1 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh, thanks! I didn't notice :)

This statement assumes that the Presidential candidates have any intention of "serving the country" as far as I can remember, they've only been interested in serving themselves, and all benefits and consequences the county saw was purely a coincidental side effect.

14 more...

Cool, so YouTube will start putting pop ups that require you to consent to the detection in order to watch videos. That's what everyone did with the whole cookies thing when that was determined to be illegal without consent.

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Fun fact: there will be no tomorrow when the water runs dry

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Replace "violent video" with "competitive" and you'll find the same result.

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Honestly surprised that Tesla allowed him to modify his car without charging him a $30,000 fine or something.

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This is the malicious compliance content we all crave.

Wait, you're not taking about hockey?

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I think it's a mindflyer parasite. If you hear it talking to you, make sure not to listen.

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Let's be fair here. While that is the point of the Scott and Ramona story, the movie didn't really put a lot of effort into portraying that. The comics went a little more deeply into that dynamic and fleshing out the relationship, it was still pretty much the background against the character personality showcasing, and over the top dramatic fights. The movie really did nail the vibe and the characters but the whole "I think I learned something" and the end of the movie really downplays the "lesson" of the whole plot. So much so that I don't think Scott himself even fully understood the actual lesson he just learned. Just that what he was doing was wrong, and needed to change, but not why and what exactly it was he needed to change.

Great movie for sure, even better comic series, but a deep complex plot it isn't.

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It's religion. The truth doesn't matter, only the practices and values they want you to adopt do.

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When he wanted to remind us to turn off lights, he'd yell "save electrodes!"

When he was splitting wood with the "kabunger" (splitting maul) he'd yell "katabuungie!" When he swung.

When he'd drop wood on his toe he'd yell "GOTDAMMITSONOFABITCHGRAAH"

As someone who has 14 month old identical twins, I was almost positive this would happen. We painted their tiny toenails to try and avoid that. At this point we they are different enough we can tell them apart. Everyone else struggles, but we can tell easily

Move to Mars? I doubt that's likely. If we can't unfuck our own mostly functional atmosphere, what makes you think we can fix Mars's

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No. Captcha is used to train AI and other recognition algorithms. We would be training them to think that to be human is to be inappropriate and offensive.

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I think it's just human nature to get enjoyment at making other people upset. It comes from a lack of empathy, understanding, and perspective.

When I was young, my cousin and I would hop into randomly chosen public chatrooms on MSN, or Yahoo, and just start typing stupid messages. We'd spam the chat with constans messages of "booger" or "poopy fart" and watch people get annoyed with us. Sometimes we'd pick a random message from someone and call them out telling them "hey {username}, shut up stupid." The whole chatroom would get mad and tell us to leave, or to stop, and that made us keep doing it more. For a good half hour to 45 min, the entire chatroom was having a bad time except us, who were laughing out heads off at how mad they got and how compeley powerless they were to stop us.

We were also 10.

We haven't experienced how annoying and frustrating that actually is. We didn't understand or even care just how disruptive we were being, nor did we care about our contribution to making the space a bad space to be in. We, as children, didn't have the empathy, compassion, or perspective of experience to care about that, and were just reveling in the attention and the power to force a group of strangers to focus on us and not what they originally wanted to.

Some people eventually develop empathy, self awareness, gain perspective on the world, or otherwise come to understand how immature these acts areof getting joy at being annoying, and stop. Other people don't. The internet is home to people in all different stages of their life's journey, and a lot of them haven't reached that point yet.

Some troll because they're immature. Some do it because they actively dislike a community and pettily get joy at annoying them. Some people just like the attention. People are complicated and weird, and often hard to understand. There is just one thing that will always be true:

As long as people exists, so too will trolls.

And they'd be mad that the damn dirt Labor union won't let them have 24 hour shifts.

And there will be beaten and abused workers agreeing with them because they've been convinced that working 24 hr shifts would be better for them.

The only thing I wanna hear about r/place is if it is full of fuck spez, or not.

nothing mild about this. this is straight enraging. I hate youtube.

You mean the Chinese company that put keyloggers into their firmware, said sorry we didn't mean to when they were called out for it, but still didn't remove it?

Yeah... I'm gonna go with not much better.

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Me running to the bathroom after getting halfway through with the 3rd cup.

I've been using liftoff to pretty good results

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Yeah, but over $1k is less than $6K. So... Worth it?

TikTok just starts showing a lot of Bill Cosby shorts for some reason.

Man, I can't wait until the day I don't exist anymore. My existential crisis is that I'm currently forced into existing.

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I think we're all confused by the question.

Well they're right in one aspect, the rest of America has lost their minds for sure. The part they're missing however, is that they themselves are also mindless.

It's great for me. I started there and it's still good. The admin seems cool too, staying on top of updates and addressing issues that pop up.

Is that not just 2.4 trillion?

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In other news: water is wet.

I mean, I came here to give Reddit the middle finger, but I also didn't know it existed before. Now that I do and I've been learning about the fediverse, I really like the idea. I think this concept is a good idea, and I'm actually glad to have joined the day before this whole separation drama thing kicked off. I've learned a lot about how this works, and can see the real world impact of an instance defederating.

Annie's 12 years old, in 2 more she'll be a whore.

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And just like meta, they've taken it and ruined it faster than anyone thought possible.

Wow this is an actually interesting question. At first it kinda of seems ridiculous that a provider of age restricted content put the onus of said age verification onto a completed unrelated company. To say the manufacturers of devices capable of going online are the ones responsible for verifying the age of the user seems backwards, and a little unfair to the makers of the devices.

But on the other hand, they make a good point that if one company is collecting info on users to verify if they are legally old enough to view the content, and if they are required to get legal documentation to prove it, That could be a security concern. If the site collects that information from it's users and their network gets compromised, the hacker obtains the legal documents of all of its users. However if you have your device get a certification of your age and be able to pass that cert to a site, and a hacker compromised your device, they would only get the information of that one user. In this way it would act like getting a drink wristband at a concert or large event. Instead of having to show your ID to a bunch of different people, you show it to one, and everyone else just sees that you've been verified of legal age without needing to see the actual ID.

On the other other hand, since personal devices are fully in the hands of the users, it would be pretty safe to assume that users will be able to trick the device into believing they are of legal age with relative ease, so it's effectiveness might not be that great.

Idk man, this is kinda interesting.

I mean I am excited for the potential the fediverse has, but I do wonder how long until it becomes enshitified too. Every great new invention that serves the needs of the people always goes downhill at some point. Remember that television networks used to be an amazing platform for all our needs.

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Can't find clothes, there's only soup.

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I totally agree. There were some moments where I felt he was a little off, but ignored them because I wasn't familiar with the group dynamic. Also got some real sketch vibes from Brian Foster, and wasn't surprised to find out he was a slime ball pile of shit. The way the crew responded to his style of "humor" really made me feel like they weren't super comfortable with him.

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In the end, nothing. I had a good solid 9 months of a job I loved, with decent enough pay. But then tanks to corporate execs laid off the entire IT team and outsourced it to a staffing company and reduced the size of the team from 100+ to about 8.

I'm still there because I still need the pay, but now it's just like every other garbage corporate job out there. Miserable and soul sucking.

I'm not sure, but just in case:

Rock and stone!

Idk man, I've never gotten married and it's been fine for me. My girlfriend and I have been together for 14 years, have 2 kids, and our family is all that has kept me going through this shitty world. Never married though, so many there is some truth to the advice.