CheesyCheese1 [She/her]

@CheesyCheese1 [She/her]
3 Post – 26 Comments
Joined 7 months ago
  • inability to pee everywhere

Some trans women choose to keep their penis. I won't judge them for that but personally I don't understand it, this thing makes me hella dysphoric (especially when it goes hard). I sit down to pee all the time, even though I don't need to, it just feels more natural ya know. Hope to get bottom surgery in the future though.

  • period

I wish, unfortunately that can't really happen for me, just another reminder that I'll never be fully female 😭

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That sounds like terf garbage, why are you trying to take away validation from trans women, we're not 'forcing gender stereotypes' onto people, maybe if you were trans you'd understand what it's like to not be able to live life as who you really are and be forced to pretend you're something you are not.

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UwU are you suuuuure that you're a boy 🥚. Wanting hips, titties, and soft skin isn't very cis is it.

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I know it's blue for me too, it just sounds more cute to say "the pink pill" makes it seem more femmy ya know.

Pinnacle of cis male maturity aren't you, cissy.

Who else would such a meme be targeted to especially when this is a women's space.

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"how is this a women’s space?"

> Majority of memes in the community are transfem memes

That doesn't make sense, a person cannot want to be "NonBinary" and also want to be a trans woman at the same time.

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because nonbinary is being neither male nor female and transfem is being a woman, a binary gender. They are not the same thing.

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A feminine gender identity is equivalent to womanhood. People who identify as feminine are also women to some extent even if they don't call themselves women, this is especially true for trans women who are in-denial of their transness (i.e. people who claim to be femboys yet want boobs and pretty faces).

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A gender identity is male, female, nonbinary, and various combinations of male + nonbinary and female + nonbinary (demiboy demigirl etc.) a gender identity is not male + female or male + female + nonbinary (bigender and trigender is not valid gender identity) a gender identity is also not wanting to be an inanimate object, mythical creature, or non-human animals, Xenogenders are an insult to the trans community and what it means to be transgender. If you say your pronouns are catself, dollself, demonself or anything else stupid like that I will not only not use them I will make fun of you for being a sad pathetic piece of shit human who pretends to be trans because he/she finds it so hip and cool, fuck you for appropriating trans experiences.

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Let me put it simply then, Gender is based on sex of the brain, some people have a brain that is male, some people have a brain that is female, and some people have brain deformities that render them neither (nonbinary). The people who claim to be Xenogenders or multiple genders are lying because you cannot have brain sex that is a dragon, doll, demon or whatever, and you cannot have brain sex that is both male and female at the same time. They are pretending to be transgender for fun and appropriating our suffering.

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It's nonsensical, a person cannot be both a man and a woman, these things are polar opposites, like being both hot and cold at the same time it is asinine to say it, this shit is honestly offensive to us real trans people.

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Transfem and enby are mutually exclusive terms, a person can be one or the other but not both.

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Male and female are mutually exclusive, people can't be both male and female, that is asinine. They must be one or the other or neither, can't be both, womanhood and manhood is mutually exclusive.

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Do you want breasts? My friend wants breasts, she also tries to make her voice fem too. It's obvious she isn't cis, she wants to look and sound like a girl

That's different, what you are describing is blatant transphobia. I'm trying to help her realize her trans identity, not deny it.

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Do you like them? If so might want to re-evaluate that first part.

it could lead to serious depression, which could lead to suicide.

Those things also result from Gender Dysphoria, which can be made worse from not passing due to late transition.

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She said she wants boobs tho, how many cis boys can you think of want boobs?

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She's still definitely trans, no AMAB who wants boobs is really cis ya know.

Are you sure you're cis UwU

People can be transgender in-denial. That means they are trans and don't know it yet. I'm almost 100% certain she is trans, even though she denies it. It sucks because it'll be harder for her to pass if she doesn't transition in the near future, that's why it's important to break the egg sooner than later.

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But if she stays in denial too long it could be hard for her to pass in the future and she'd have more dysphoria from that that she wouldn't have if she'd stop being stupid and accept that she's trans whether she likes it or not.

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You think boys talk about wanting to have boobs or practice making their voice girly? Come on, it's so obvious she's a girl.

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Wow, rude. I just want to help my trans friend who is seriously in-denial of her trans identity. Denial is a serious problem you know.

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