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Joined 1 years ago

Honestly, a much much higher salary. There are lots of things I'm going to have to deal with if I were to go back to the office; namely heavy traffic, transportation expenses, added stress, clothes (I mean, I'd have to use office-appropriate clothes whereas nowadays I have to be presentable only when I have meetings), food, waking up and preparing earlier than usual (sometimes up to 3 hours earlier!) and getting home late which gives me less free time, etc.

They're going to have to offer a really lucrative salary for me to even consider returning to the office.

8 more...

So we printed the entire Linux kernel source code including my driver in 5-pt font

Please tell me you used comic sans.

4 more...

Kbin is pretty new, no apps, and faced a lot of issues during the wave of incoming redditors. Some lemmy instances did, too, but there were more of them so there were alternatives when one crashed. If we compare to a big instance like, it's not doing too bad.

Tildes is invite-only so I don't think they wanted to grow that quickly in the first place.

15 more...

I see Empress is still subtle and classy as always.

I don't think so. A lot of people value their IG accounts, so it's more of a trap. If deleting their Threads account means losing their IG account, they won't do it.

2 more...

First of all, I'd like to say thank you and that I appreciate your work. Lemmy is great and I've found a new home (at least for the foreseeable future). I first joined once I learned about lemmy, and I have to say I had a good experience there. You guys even responded directly to my noob questions, and I honestly felt welcome which helped me decide to stay.

My questions are about account migration. As you may have already seen, I'm not with anymore. The reason is I saw you guys stickied a post encouraging users to use different instances (since the server was having trouble with the influx of redditors at that time). I figured I'd help by first moving to a smaller instance. I have no regrets, although switching was a bit tricky since I had to start from scratch.

What are your thoughts on account migration? Is it in the works or is it something that's a little far into the future? No pressure since I know you guys are busy with other stuff.

5 more...

With a 4.7 rating? Really, you guys? What's going on there?

27 more...

I really like it. The community is also really cool. More like a small town feel than a huge city like reddit. I hope I don't have to move anytime soon.

2 more...

I would rather implement a way to export/import account data.

This is perfectly reasonable. I think a lot of users will be happy with this. Also, I agree with the view that lemmy isn't focused on individual users. We have X, Mastodon, etc. for that. Thanks for the response!

“It is simply impossible to solve the issue of inflation in conditions ... when the military-industrial complex receives unlimited funding, when everything they ask for is given to them, when the share of this military-industrial complex in the economy grows at a very rapid pace,”

Fuck Putin and his stupid war. It's always the masses that suffer.

5 more...

r/place (at least last year's did) ends with a whiteout. I was asleep when this happened, but I'm 90% sure this happened because r/place was ending and not the other way around.

9 more...

"Dumb" is too strong a word for the way the questions were worded. I know some users here are on Tildes as well, or Squabble (idk if that's how you spell it). Doesn't mean lemmy is THE alternative - just one of many minor ones. Also, being on lemmy doesn't mean you're not thinking of moving away specially with Meta's arrival.

6 more...

Dude was forced to buy Twitter because he couldn't stop his big mouth. Seems he hasn't learned. Lmao.

Tbf, I think that underlines what he was saying. He has no idea where he is, or that he is already participating kbin.

Compare that to reddit, and it's more complicated.

15 more...

For me, at least, there are companies worth pirating stuff from. I don't pretend to be ethical in any way, although I do avoid pirating from indie devs. It's been a long while since I pirated anything, tbh. I just like the community here and it's nice to keep up with the news.

4 more...

Don't quote me on this, but I've read lemmy is a few years old already while kbin is just a few months old (3-4 mos?). Add the number of instances (i only know of 3 kbin instances) and you can see why it didn't take off the way lemmy did.

I agree. Purely text-based sites need a certain kind of audience/users. I love a good discussion/debate, but I need my memes, too. Lol.

9 more...

You know what? I never even thought about that. I agree 100%. That's gonna be a tall order for companies, though. I mean, different people probably have different requirements to be comfortable.

2 more...

Thank you for this. I was kind of on the fence because of its ties to google but this helps a ton.

10 more...

I don't think the mod refused to respond if this is to be believed. It seems Reddit sent a message but at a bad time (for the mod). He apparently never got a chance to respond.

1 more...

As someone who almost drowned as a child, swimming is up there for me.

Dang. I forgot about the stutters. It felt... Bloated somehow? Idk how to describe it. Joey, on the other hand, felt pretty "light" to me. Easier to navigate and you can personlize it, too.

r/place would have been successful even if zero protestors even thought about going there. That's the unfortunate reality. You gotta understand that in terms of traffic (this includes bots and streamers), we're nowhere near reddit to make any difference.

Given that, what would we have accomplished had we just stayed silent? I'm not saying all of us must participate (that would be stupid of me), but we can still do something despite the odds.

A lot of people are blissfully unaware of the protests. A lot of people don't even know spez. Much less knows about the fediverse or other alternatives. I think it's worth it to even get those people thinking why a lot of people are reacting to spez that way.

5 more...

Another thing I keep forgetting to add is the exposure. I'm honestly shocked at how mamy people are ignorant to the protests. A lot of them don't even know who spez is. Even if they don't leave reddit, they'd at least have an idea of what reddit is becoming.

Would they care? Maybe not. But they can't even decide for themselves if they don't even know wtf is going on.

3 more...

Still waiting for LinusXI Pro Max.

I personally don't want lemmy to end up as a reddit replacement. I'm scared the discussions will get worse like it did in reddit. Nowadays, people in lemmy actually discuss with you and not downvote-bomb or make a snarky comment for karma. I do hope we grow, though.

5 more...

I know a lot of doctors who are overweight/obese, have unhealthy lifestyles, and/or make dumb personal decisions. I go to doctors for their expertise in their fields; that doesn't mean I'd trust their personal decisions.

1 more...

Sort by new. This isn't reddit.

There's no evidence. If they wanted to censor "fuck spez" they would have done it from the beginning. They were censoring nipples and piss - why did they leave those? There were tons of them all over the canvas, with a big one by various communities towards the end. Plus, it's a known fact that admins remove all color but white towards the end - that's why this was planned when people knew r/place was ending.

I also don't see anyone mentioning reddit going down anywhere. You're the first one to mention it that I've seen. You have links that reddit went down? Legit Q because not even the discords I'm in mention anything about that.

7 more...

Ah yes, the old "It's still engagement" angle.

Do you really think it would be a major addition to their views if even a whole major instance of lemmy joined? The bot accounts alone being used there would overshadow the number of lemmings that engage there. And that doesn't even count streamers with tens of thousands of minions. Even if 20,000 lemmings went there, it won't make a mark. A lot of people, shockingly, are still ignorant of what happened. Idk how that's even possible but there you go.

They. Will. Get. Their. Views. Regardless.

Might as well get something out of it.

Your engagement is more important to them than your message.

Not if your message would prevent them from using it for advertisers. They've been removing nipples, dicks, piss, guillotines, etc and people still put them there. How do you think advertisers will react to that when they don't want their brands associated with "unsavory" stuff?

2 more...

How is lemmy in terms of accessibility? I hope it goes well for them.

8 more...

Bring your subs here. I'm sure you'll find new subscribers in lemmy/kbin. We're still growing so it might not be immediate, but I'm confident that as the fediverse matures and it gets simpler for people more will come. :)

I'm staying. The community has been nothing short of amazing. I don't get stressed when commenting or discussing things with people unlike reddit where a lot of interactions (not all, of course) are directly or indirectly motivated by karma.

Hell,I'd never have commented this if I were on reddit for fear of someone coming along and debating what I've said. Lol.

4 more...

That's what I've been told as well. I think that's why there needs to be approval to appoint mods now. I think the bigger issue is why reddit let that sub remain for as long as it did. It had to be covered by the media for it to be banned (iirc. or was that a different sub?).

Edit: yeah, it was Anderson Cooper who did an expose focusing on that sub.

4 more... (or even the infamous lemmygrad) was never intended to be the flagship instance afaik. I first signed up on but one of the first things I saw was a sticky from the devs to choose other instances. That's primarily why I looked for others (I wasn't aware of these "rumors" back then). It just happened to be the biggest at that time.

Personally, as long as their political beliefs aren't being pushed on lemmy then I don't see anything wrong. Many of us came from reddit, and they're not exactly without controversies - that never meant we supported or even believed in some of those.

The people who stick around might start thinking the Tankies make some good points.

Then it's up to them to educate themselves. We've all been exposed to things we disagree with.

With stuff like push shift and way back machine

So much this. I don't get why people don't remember this first thing when it comes to data storage.

I'm not going to argue for/against the article. However,

we need laws and policies promoting open access and sharing of knowledge, not maximizing profits through contrived scarcity

As a fan of FOSS (and the Open Source community in general), I completely agree with this. Sharing knowledge can do a lot of good.

A lot of the posts say they couldn't make an account or lemmy is ugly. Well..

  • it's not our problem if your dumbass can't even handle signing up. If you're that incompetent to be unable to sign up, good luck with piracy.

  • lemmy is ugly? Ok that's subjective. There's also kbin which looks great (imho) on desktop. Lemmy-wise, our apps (in fucking alpha) already look better and function better than the official reddit app.

Let them stay there. It's ironic those "pirates" prefer to support big corpo. Shows what they really are.

Edit: and that breaks my "X number of days without browsing reddit." Tbf i only looked at that post. Yeah, that's what I'll tell myself to feel better. Lmao.

Honestly? Yes. I've tried to make it work twice, both times because of the chat feature. Couldn't stand it. Playing videos is 50/50, threw a few errors at me that I never experienced with TPAs, it's highly unintuitive specially with those huge ads taking up most of the space.

Yes. It's awful. It was so bad I stuck with a TPA and just used chat (if I had to) on browser on my pc.

It'll get easier. We all had issues when we first got here. Now it's as simple as browsing...well...reddit. Lol.

Kudos to you. I've tried to degoogle myself (I'd say I was moderately successful until my last company came along), although it's been a pretty irritating ride. Now I'm still very sensitive when it comes to security and privacy but not to the extent I was before.

I misplaced my phone a few days ago and didn't think of looking for it until just yesterday. The only reason I did was for OTP for my banking apps (browser and Paypal still asked me for them). If not for those, I think I can pretty much go without a smartphone, tbh. My PC and laptop, though? Can't.

Running your own search engine sounds very interesting. How steep would the learning curve be? And is it feasible for only personal use?

4 more...

Yep. During my very short (6 mos) stint as a tech support rep for Dell, I've learned to assume your customer is an idiot. Even when they're using techie terms or jargon (and at times more so). Never assume other things besides that or you'll probably regret it.

You have to be very clear and precise. A single misunderstanding can take a simple problem a lot of time to get fixed.