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Joined 1 years ago

PI currently working out of Oakmont, Massachusetts.

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Folks around here probably know about The Air Traffic site, but a couple of my friends who are 'Swifties' didn't know about it until Taylor Swift decided to go the Musk route and sue the guy.

I'm convinced they would have done so much better if it hadn't been Epic exclusive. I know more than one person who won't play it on PC because of this.
It's a great game otherwise.

I've been with a company that when things were down, they didn't layoff anyone but just stopped hiring and higher management took pay cuts. I've also been with a company that would do a round of layoffs almost every time they were in the red. Guess which company I enjoyed working for more and had more positive morale overall.

Just yesterday my parents were complaining about "cheating" on Election Day by Democrats. I'm half tempted to send them this.

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I really like Adam Savage as well. The tour he did of Grant Imahara's shop was very touching.

It seems like kind of an obvious answer, but Mister Rogers. I grew up watching him on PBS, and he was always so kind and gentle, and he always has good lessons and reminders to be had. I still watch his show whenever I'm feeling down and don't want to get out of bed. For me, they're motivating to get up and do something.

You could just say "Millennials are exhausted" and be correct.

I'm sorry, the what?

"I saw a suspicious person walking with a dog this evening"

I don't understand how this guy kept saying this sub was the safest thing, and then turned around and had passengers sign a waiver stating that death was in the cards. I would think that would make someone question whether the guy actually thought it was safe. Then again, I'm not rich and dumb (just poor and dumb lol). The disconnect is amazing.

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Peak corporate moment. Everyone is disposable.

Every time I think we've moved passed this as an argument, it pops back up. They'll blame anything but those they should be holding accountable.

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I cannot play unless Ben Franklin himself has endorsed it.

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It's a pretty simple concept with a lot of references, but Floor796 is fun to browse around when I'm bored. There's a few interactive bits too, if you can find them.

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Man, I've started to see it happening between just the Millennials and the Gen-Z. I assume a good chunk of it is for rage bait/views, at least that's what I'm hoping for. It's so much better when we're working together to try to better the future.

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Are people really still on the "Pizzagate" thing? I thought that died out a while back.

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The licenses referenced likely have to do with the game’s music. During the The Line’s menu screen, Jimi Hendrix’s rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner” can be heard while the game’s soundtrack includes Martha and The Vandellas’ “Nowhere to Run.”

The same thing happened to the first Alan Wake before they worked something out to get it back (even though it took almost a decade). Consequently, that's also one of the reasons they wrote original songs for the sequel. It's very much a gamble these days to license music for games. More or less puts it on a timeline to be removed at some point.

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It would be interesting to see how many 'patient gamers' are actually into multiplayer games at all because of this reason. I wouldn't call myself one per se, but I probably fit the criteria, and most of the games I wait to come on sale are single player campaign.

The irony and disconnect would be horribly, horribly amazing. (edit: 6 months later this link doesn't work. It is what it is, life goes on)
This screenshot was from a while back, and it's a little sparse these days as far as public games go, but it's great fun when you get a one going. Or if you want to play virtually with just your friends you can create your own password protected game.

My lurking comes from mostly not being able to articulate exactly what I want to say sometimes. Like yeah, I know how this random thread makes me feel and I have an idea of what I want to say, but when I try to put it into actual, tangible words that make sense, I just end up sitting there for ten or fifteen minutes trying to word it out before I give up and move on lol. I'm trying to be better at it though, like force myself to post or comment something sometimes. Surely the more times I do, the better I'll be at it right?? ¯\(ツ)

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Man, I knew this day would come, but I hate now that it actually has a date. My 360 is still going strong, and I'm dreading the day it gives out. Yeah, I could just move everything over to my Xbox One, but I'm not even sure all the 360 games I own are backwards compatible.

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Nothing super crazy, but when I was in high school, my family lived in a big, newly built two story house that, to me, had some very weird and off vibes to it. There must have been something attached to the land, because 1) it was a brand new house, 2) the house we lived in before was also 'haunted', but in a different way, and 3) all the houses my parents moved into afterwards were fine.
Often when I was home alone, I would hear doors open and close in other parts of the house, and stuff would move around a lot on their own. More than once I would set something down, leave the room for a few minutes, and then come back to the item being in a different spot.
Once I woke up to breathing in my room. Very steady, heavy breathing, like someone trying to calm themselves or meditating or something. Even after I turned on my light and checked the other bedrooms, the closet, etc, I could still hear it, but only in my room (and no, it wasn't me lol). I weirdly wasn't scared or anything, I just couldn't figure out where it was coming from. After I laid back down to go back to sleep, I had what felt like a hand press up against my back between my shoulder blades. Not pushing or aggressive, but like someone just put their hand there.
The weirdest thing that happened was one morning I got up to feed my cat, and while she was eating, the bowl slid across the floor and hit the wall with so much force that it knocked out a bunch of food. Scared the shit out of the cat, who ran across the room (while still eating what was in her mouth lol).
Almost everyone I tell the story to says "Oh, obviously your cat was just messing with the bowl." Nah. She was a kitten at the time, and there is no way she would have enough power or strength to move a bowl a third her size and full of food with the force or speed that it moved at. When I say it hit the wall, it hit the wall. There were little kibble bits everywhere. Plus, she doesn't play with her food like that.
idk what was going on with that house, but like I said, it had some weird vibes.

The IP reason is such a stupid argument in my opinion, because most of the time the company either ends up doing fuck all with it, or teases with a possible return only to say "lol jk nevermind".

My question is, what exactly do they consider 'breaking news'? These days every news story starts off with 'breaking news'. If they want to interrupt me so bad, I'll find whatever I want to watch elsewhere.

I didn't have an account, but I ended up uninstalling the app I was using. I couldn't support it, even as an "outside' lurker. I'm happy to be here though!

I've been wondering the same thing. I really like kbin's interface, so I'm holding out that he comes back before I think about trying another instance.

Subnautica. I always have a lot of fun building out my base and discovering things and poking around, but after a while I get distracted by another game and put Subnautica on the back burner. By the time I get back around to it, I've forgotten how to play and end up starting a brand new playthrough.
Another one is Darkest Dungeon. I have over 100 hours in that game and loved it, but I kind of stopped playing after all the strategies I had been using stopped working and all my parties kept getting annihilated. I was spending so much time recruiting, training, curing, etc that it sort of stopped being fun.

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Yep, I don't torrent that often, and when I do it's usually because something is out of print and all the publicly available scans I can find online are really shitty. The torrents more often than not have pretty decent quality.

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I'm on kbin, but I have the same sentiment. I've said in a previous comment elsewhere, but the vibes and atmosphere are a lot nicer here. I hope it stays that way for as long as it can.

My goal is to ignore irl goals for in-game ones 😤

These are two that might be well known, but I don't really hear people talking about:

  • I use Map Genie quite a bit. It's just a bunch of interactive maps for a lot of different games, but it's really helpful when looking for that one item you're missing, or waypoints in general. It's mostly geared towards open world games.
  • I also use How Long To Beat if I looking to play a new game but don't really want to spend over a certain amount of hours playing. (Although I'm a bit of a slow player, so whatever completion times are listed I have to multiply by 2).

The other reference sites I use like NeoSeeker and Game FAQs are pretty well known and have been around for ages.

Dang, I was really hoping this wasn't true. I was just talking with a friend a couple days ago about how great and iconic James is as Max Payne.

Forgive me if I'm not understanding this correctly, but that just sounds like a fancy nightlight?
Edit: I understand now :)

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I didn't even know this was a thing, and they've already cancelled it.

I have a Note 8, they've now had it for a while where you can single tap to open an app or run a command. But if you choose to do that, double press opens Bixby. So sadly you get Bixby no matter what.

Don't worry, some of us are calling HR on John Lennon too.

I hadn't been to a mall in a really long time until a friend of mine dragged me to one to kill some time before a thing we had going on later that night. I was surprised how busy it was, and how much it had expanded in terms of content. There were a couple of art galleries and even a little tabletop gaming store with a few people playing Catan. The only area that was kind of deserted was surprisingly the food court, which only had a bubble tea place and a sandwich place open.

I live in the wall now.