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Joined 12 months ago

Ask me! =)

As Louis Rossman said: "if Apple is happy about this, I'm worried."

Even if it wasn't human made, if we can do something about it and help ourselves out of it as a result, why shouldn't we? It's crazy that this is even an argument.

Some of that data could be from (or for) customer use, like the service passwords.

It is a trend on all governments to push public services to third parties and, as consequence, social media platforms. How many we see that have their own websites but news and updates only available on twitter or facebook? It's insane, imho.

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That will backfire badly and Biff becomes a drug lord.

That's way too intimate for my liking...

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From the get go I thought Threads growth wasn't organic. The low usage stats, imho, only supports that thought. The app isn't bad and if people were really so desperate, they'd stick to it to help it's growth.

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Theatre has two meanings (it seems), one of them being "a room or hall for lectures with seats in tiers". The idea is that above the "centre stage" there would be seating for other doctors to watch the surgery for education/research purposes.

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That there's hope for humanity...

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because abusing crocs would be way more dangerous...

Did he actually do this? That's a loser move.

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Please don't. Seek help. You're not alone.

You could always do that in Telegram...

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It's like the Bud Lite people all over again. Want to prove a point, don't buy the product! Hahaha, what a lame move.

When Boost client broke I stopped checking reddit.

The beheaded babies thing was blown out of proportion. One official reporter on the ground interviewed some IDF soldiers who said witnessed many families slaughtered in their homes, some beheaded including babies. She asked him how many and he said around 40 in that village. She then wrote the piece contain the incorrect claim. I do sympathise with you in the sense that the pro-Israelis took that 40 beheaded babies thing way too far and they should, at minimum, retract such claims in their news outlets. Now, this one wrongly interpreted claim does NOT mean civilians weren't targeted inside their homes and slaughtered, tortured, burnt, you name it. Hamas did NOT target military or essential services sites (like their electric grid or water supplies). They targeted civilians who could not defend themselves. If that's not terrorism, I don't know what is... Did you see the clip where a member of Hamas is walking through that party place and is shooting each portable toilet to kill anyone hiding inside them? What do you think of that? There were many non-Israelis present at that event. Do they get to the right to criticise Hamas?

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When you want non-native software to run on incompatible hardware, you use emulation.

Always thought that this was how my fellow Mexicans called their gang members by but hey, thanks for caring about our gang member's feelings.

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"This is Brazil!" yelled out in a Toretto's voice.

Let facts and evidence drive the conclusion to this. Let the alleged victims sue his ass and, if he's guilt, he'll rot. But don't come to your own conclusions as if you knew all the facts. You just don't like the guy, that's it.

Is everyone other than Linus wife reading off a teleprompter?! Come on!

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Did you mean hot cakes?!

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Not sure, aye. Cartridge slot is on the other side and it's connected to the TV via RCA with stereo audio. hmm, I can't think of another console that meets those prerequisites though.

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Jaspion? Is that you?

And mine.

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You know, Skype still works fine and it's free...

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It's not just that 2 billion people access the third party vs the main page, is that you can't go cheaper than free using the third party and to me that's the problem. Governments selling themselves cheap to big data is the issue. Screw it if doesn't get 2 billion accesses a day, that's not why it exists! In that I think you missed my point.

fuck nestle

sorry, old habits

"Sol e chuva = casamento de viúva"

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It could have been worse. It could have been named enjoystick...

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Lula wasn't acquitted though... He got out due to a technicality as a result of a "new" interpretation of the law. (read some level of corruption here) His last trial (after being found guilty 3 times) allegedly was supposed to happen in Brasília but instead happened in Paraná. The due process would be for the whole ordeal to restart but since he's over 65 years old, there's some lenience in the law that impedes the process to resume. This does NOT nullify anything that was proven in the other 3 trials (and also the 4th which was what put him in jail. There's a lot of backroom deals happening all over government and the supreme court "allegedly" is in on the pie. Bozonaro had the chance to keep this corrupt ex-president in jail and forfeited it, himself being another corrupt president. But hey, love won didn't it?! =)

The Barbie movie showed me we are only against big corporations when they don't align with current ideology. Mattel proved it otherwise, imo. But hey, if the pharmaceutical industry has been shafting us since the 70s, why wouldn't the toy industry?

(this has nothing to do with being pro or against feminism)

1 more... is a great little game


Demolition Man is a cool movie

I've been using Telegram since I called it and left all Meta apps (about 4 years ago now). It has been a good experience since. Never heard of Jami but will look it up. =)

Yes, exactly but it's all a PR thing. They're still a greedy corporation that marketing wise is "doing" the thing current affairs deem right. That doesn't automatically make them a good corporation, quite the opposite in my opinion.

They should be selected by merit via an internal voting process of the higher scorers. This odd relationship between the different brunches of government is what messes up the boundaries each should operate under.

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Wanted to add that Lula wasn't wrongly prosecuted. Our judiciary has been overreaching for a while now and have gone above and beyond to act in their own interest and that of their allies. It was no different with Lula, and it was no different with Bolsonaro who just recently lost his political rights. They both deserved what they got and more but corrupt ministers will keep moving the goalpost (or better yet their interpretation of the law) to please those of their interest.

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haha, não!