1 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Reddit Refugee

What lies? A video exists.

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Or use Firefox

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Make it easy for yourself and just block the user. Did the same thing and I'm totally fine.

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I can feel the same emotions as others and am able to communicate without any misunderstandings.

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Edward Snowden showed that the US is spying on their citicens but nobody seems to care. But when China is doing it, everybody seems to lose their mind.

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Library Card

Depends on your local library but I have for example unlimited E Books included.

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Did this once on a second date. It overwhelmed her. Never saw her afterwards.

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So far what I learned, is that many factors play into attraction. Looks are one. A big factor for me is also seeing someone as an equal. Fuck dates are fine with much younger or older ones but dating and a relationship, nop. I want to take the other one serious, I want to be in about the same stage of life experience, to have similar goals and similar pop culture references (tv shows, music, games that we played as kids). Seeing someone as an equal comes with similar age for me.

Not sure where you got this from... Most Animes are based on Mangas (comic books). And they existed long before Disney.

Choju-giga What many believed were the very first manga in Japan appeared in the 12th and 13th century, in a series of drawings like frogs and rabbits titled Choju-giga (Scrolls of Frolicking Animals) produced by several artists.

Disney was founded on October 16, 1923, by brothers Walt Disney and Roy Disney as Disney Brothers Studio

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A family of 4 going to the theater is about 1TB of external SSD. Nowadays they are smaller than your regular phone.

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Cross the "people" and than you have what most people think about vegans.

There are a lot of good news all the time. For example: I'm pro veganism and always heard that vegans make up about 2% of the population. Recently I heard that specifically in my city about 8% are vegans. That's amazing!

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People do this? The valve is maybe worth 5 bucks if you buy it as new or probably 1-2 as used. Pretty sure it's not about the money.

They are supposed to shit in small bags and take them with them and dispose them only when they are back to the ground. Of course nobody can control you, if you pop just down from the edge.

The number of birds killed by cats per year matches ironically the number of animals us humans kill per day for food if we include marine animals. 😄

Edward Snowden showed that the US is spying on their citicens but nobody seems to care. But when China is doing it, everybody seems to lose their mind.

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My PC that I've just built last summer is not able to upgrade to W11 despite still having the best AMD components available. How is this going to work out?

Edit: I figured it out. I needed to reset my CPU settings in BIOS. Now my system reaches the requirements.

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That's a good post except for the political titel.

As you already have so many Youtube extensions, you should check out sponsorblock. It lets you automatically skip ads within the video itself. And if not done yet, you can do it yourself for the community.

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Can totally tell you, that most people do not care. They do get training and notifications but they don't try to learn. The only people that actually care about it are some techies and the CFO.

Isn't Jailbreaking a thing anymore for iPhones? In the past when I had one, I had it all the time.

Unless you are living in Berlin or Vienna. Than it's like "Story Mode/ Easy Mode"

Where did you got that one from?

That's ok. There are more than enough sources to learn about it. When you are ready, you are going to do it.

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I recently paid €80 for a 1TB Samsung 990 M.2and €160 for 4TB Crucial P3 M.2 with half the speed. I feel like the prices are great. And I can easily spot the difference in my every day use compared to my 10 year old 5400rpm hdd that costed about the same back than.

What are you talking about? Who is them? Why would anybody care about that little bit of carbon in your body when every single human "consumes" much more every day?

It's already in the name 'hair die'

I came

There are still ways to do that. A friend of mine loves to mess woth Telas. He can open their charging door with a device.

You make it sound like they are forcing you to do so. You have the freedom of choice.

Scientific fields use metric all the time. It's just some folks that prefer it the old way even if it makes it harder this way.

Those two things are not linked.

Maybe there is a difference between being forced to do something and being free to do it or not.

The only thing you can actually change is yourself.

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I don't know anything about it from a scientific ground but I know about myself. I am what ai consum. I'm also a big fan of boredom because it activates creativity. The more I leave my phone in my pocket when I've got nothing to do, the more creative I get. I believe that this also plays into having longer attention spans. But not completly sure how. Maybe somebody else has an idea?

Got both 😂

So calming

It is much more nuanced 🙁

By your logic almost every human would be intolerant. Big example is eating and exploiting animals.

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