5 Post – 234 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And that's why people started sailing the high seas again.

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What do they mean by "fake arrow decals?" They're real arrow decals. Just not helpful ones.

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No opt out? Expect trouble from the EU.

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I refused to return to office.

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Microsoft assumes their users are complete idiots, even when they (the users) are actively trying to convince them (Microsoft) otherwise. No matter how advanced the feature may be, they'll assume you found instructions somewhere to do something entirely unrelated and they constantly have to save you from yourself. As a result you constantly have to fight the OS for access and control to get it to do what you want.
If you're even a bit of a power user that is, of course.

But more often than not Microsoft's assumption is probably spot on.

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Enjoy your bian, I guess.

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They vastly overestimated their users' willingness to pay for content and put up with their bullshit.

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Jesse's absolutely right. The only reason our politicians are governing us is because we let them. Occasionally they need to be reminded of that fact.

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Flies love shit.

Or, hear me out, we stop ruining the environment, so natural pollinators can do what they do best.

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"Submarine scrapped 19 years after the 'battle'" is a weird way of saying it sustained no damage.

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Play store is a shitshow. It's so hard to spot the few actual gems in the absolute avalanche of ad-ridden asset flip time wasters that have the only goal of harvesting your data or running a monero miner in the background. The chances are better with paid games, but even then it's hit-or-miss.
I gave up on mobile gaming long ago.

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Of course they do. It's what they live for. All their focus is on the afterlife. Their actual life is just an annoyance that comes first.

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Accidentally flashed a live image (PCBSD, IIRC) onto my 1TB external HDD instead of the thumb drive. Lost years of collected music and movies that night. I learned two things:

  1. Don't do this sort of thing in the middle of the night, when you're tired and should be sleeping.
  2. dd is nicknamed 'disk destroyer' for good reason.
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Yarr Harr?

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It's something to occupy your mind that doesn't require a lot of attention but still prevents it from wandering.

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Now that sounds like a good use for taxpayers' money.

You'll be surprised/dismayed how resistant people are to learning something new.

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I guess with the lower temperature they'd be less of a threat.

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Honestly not surprised. You're running that on a, what, 15 year old potato? Yes, Skyrim isn't the most modern game, but that GPU was intended for desktop use, back then. I'm actually impressed that it runs at all. I'd half expect the game to just crash because it requests something that dinky GPU simply cannot provide.

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If your gums get damaged by pickles it may be time to see a dentist.

Yup. Those farts don't understand that the only reason streaming took off like it did is because it was more convenient than piracy and cheaper than cable TV. That's no longer the case.

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They can vocalise more than just their names, so if anything, they're Digimon.

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Memorisation isn't the issue. I know their names and their relation to each other.
But unlike some birds I don't simply see where North is.
I can make a rough estimate based on the position of the sun, if conditions allow.
But if I'm in the subway tunnels or just emerged I might as well spin in a circle and appoint a random direction North. It's certainly not an intuition as it seems to be for some people.

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To be fair, streaming was never buying. It was always paying entry to a library. If stuff gets removed from the library that's the way it is.
That isn't to say I don't agree. Piracy is a service problem, as Gabe Newell so eloquently put it. Streaming started losing the moment it started splintering into cable networks.

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By closing your account.

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From Wikipedia:

A lingua franca (/ˌlɪŋɡwə ˈfræŋkə/; lit. 'Frankish tongue'; for plurals see § Usage notes), also known as a bridge language, common language, trade language, auxiliary language, vehicular language, or link language, is a language systematically used to make communication possible between groups of people who do not share a native language or dialect, particularly when it is a third language that is distinct from both of the speakers' native languages.

Actually Wikipedia specifically has a note at the top:

Not to be confused with French language.

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Status: closed Resolution: wontfix

If you don't like being corrected just stop being wrong 🤷

Or at least be prepared to defend your position with reasoning.

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Programmer moment.

Also it's time for a new sign.

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I am serious. And don't call me surly.

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Spell checking, apparently.

Yes. But you have to know the requirements before you can pour them in code. You don't start coding and are granted a vision by the god of logic about where your journey will lead you.

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I love how it still fits into the verse.

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I don't understand it, therefore it's bad.

That guy probably

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Of course. He'd be willing to take Zelensky's unconditional surrender 🤣🤡

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It's called evening. Maybe even night.

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There's less air traffic now. But if you approve the first autonomous air taxi, you'll soon approve the second and third and before you know it there are thousands of those things whirring through every major city and then you have just as much traffic and one more dimension to worry about.

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They don't automatically theme along with the system.