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NLRB changed their criteria for what is considered co-employment last month, widely broadening the definitions used to determine this status. Essentially, if a company has significant control (not just exclusive control) over any of a worker's employment status or conditions, then they are considered a co-employer now. It used to be that a company needed exclusive or overriding control over another company's employees to be considered a co-employer.

I'm certain we are going to see more lawsuits and legal challenges from employees because of this. I'm pretty certain there already are lawsuits from some other Google contractors over this exact thing; they are providing a case that Google is their co-employer due to the control they have over every aspect of their work.

Yeah I'm guessing this is a false positive based on heuristic analysis, i.e. the TOR program has a lot of the same behaviors as malicious programs. Of course it is more accurate to say that the malicious programs are copying TOR behavior or just straight using TOR code, whatever the case may be.

My main issue is that it kind of shows a lack of due diligence. I assume the official TOR binaries are signed, so the official TOR binaries should be exempted from these heuristic positives. If the binaries are unsigned/have no valid certificates, then I can totally understand the false positive. At that point, the user should know they are installing software that cannot be automatically verified as being safe, and antivirus should never assume that something is safe otherwise. Like you said, for typical users this should be the expected behavior. Users can always undo Windows Defender actions and add exemptions.

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"When I voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party, I didn't think they would eat MY face!"

Eh, this particular screen is kind if misleading. You say you dont see a "skip" or "do not remind again" button, well that's because those buttons are on the next screen(s) for each individual feature. I've gotten this screen a couple times, just click through and you can skip/opt out of all the features. It's kind of silly, but I think the point is that they want you to look at each new feature individually.

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I'm not sure that these things work the way you think they do... an antivirus wouldn't just look for the name of an executable to be "legit.exe" but rather would look at what the program calls itself in it's manifest, compute the hash for the executable binary file, and compare that hash against a database of known good hashes. If the contents of the executable compute a hash identical to the known good hash, then you know the contents of the executable are clean.

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Also, tomatoes ARE poisonous as they are a nightshade and contain solanine. Same with potatoes. The modern concentration of solanine is negligible, though, so unless you have a sensitivity or allergy to nightshades you should be fine consuming large quantities.

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My biggest gripe right now is how often everything goes down. About 6 times out of 10 when I go to load anything on lemmy it is down, confirmed on

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Planes wouldn't just fall out of the sky anyways lmao. Even if planes lost communications completely they are still operational flying machines. It would just be very difficult to coordinate planes landing at that point. I don't know about the protocols, but I'm sure there exist failsafes to coordinate air traffic in the event of radio communication loss.

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I never understood this obviously toxic take... saying that a cisgendered male crossdressing MUST be trans or trans-curious is exactly the same toxic energy as denying trans women's existence.

Are you folks really gonna say that, for example, Tim Curry is a closet Trans Woman? Because that's the kind of thing being implied by that. Just let people do what they are gonna do and be what they are gonna be, leave your assumptions and judgements out of it.

? Does PayPal not allow this? PayPal has always called me "Praxis" lmao

Um, what party do you think Bernie is a member of? He is pretty famously an independent...

Why and how would the electronics in an airplane be melted? Airplanes are naturally a Faraday cage, and all the components are going to be EMF shielded anyways.

The only thing an airplane would need to worry about with a solar storm is the increase in radiation exposure, and even then it's only relevant for the Flight crew who have limits on how much radiation they can be exposed to per OSHA.

Why shouldn't you ever punch a nazi? Because you might get their nasty blood on your fist. Instead, you should use a baseball bat!

lmao I'm guessing someone who doesn't speak Spanish was told "we are out of ice, make a sign that says 'No ice, no hielo, thanks, management' and put it on the soda machine" and they just rolled with it phonetically

Whenever I see a checkbox or something that just says "Check here to confirm you accept our privacy policy" I think it's funny because all I am legally agreeing to are the words actually in front of me. Sure, I agree with the standalone words "our privacy policy". I'm not sure what that does for you, but i guess "our privacy policy" is an acceptable string of words.

It's also entirely possible that he was literally in the process of backing it up. He could have loaded the data onto it, then gone to plug it to his computer to back it up when it suddenly failed. The article doesn't go into enough detail to draw a conclusion on what he did or didn't do, but the point is clearly that a drive this new and with few write cycles should not be completely failing.

I dont know why, but they completely changed the quote.

Today is a great day for gamers everywhere. Together with Activision Blizzard, we will deliver on our vision to help people connect and play great games wherever, whenever, and however they want.

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My parents and brother just moved from Oregon to Florida... like wtf. At least they have something there for them, uncles who own houses and business there giving them a place to stay and a steady job there. My brother was unemployed and looking to move anyway, but Florida? I'm just hoping they treat it as a stepping stone to getting back on their feet and then move to like Georgia or somewhere else nearby

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if not, make it a farmers market and people can bring the food there.

The suggestion is that this is essentially what is happening. The exact real estate that these buildings will occupy are not likely to be greatly fertile lands. They might not be farmers markets, but it's the same point you're making here.


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When you declare a genocide on a group of people don’t be surprised when they fight back.

So, to be clear here, you are condemning Israel here, correct? The ones who are actually perpetuating a genocide?

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I can understand some of these features requiring a $5/month subscription. Anything more than that is absolutely insane. With roadside assistance (depending on what that actually entails) I could see that sevice being bumped to $15-$20 a month,

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I mean that would hardly hold up to a challenge fir inadequate consideration. The value of all intellectual property in perpetuity is easily worth far more than access to the reddit website.

The post suggests that there are only two options in the scenario: they are either secretly trans, or they are a bigot trying to belittle and insult trans women. They don't leave any nuance for a different option. Dare I say that they have a rather binary way of thinking...

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That's only applicable when someone is altering a coin for fraudulent purposes, such as changing a coin to appear as a different denomination, or melting down coins for their metal. Those acts are considered to be defrauding the United States. Defacing currency in a way that is not altering the denomination or attempting to defraud in some way is not punishable.

Eh, my work explicitly states we can use our work laptop for personal use as long as it doesn't interfere with work. We can even install software if we want, but there are a lot of security features that ensure you can't put anything wonky on there.

That said, I usually steer away from social media on my work laptop, except some highly moderated and text-focused places like resetera.

Sorry, but you made the claim so the burden of proof lies on you.

Treason in the USA is specifically giving aid or comfort to enemies of the United States. As far as I am aware there are no official enemies of the United States, so technically it is not possible to commit treason unless the United States wants to officially announce a foreign power as an official enemy of the US, which would be a possible casus belli against them. Treason is a tricky charge to try.

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Most corporations are vastly reducing the cadence at which they replace hardware, given that new hardware lifecycles are much longer both in terms of reliability of the hardware and the performance compared to newer hardware.

Besides, that isn't even an appeal to tradition, because they aren't arguing that something is correct because it is traditional, but rather specifying that the tradition is de facto practiced and accepted.

It's not built in afaik, but with Power Tools you can change the governor on the fly

Call me Ishmael, cuz I got a Moby Dick

What makes you say that dispensaries can't pay their employees in cash? That's a total legal and fine thing to do... why wouldn't it be? A business cant pay their employees in money? I know plenty of people who are paid in cash, including a few dispensary workers...

The manifest (at least how I am using the term) is whatever metadata a file has, and the format and location of this metadata can differ between operating systems. Usually the manifest is generated by the operating system based off of header data from the file itself, and details about the file that the operating system can deduce, such as file size, origin, location, file type, etc. In Windows you can view this info by right clicking/opening the context menu on any file and selecting "Properties", on macOS by opening the context menu and selecting "Get Info", and on other OSes such as linux/freeBSD it will be something similar.

There are other usages for "manifest" depending on the context, for example a manifest.xml would be something a developer would include with an android app that has configuration settings and properties for the app.

Yeah, at the very least I don't see how the US could declare someone as their enemy without declaring war on them. Declaring someone as your enemy is basically saying you are going to war with them, even if it is a cold war.

Ok wtf this is literally spot on, my work supplies breakfast and it's always different but my two staples are a monster (usually the zero ultra, too...) and stepping outside to hit my vape...

I never said this was a bad value, but I think we all know that these prices will not remain. They will increase because people will pay it once they are locked in. And if someone buys a used car, they have to pay that subscription to get these features, ensuring the manufacturer gets a slice from used sales. I can understand the cost, but it sets a dangerous precedent. It should be one time fee that grants the VIN access to the severs permanently. What would be really nice is if we had legislation that requires companies with a certain amount of revenue to maintain services for older products so they can't just pull the plug later anyways.

You made up me making up stuff. I never misrepresented anything in my comments, so your claim that I have made stuff up is a lie.

You do understand that your comments are incomprehensible, right? Do you need someone to call a doctor?

You can go ahead and stay wanting tho, as I'm sure you are used to.

And what is an nlbr? Or nlbl? It seriously appears that you are suffering from an aneurysm.