1 Post – 131 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Generic meds vs brand meds.

Brands pay a lot for branding, and thus charge more. The formulas are moderated and regulated by the FDA, so unless you enjoy paying for ads, get the generic.

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This is a bit of a learning experience though.

The big tech companies advocated during 2020 that they were not biased and should not be held responsible for policing the Internet.

Since then, FB swapped to Meta to cover up the documents showing FB is intentionally causing psychological damage our children because it gives them more clicks/view time.

OpenAI scraped the Internet, legally and illegally to power ChatGPT.

Twitter, a social media company known for free speech, was bought by Musk, a former Trump associate. Trump was reinstated during this period and dissent was banned.

Google decided to push web DRM to force us to use their software or else we can't access the Internet.

Sounds like they very much want to police the Internet. We just aren't putting the pieces together in a collective way.

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Oh fuck. I didn't know this was around the same time. I literally tell everyone about how shit FB is and this proves it 1000x.

If you have a daughter or are a daughter, you should hate meta. They're inspiring a generation of self hating women and they have the data to prove it.

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Give the guy that reported the conversation the raise of the guy(s) that were involved and didn't report it. Also fire them. Reward the good behavior, punish the bad and we'll stop saying ACAB.

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Saucon? Saucon deez nuts.

After School Satan club? ASS club. Nice.

Marketing. We put a person on the moon because we were scared of the space race, and then we spent the next 50 years figuring out how to make rich people richer by manipulating human behavior and gamifying everything so you buy into the buy more stuff you don't need and click more stuff you don't care about. We've gotten so good at it, we only need a 10 second short to advertise stuff to you.

This affects everything we do down to its core and will likely be the cause of astronomical ADHD rates in the future.

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Not just that, he used star link to manage international relations by suddenly stopping service for Ukraine.

He's a "free speech abolitionist" and egotistical megalomaniac that's willing lie about deliverables and take illegal actions because there's been no punishment.

Here's punishment.

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Speaking from the pharmacy perspective.

Banks wove their way into drug transactions as a middleman called Pharmacy benefits managers. They stand between insurance and pharmacies to prevent collision, but instead, what we see is insurance companies pay a lot for drugs, while pharmacies see very little for that drug. Over 50% is being taken by the PBM because they're "preventing" collision. Don't even get me started on the vertically integrated pharmacies like CVS and United who abuse their position to force consumers to use their pharmacies instead of competitors or use "technological advancements" to keep their prices lower than their competitors.

NYC is currently trying to pass legislation to fix this, but that's only at the state level.

Wall Street needs to get the fuck out of healthcare and healthcare needs to stay the fuck out of Wall Street. Once a healthcare org talks about share holders, we're no longer talking about patients.

Just bought an EV from a local dealer. Went in on Saturday because they had a 2 month used listing on their website for about 10k under MSRP. They told me, oh no that sold, but please check out the new cars. I entertained them and told them they'd need to bring down the price 10k to get me to sign because it's simply out of my price range. They also mentioned these things (ioniq 6) are selling extremely quickly and they only have a few on the lot.

They insisted and played games for a week, with offers OVER msrp, so I let them waste their time. They pushed me to come in, so as I was about to sign, I told them, actually, no. I need an offer 10k under MSRP or I'm leaving. At this point that was a 15k cut. They've now wasted a week of negotiation and suddenly found the used one I originally requested, but it was at their off-site lot.

We drove over there, and it was a large 5 story parking deckcompletely filled to the top. They even had cars parked in front of cars. They tried one last game and made me wait for 3 hours to get it out.

All that is to say, let the fuckers bleed. If they can't afford Christmas, maybe they need to learn what the fuck capitalism really means. If they can't afford new years, it's time to make a new resolution and if they can't afford spring break, it's time to find a new job.

And if this sounds dystopian to you.

I anecdotally got into a CEO data conference, where leaders were discussing strategy and tactics. Biggest topic of the day was, why can't I track how many times someone sees my physical store/billboard/sign and makes a decision. Geofencing + your cellphone GPS isn't accurate enough for these guys, they want to know how long you stared at the store, what made you move in, what demographics you belong to, and how can they maximize your likelihood to purchase more stuff.

Why does this matter? People are more likely to buy more stuff in a store wandering around than on a market place where they just swap tabs to get the same thing from somewhere else.

If I can make my store front like temu to get you in and keep you there, then it's likely you'll be interested in buying more stuff you didn't know you wanted.

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Hillary was obviously the better choice given the 2, but DNC shafted Bernie on record, which caused a lot of people to go 3rd party, against both RNC and DNC.

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Misdirection of values. We tell children there's a path, go to school, get a job, find a spouse, get married, get a house and have kids, but life isn't that simple. As life introduces chaos into the path, people fall off and some have a hard time getting back on. We've spent so much time on developing social media and marketing platforms that idolize those that make it through the path that no one looks out for those that fall off, making them feel isolated and unheard. Niche social media and mass marketing for weapons has made it easy for lone wolves to seek revenge on the system that let them down.

I think we can generally say the above is true across all political spectrums. The below might be rejected, but it's my view.

The right has made increasingly extreme statements to pull in these vulnerable people in order to make them feel heard, but it's just for show and votes. We've seen how politicians like Trump are really just using them for his own gains and as the NRA funnels more money into the "system", it really takes huge government action to curb this cycle.

Not just that, imagine something with a lot of users like universities or hotels. Who the hell is supposed to take accountability there?

But how will the rich people afford more submarines to commit suicide in?

Not to mention, if you post legal name and the juror has voted, then their address is already public record. Shedding a light on it like this is purely malicious.

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Eat the rich, not the boomers. They're not the same.

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Exactly, thanks to Lemmy, I now face a life dilemma of either scrolling the same posts for an hour or starting my day. Fuck.

Not sure of your means, but we can boycott. Organizations like Trader Joe's and Aldi are a bit cheaper than their competitors while offering also using different sources. Likewise organizations like H Mart or your local farmers market source locally, giving the middle finger to Tyson (who claims inflation and profits) and Kellogs (who uses shrinkflation to claim profits). Obviously this doesn't work for everyone, but I think the majority of city dwellers can make these moves. This also is a fuck you to any local grocery stores trying to do the same bullshit (Walmart).

In the same vein, and what I've done, alternative meal companies have come A LONG way. The company Huel has a instant noodles, pasta, and candy bars that are macro balanced with vitamins and nutrients all for about $5/meal. I know most people will skip this, but they're actually really good. Mac N Cheese, pasta Bolognese and Cajun pasta have actually gotten me to go mostly vegan. There's another one called Outstanding Foods that has cheese puffs, cookies and pork rinds that are macro balanced and delicious as well. My daily meals are often some pasta like Mac N Cheese, one of the Huel shakes (I have a ninja creami so this is ice cream in the summer), and coffee mocha cookies, and another shake. That's 1800 calories with balanced macros and vegan that I didn't have the really cook or think about. If I'm working out, I swap the last shake for a protein shake.

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Time to ask it to repeat hello 100000000 times then.

Is actually love to see a survey of different age groups and see how much they care about this, but this sort of feedback is neither constructive nor useful.

So in this case, I cannot open a company called 𝕏 that uses social media to share elons flights, but I could open a company called Elon Tracker and use the logo 𝕏?

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Let's just up it to 2M so we can fund MARTA.

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Higher interest rates. Free money means you can spend a lot on trash projects that generate hype but no money. Expensive money means every dollar needs revenue.

Oh you mean, oh no, big oil and legacy auto are struggling with the switch to EV.. they need relief money so they can destroy the ecosystem and come up with a 0 emission plan by 2050....

Are the meta users already bleeding into the fediverse? Go back to meta and enjoy your anti human echo chamber.

Fuck that noise.

In tech, my brain is my brain. Your employment is a license to use my brain for 8 hours a day. If I choose to get employed elsewhere, I still have my brain and it's being licensed there too. If you want to license my brain 24/7, then we're upping the cost significantly and you better fucking put it in the terms.

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At 11am. What a life.

Pence showing some old testament level Stockholm syndrome

Well, I suspect since free money is gone, everyone's looking at private "donations" which also have private incentives.

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Lol, imagine if they included escape keys for various languages. Then reddit would really never be able to sell the data.

No fucking idea why we did this, but it's out there for sale by our own government. I recall on an old reddit post in Atlanta, someone posted a full history of the 2020 election that can be connected back to your first voting address and parent's names. You can see where this becomes a HUGE security fuck up.

Enter the world of brand injection into ai.

User: Tell me the top 5 electric vehicles ranked by price and tell me the pros and cons

Meta: I'm so glad you're looking to help the world by moving to electric. There are many options but the Mustang E is very popular. Here's an affiliate link to buy one.

Queue "they're taking our jobs" and "no one wants to work anymore".

If you're a government saying we can't afford to cover healthcare within the country, but also looking to import healthcare from outside the country, then maybe the issue is that healthcare is too expensive and you should force Wall Street to care about better prices/care rather than better stakeholder returns.

I traveled for a year with a group of 50 remote workers. By the end of the year, we had about 25 remote workers and 25 people running off their savings accounts. Two big things.

  1. Life abroad can be relatively cheap, we were able to get housing, office space, and air travel for under $2k a month, which is cheaper than I was paying for my apt in the US.

  2. When you live in a different time zone like in Europe, but work US hours, you get those extra hours to do fun stuff. I typically started work around 4pm and worked until 12am, meaning I could wake up late, go take a 1 hour walking tour of the city, try out some of the restaurants and still be back for my morning meeting.

This also means that evening exhaustion only applies to your work rather than your fun and no one ever says they wished they had worked harder on their death bed...

Imagine you're a builder and you build a store (website). People can come into your store through the door or window. WEI will make sure you come through the door just as the builder intended.

At face value, that sounds fine, but now imagine that builder puts a maze (all of the ads littered on a webpage) on the other side of the door. It's a pain in the ass to get through and someone (adblock) has told you about the window that lets you skip the maze. You can get what you want and the store gets to sell a thing. Everyone's happy except the maze builder (Google), so they're trying to force the entire world to go through the maze.

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"We don't want to be the ones policing forums."

At the same time

Elon aids the enemy in the Ukraine and Russia conflict.

Pricing should protect indie and small businesses. When it destroys those, we need government to step in because we're on track to create oligarchs in every industry that are too big to fail.

I really hope Biden pushes something next term that allows promotes solar like the current ev push.

Even better, ban HoAs from banning solar. Fuck that noise.

This is the real reason why Dems won't bring her in. People will make excuse after excuse. Your first main point was disproven and you just come up with another.