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Joined 1 years ago

Laser printers more accurately "bake paper so that number powder sticks to it"

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Now you can have fun while playing Modern Warfare 2


  1. When the internet was rolling out, a decentralized, open, best-effort solution of TCP/IP thankfully won over telephone companies' centralized system proposal
  2. IPv6 is still not universal for some damn reason
  3. Onion addresses solve these problems but good luck getting everyone aboard with Tor
  4. You always trade anonymity for reachability, and with the amount of threats, NAT and firewalls have been put up to make it harder for unsolicited requests to reach you by default

This is GRUB’s final warning before you dig too deep in the OS list. Never hold ⬇️ for more than 45 minutes. If you do, make sure you have punch tape with a bootloader available or you'll have to manually enter machine code instructions to get your computer back up.

I am not aware of any receipt printers using lasers - thermal printers have an array of resistors that get hot when necessary. I know how a laser printer works and it is hard to explain in 12 or so words. Inkjets are way easier, you can just say "squirt squirt oops". Anyway...

  1. A photosensitive drum gets a negative electrostatic charge.
  2. A laser shining through a rotating prism scans lines across the drum's surface. This removes charge from parts of the drum that should not be covered in toner.
  3. A high-voltage corona wire inside the toner reservoir charges an amount of toner positively.
  4. The charged drum rotates past the corona wire, getting covered in toner where its negative charge remains.
  5. Paper is pushed against the drum and the powdery toner is transferred to it.
  6. The paper continues into a fuser, a little oven where a heating element briefly makes the toner so hot that it melts, its powder particles making a permanent bond among themselves and with the paper. (The heater is usually stationary and heats the paper from below. The fuser drum that pushes paper against the heater can get sticky and pick up some of the toner, making images repeat down the page. This is the most common failure mode that cannot be resolved through regular maintenance such as replacing the toner cartridge and printing cleaning pages. However, almost all laser printers have a cheap fuser module or its drum available so it is usually worth replacing.)

Here is the auto-generated transcript (for research purposes only)

oh isn't it a beautiful day how cutie
the sun's bright the birds are singing
nicely it's a good as day as any to go
and touch
grass yeah I I know I know um it's
important though I need to go to the
store it's been a while and you know
replenish the
pantry um it'll be okay though I promise
I'll be back soon it shouldn't take too
long and no no you don't you please
don't come with me I can touch enough
grass for the both of us and I promise
I'll be back soon okay nothing bad's
going to
happen but in case I don't come back
please feed
mocha and take care of her for
no I've got to go now before I check it
out I'll I'll see you later okay you
just stay nice and safe inside
okay good
cutie all right that was easy got
everything I need yeah okay I've got to
hurry home now uh I've probably got to
switch out the cuties
bandages maybe we refill the ice pack
and ah goodness oh I didn't see that
puddle it was surprisingly deep and now
my boots are
muddy that's okay though once I get home
I can wipe them huh holy goodness
gracious why is no one watching where
they're going right now I almost dropped
the eggs all right well that's okay
anyways it's that a car please bra
out think I'm okay oh no not another one
the in my
ankles no please stop this way please no
happens I need to get
home if I can make it

Keyword: cirno head empty

The IMU probably drifts by some small percentge but an intermittent GPS signal every few kilometers should ensure that it never gets too far off course.

You are right, QR codes are very easy to decode if you have them raw, even the C64 should do it in a few seconds, maybe a minute for one of those 22 giant ones. The hard part is image processing when decoding a camera picture - and that can be done on the C64 too if it has enough time and some external memory (or disks for virtual memory). People have even emulated a 32-bit RISC processor on the poor thing, and made it boot Linux.

Finally we know...

Thanks. I should have checked earlier before making a fool of myself. A lesson for me, I guess.

Prior to 1870, Italy was several kingdoms, republics and duchies, with a federation of papal states in the middle, and Vatican, then just another cathedral hill in Rome, was not special – the pope mostly lived elsewhere. During the unification of Italy, the pope retreated to Vatican and troops left the palace alone. For almost 60 years, the papal state, now only controlling the Vatican area, was informally tolerated by Italy until Mussolini signed a 1929 treaty, recognizing the territory was independent.

To be honest, I’m not sure what the pope could do if he no longer came to good terms with the fascists but if I were him, I would retreat to an Allied cathedral on a “diplomatic mission” and ring the alarm, not caring if the tiny Vatican was occupied to Italy. Its bad wartime performance was becoming apparent and there would be a chance of reclaiming Vatican after it lost the war.

I once got Top 7 Luxury Cruise in (Landlocked) Czech Republic from Microsoft. Also, The Flight Price From %user.location% (village of 200 people) To New York Will Surprise You

Why? Passenger trains and subways are already very safe thanks to remote control & monitoring systems, Deadman's switches etc. Many urban rail sstems don't use drivers at all! Is there a subway accident from the past 20 years that could have been prevented with an extra driver?

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Yeah, it's fun but the temperature needs to be correct. With rising temperature, the paper goes black, light gray, brown and then glowing orange.

Don't go into Seine, you'll drown!

(I know it's pronounced [ˈzaɪ̯nə] 🔊, I can speak German)

The hole in the fuselage that caused them to be sucked out was actually made by one of them in a suicide/homicide. Very tragic. Somebody invest in mental health please!

  • Do you think developers have any say in this?
  • They have Reddit Premium for free, and most likely an internal version too.

If you look at the collection, it is apparent that they often group unrelated clipart into one picture. Therefore, the four icons, the penguin, the bow and the "comic" panel are likely completely irrelevant to each other. Despite being bundled with DOS software, the monochrome pictures are likely best suited for the Mac's high-res monochrome screen, and many seem to have been made by Mac fans mocking PC users in comics like these. They would hot have known about Tux the Linux penguin back then so it's a generic penguin.

As for how the comic is supposed to be funny, I'd guess that the point is how difficult setting up a PC used to be(?) No idea if the thought bubble with the pirate is relevant but it is in a dithered area, meaning it's likely not meant to be cut and pasted elsewhere.

A powerbank is another step in energy conversion and the cables are annoying.

I cannot stop laughing. Peak comedy.

We did it, Lemmy

Thank you for your kind words.

Hardship is part of life. I have more than I would like right now but that's just how I am. Dunno, maybe should place myself preventively on suicide watch.

At least it's a temporary, below minimum wage job so I don't mind too much if the computer goes up in flames and I get fired. It will get wiped for the next wagie anyway.

MSER does not uninstall Edge BTW

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⛨ ☭ ⇑⥣̂ ⚒ ☾̙╳☽̘

You two can stop now. It's not funny.

I wonder if there is a notification ad blocker with community-submittted sets of regex patterns that root users can use.

Sure, no algorithm is able to extract any more information from a single photo. But how about combining detail caught in multiple frames of video? Some phones already do this kind of thing, getting multiple samples for highly zoomed photos thanks to camera shake.

Still, the problem remains that the results from a cherry-picked algorithm or outright hand-crafted pics may be presented.

Thanks. Maybe I should go buy another emotional support Blåhaj, the big one this time.

Very wholesome thread for someone who could well be an IRL Joker and

Oh, and I love the community you moderate. Better fuel Huel!

Oh, I forgot about the quality of US infrastrure. If an engineer needs to make a voice call to communicate to unpower the line because a train has derailed, that's a systemic problem. I think all metros in the EU have telemetry and any major railway implements ETCS. Weird that "safety first" means that schoolkids cannot see the eclipse but public transport infrastructure gets way underfunded.

Also, a certain "blue line" keeps going off the rails in the US. I read this out of context and thought the police staged a riot.

If cookie clicker was real:

Well, Task Manager nor attempting to delete the executable normally helped in my case. Power deleting Edge (including WebView) is obviously a bad idea but faster than finding whatever mistake I made that led to this behavior. I can afford to do dumb stuff because the job is temporary, and I never downloaded any malware (according to VirusTotal) that would cause further problems.

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That’s exactly what Microsoft did in the 1990s after an antitrust lawsuit for hindering free browser selection: integrated Internet Explorer into Explorer to have an excuse for having it preinstalled.

The EU is taking similar steps but I tgink Edge WebView will stay essential. Removing it on a laptop broke biometrics (aka Windows Hello: fingerprint sensor and face recognition) and I had to use a restore point. Seems sketchy to use a browser engine for essential security features – at this point, I would hope I had triggered some OS tamper-detection because the alternative is an OS whose login system is infected with an unpopular browser not because it enhances security but out of spite, and I don't think exploiting legal loopholes leads to most secure solutions.

Duh. To be honest, should have checked before making the post.
Are you WestEnd?

Thanks, finally someome who understands (I don't mind that you disagree, lots of people IRL do)

B, of course, I don’t want every install to take 4 hours.

For antivirus, the company provides ESET but I also use VirusTotal and a WIP common sense engine.

Well, my default browser is Firefox and EdgeRemover (oops, misremembered the name) MSEdgeRedirect (which is FOSS of course, would not install such thing otherwise) does work, in a way – all Help pages, Start Menu searches etc. get redirected to Firefox and DuckDuckGo. I thought it would prevent Edge from opening at all. I don't think it's a browser hijacker.

Okay, the company is using ESET’s highest tier and the computers are remotely managed so I’m not sure I would see detection notifications.

textbook browser hijacker

Is your textbook from the 1990s? Pretty sure modern malware is way more stealthy and not at all obvious.

Screenshot of famous DOS virus Walker

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I’ve had a similar thing happen before, Firefox kept opening several blank tabs every second. That time, the cause was a little more obvious: it kept calling itself to open a PDF because I had misconfigured it. I suspect a similar thing happened here – I did try to remove Edge, which may have broken something.

Rather than reinstall and reconfigure everything, which takes 4 hours I’ll just do an ESET virus scan and reset some relevant config. I don't do personal stuff or banking on that computer anyway so I don't think I’m really in danger.

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Joke's on me, I already have (accidentally 😅) deleted essential Linux files before. Fun times. I knew I was to blame though, it was a learning experience.

Maybe I’ll try to figure out what exactly I did wrong so I learn more than just “don't poke” (which I wouldn't stop doing anyway).