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Joined 7 months ago

Thank you for acknowledging that billionaires existing is a political problem. Glad we can agree

Homeopathic products contain zero dose of active ingredient, not even a microdose

It's illegal to ask you not to discuss wages in the United States. Violation of federal labor law.

The rising of the sea is astronomically slow, so there's a lot of denial about it. It's already a minor (maybe moderate?) problem here on the east coast of the US. Boston, NYC, and Miami are already seeing more flooding during storms than they saw historically.

But if there's someone who is willing to pay for a waterfront property despite the risk, then there will always be someone willing to sell it to them.

But here in Boston, we're finally starting to see new construction projects taking future sea level rise into account:,and%20protect%20the%20surrounding%20neighborhood

A child isn't going to find that. A rescuer who isn't familiar with Teslas isn't going to be able to find that.

I couldn't even figure out how to open a fully functional door from outside the first time I got in a Tesla. I'm an adult who's been driving my entire life.

That's not innovation; it's a safety hazard for the sake of the aesthetics of a handle that doesn't stick out. I don't view that as a reasonable trade-off.

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This is the way. Downvotes are for pseudoscience and bigotry, not harmless differing opinions.

I just wanna say that I appreciate the hell out of you.

"Person watches X creative and clearly fictional content" is not analogous in any way to "person watches X video essay crafted to look like a documentary, but actually just full of lies and propaganda"

Don't be ridiculous

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I mean, yes. People are stupid. That's why we have safety regulations. This court case is about a lack of safety regulations.

Pharma companies are basing pricing for these one-time-in-a-life-dose drugs on supply and demand principles. There will never be high demand for these drugs because the conditions are so rare. And only needing to be dosed once for a complete lifetime cure means that there is no recurrent payment happening the way you would have with a drug that needed to be dosed repeatedly over a lifetime.

You'll hear all the usual excuses about "muh R&D costs 😭😭" but the truth is they're pricing it this way because they can. Because somewhere in the bible of capitalism, this is the way things work.

(R&D costs are just an excuse for greed:

I'm not reading the manual of the Uber I'm about to climb into. A firefighter isn't going to read the manual of a car they're trying to pry me out of.

I DO read the manual on the Kia I actually drive. To read about the recommendations for the tires. To read about replacing fuses. To find the load hauling capacity. Not how to open the fucking door.

safety shouldn't influence artistic choice

Did you really just string those words together in all seriousness without a hint of irony? And that folks is exactly why we need the NHTSA.

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Star Trek. It's a whole plotline with O'Brien

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"Depends on what day it is and which direction the wind is blowing" is how I like to describe my gender

Way cooler than Pinus Contorta, gotta give you that one

Generalized convulsions are a pretty well-established effect of nitrogen toxicity.

"In the few experiments in which nitrogen was breathed for 17–20 sec unconsciousness supervened and was accompanied on most occasions by a generalized convulsion."

Known in the scuba diving world as "getting narced" (nitrogen narcosis)

"In severe cases, divers have been known to experience convulsions, possibly causing loss of consciousness in extreme cases."

I grew up on the Ohio/WV border. This would have made my childhood significantly more interesting lol

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Lie. Cheat. Steal. Kill. Win win. (Everybody doing it.)

MOV. Belpre/Pburg.

I'm on book 8, and if you can believe it gets even better. I'm a little speechless about it.

Sure thing, troll ✌️

Mandatory government positions for four years in a country with 330 million citizens. You're fucking delusional.

"Join the Mobile Infantry! Guarantees citizenship!"

They made a whole ass parody of this, you know that right?

Just reinstate the assault rifle ban.

That's it. That's the entirety of what I would do.