a republican candidate wins instead, instead of the democrat candidate that a green voter is likely more aligned with. It's an unfortunate effect of the two-party system. Nonetheless, those effects are well-known and Stein had a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected. She knew this, but decided to remain on the ballot anyway. Her candidacy therefore did help Trump win the election.

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A country with a chapter in its history named "The Troubles" might not be the best pick here.

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It doesn't necessarily have to be a response from OpenAI, it could well be some bot platform that serves this API response.

I'm pretty sure someone somewhere has created a product that allows you to generate bot responses from a variety of LLM sources. And if whatever is interacting with it is simply reading the response body and stripping out what it expects to be there to leave only the message, I could easily see a fairly bad programmer create something that outputs something like this.

It's certainly possible this is just a troll account, but it could also just be shit software.

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Because it seemed Dugin was the target of the operation I believe.

Lovecraft's racism is very much a product of fear, not racial superiority. Dude was extraordinarily terrified of everything remotely foreign. It's why "strange creatures that are vaguely human but completely incomprehensible" is the generic terror in his stories.

In that sense, I find the motivations for his racism far less terrible than the motivations a racial supremacist has.

As CEO he is ultimately responsible for his platform. So yes, in the end it's his responsibility. It's why he gets paid the big bucks.

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Paying hush money is allowed. Laundering money to conceal that you're paying hush money, violating campaign laws in the process, is not allowed.

... Are they? I've never had issues cleaning them at all.

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I wonder if Meta implemented a very basic "no porn keywords" filter. "Interracial" is quite a common keyword on porn websites, perhaps that's why it won't pick up on it well or wasn't trained on images like it?

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If a black guy went to a KKK meeting with a rifle and sat there provoking the KKK members, I'd argue he probably went there to stir up a fight. Not that I have any sympathy for KKK members or their actions.

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At least in the Netherlands this would still constitute unauthorised copying of licensed material, and therefore be illegal.

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Which ethnic group is Taiwan going to be oppressing here?

"Narcissist" is not a slur. Additionally, he's calling you out for your bad behaviour and online harassment, not "because you have NPD".

If you have a mental disorder that prevents you from behaving nicely online, it may be wiser not to comment. Because people won't see your NPD as an excuse, but as a justification showing that you do demonstrate bad behaviour and therefore are prone to breaking the (social) rules. Ergo justifying the ban.

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Imagine coming home to find your family was burnt to a crisp and your house and belongings torched by a foreign nation's military.

Do you expect this person to shrug it off and say "ah just collateral damage" or do you become vulnerable to propaganda from a group that says "I told you so, they're evil and must be destroyed"?

When we watched Luke Skywalker take up arms and join an armed rebellion against the evil empire after they murdered his family, we all cheered. But when the perpetrator doesn't look like a comicbook villain, things are suddenly less clear.

Point it, Hamas can't be defeated like this. Every bombing of a civilian home creates more Hamas terrorists. When left no choice, people will choose violence. And to them it seems clear that Israel gives them no choice. From the safety of our homes we can see that Hamas is not worthy of any praise and that their actions are deeply reprehensible. But they live amongst the rubble caused by Israeli bombs; they won't see it that way.

This is a violent path that can only lead to genocide, which must be prevented. If we truly want there to be peace, both sides must concede things. Otherwise Hamas or its successor will just come back.

That would be exactly my choice. One terrorist is not worth blowing up children over. Wait for a better opportunity that doesn't definitely have collateral damage. A terrorist does not "win" if he lives a bit longer. Nobody is "winning" anything in Gaza anyways right now.

Besides, blowing up children is a win for the terrorists.

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XD is Dubai (separate from the United Arab Emirates).

The point is that people tend to claim the opposite, that an infinite amount of universes means everything and anything is happening in some universe somewhere. Which can't be true, as a universe where someone creates some device that destroys all universes does not exist (as proven by our own existence).

Therefore it follows that there must be some constraints, though what those constraints actually are is obviously a very difficult problem.

The "infinite fractions between 1 and 2 which are not 3" is an example that shows that infinite =/= everything.

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The EU is forcing them to do this as part of the GDPR. Google isn't allowed to store personal data for longer than is required, and an account that's been inactive for 2 years is very likely an account that will never be accessed again. Therefore, Google has no legitimate purpose to store that data, ergo they must delete it.

I'm going to ignore the incredibly horrifying insinuation that all Palestinians are Hamas-terrorists, and fix your analogy: what if the school shooters were a group of parents, whose children (who didn't do anything wrong) are also in the same school. There's also a couple teachers who can't do anything against the school shooters out of fear of being fired.

How many innocent teachers and children have to be in the school before bombing the school becomes morally wrong?

It can't be effective. The risk of false-positives is huge.

Protesting for the right of Palestine to exist and not have thousands of their children bombed to death can hardly equate to support for Hamas.

Palestinian support for Hamas rises as Israel bombs them, their houses and their families. This suggests that supporting Hamas is an act of desperation for the Palestinians, as to them Hamas are simply the only group that actually do something against what they perceive as the Israeli oppressors.

Regardless, the vast majority of protestors would like to see a two-state solution that brings lasting peace to the region, with Hamas as well as Israeli warhawks removed from power. That doesn't really equate to support for Hamas at all.

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The PA has power in the west bank, but not in Gaza (where Hamas is in charge). They're not a very effective government, but they don't seem to have genocidal intent either.

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It's rather the opposite. Big oil pushes nuclear because nuclear directly competes with renewables, and because nuclear is a centralised power generation solution that they can fully own, in contrast with stuff like rooftop solar or onshore wind. Shell has a share in General Atomics, BP is eyeing investments into nuclear energy.

Nuclear fusion might truly be an answer, but there is nothing that nuclear does that renewables can also do, but cheaper and faster.

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It's dead simple to see if you're talking to an LLM. The latest models don't pass the Turing test, not even close. Asking them simple shit causes them to crap themselves really quickly.

Ask ChatGPT how many r's there are in "veryberry". When it gets it wrong, tell it you're disappointed and expect a correct answer. If you do that repeatedly, you can get it to claim there's more r's in the word than it has letters.

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Shocking news: man on death row does not want to die.

More at 11.

The penalty for something stupid isn't death though. If less lethal options are available, why not use those?

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